Chapter 138

"Why did the world become like this? The zombie virus is indeed terrifying, but there are not no more contagious diseases on the earth. Although this zombie virus is scary, the way it spreads through blood limits its harm to people. Zombies are scary, but are they really invincible to real troops? But why hasn’t there been even a formal armed rescue for so long?” Outside the church, Qin Fan, who was standing on a table, asked all the people present. Thousands of people fell into deep thought involuntarily.

indeed!This zombie is very scary, but can a zombie with only teeth be able to fight against a soldier armed to the teeth?Could it be that all the soldiers in the world have become zombies now?But is this really possible?You must know that the vigilance of soldiers is higher than that of ordinary people, right?However, once a soldier turns into a zombie, there is no essential difference from the zombies turned into by ordinary people. Among the tens of thousands of zombies, ordinary people can struggle to survive, and there are countless weapons in those armies. All the soldiers were killed by zombies?

"Punishment!" Qin Fan's voice made everyone present tremble like Huang Zhong Dalu: "Punishment from heaven, punishment from the will of the world! I think everyone is very clear about what human beings do. We You have done too many wrong things, this world can't stand us, the extinction of human beings is the best punishment for us parasites living on the earth, human beings are hopeless and do not deserve to be redeemed, you are all damned , death should be the best affiliation for you parasites, so... pray! Pray that the world will give you damned people a chance to live, and pray that the world will give you parasites a chance to survive!"

If it was a few hours ago, Qin Fan's words would only make everyone present scoff, but not long ago, Qin Fan beheaded those who wanted to rebel with inhuman power, and then used even more weird abilities After seeing everyone face-to-face and healed the seemingly dying people who had just been beaten, the image of Qin Fan, a reserve envoy, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Now Qin Fan, let alone the zombie virus is the will of the world for mankind Even if he said that the end of the world came because of God’s stomach upset, and the virus was God’s fart, these people would carefully consider whether this extraordinary virus came from sweet potatoes or soybeans!
"Redemption..." The few people who had just been rescued by Qin Fan's answer to the Death God Realm immediately knelt down devoutly, and the people behind also randomly knelt down and prayed piously!

I have to say that this foreign religious belief is powerful. Many white people have the habit of worshiping, so they are very familiar with prayer. Qin Fan is satisfied with the wave of luck value transmitted through the luck collector. nodded.

The reason why he gave such a hard speech just now was not because others were crazy about acting, but because after healed the few people whose mothers who were beaten didn't know each other, Qin Fan took advantage of the opportunity to fool the other party. People like this, immediately began to pray to the luck collector designated by Qin Fan, and the result was beyond Qin Fan's expectations. Originally, Qin Fan thought that a person who was killed by him would contribute about ten points of luck. Ordinary people can provide luck ranging from ten to twenty points after concentrating on praying. Qin Fan found that the more he prayed, the more luck he provided, and one of them seemed to be a Catholic himself. Maybe he used to pray a lot before, but when the doomsday came, his wife and children turned into zombies and then he gave up his faith, but when Qin Fan pulled him back from the hands of death, he seemed to have found Allah all at once. He provided Qin Fan with 27 Luck Points alone. You need to know that it depends on the size of the other party. Qin Fan estimated that if he killed him, he could get 1 Luck Points. He probably had an event bonus, but he just knelt down. After praying there a few times, more luck points were generated, which made Qin Fan very interested in this luck collector, which was not very promising at all, which is why Qin Fan worked so hard to be a magic stick , and as the so-called hard work pays off, Qin Fan's efforts were not in vain. Just this wave of prayers contributed more than 1000 points of luck to Qin Fan. You must know that this is only more than 80 points. Personally, and there are many fish in troubled waters among them, Qin Fan estimates that if he really got millions of [-] believers, and prayed a few times casually every day, then his luck would be worth... Thinking about it, it is really true A little excited!

After settling these lucky milk cows, Qin Fan decisively exchanged another [-] terminators and began to ask them to look for survivors and preach on his behalf. Scroll and then go directly to the world of Young and Dangerous!
Qin Fan plans to make a big one this time. Although the world of walking dead is very suitable for preaching, but the human base is too limited, and the communication is not developed. It would be too troublesome for Qin Fan to search for survivors from country to country, so Qin Fan is going to send The second luck collector is placed in the world of Young and Dangerous Boys, and if you want everyone in this world to become a loyal believer of your second sword god stick, then you need to use some unconventional means!

He went directly to Liang Kun's entertainment company, but before Qin Fan could ask where Liang Kun had gone, a staff member was taken aback when he saw Qin Fan: "Mr. Qin Fan, aren't you going to attend the Hollywood film festival?" huh? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"What?" Qin Fan was taken aback by what the other party said, but he immediately realized that what the other party was talking about should not be him, but a liquid metal robot that he left behind when he was leaving last time.

But the task was completed inexplicably, but the movie he was preparing was not yet finished, so Qin Fan simply left a liquid metal robot and continued to work in the world of Young and Dangerous Boys in his own appearance, while he himself He left this world, and now I think that the person who came to the film festival said by the other party should be the Terminator who incarnated himself.

"Has the movie been finished?" Qin Fan asked in surprise.

"Eh..." The staff member was taken aback by Qin Fan's words, but he finally said, "You mean the guardian of the earth? Didn't you finish filming three days ago?"

"Have you finished filming? That's really great!" Hearing this, Qin Fan smiled slightly, ignoring the strange eyes of the other party, Qin Fan turned around and walked out, he was going to continue the film The release of the movie is a good way to promote the "Last Day Salvation Cult" that I have formed!
(End of this chapter)

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