King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 139 T-3500

Chapter 139 T-3500
"...The end of the world is approaching, and the only way to be redeemed is by joining a religion!" On the red carpet, facing countless flashing lights, Qin Fan suddenly shouted.

The inexplicable sound made the originally noisy scene suddenly quiet. You must know that Hollywood in this world is also the world's top film and television center. There are very few Chinese who can be on this stage. In fact, if it is not because of today's Hong Kong is still a concession, and with the endorsement of the Governor of Hong Kong for a period of time, otherwise, no matter how outstanding this movie is, it is impossible to be on the red carpet. But even so, most people are not very optimistic about this movie from the far east, but No one thought that the only yellow face in this film festival would say such a sentence inexplicably at this time. There was no blockbuster, no uproar, but more disdain and chuckle.

"Is this your Chinese religion? I heard that people in your country like to wear braids and have strange witchcraft!" A reporter suddenly said.

At this time, the world is only in [-], and computers have just started and the Internet is not as developed as later generations. Many foreign countries' understanding of China is still in the cheongsam and coat, so it is not surprising to ask this question.

"Salvation in the last days! Remember this name, maybe it will save your life!" Qin Fan said calmly, but at the same time, two white security guards had already quietly walked up and pulled Qin Fan down. , and the reporters didn't have the slightest intention of continuing to ask questions. On the contrary, they watched Qin Fan being dragged down as if they were watching a joke. In their opinion, this was nothing more than a grandstanding for this Eastern monkey. Maybe they wanted to take advantage of this Let’s promote it in a way of alarmist talk, but obviously this guy is too naive. Don’t say that the movie became famous because of his alarmist talk, it is very likely that the original movie will be forcibly removed from the shelves because of his alarmist talk. After all, no matter which country it is, it will not allow a cult that has never heard of it to carry out media propaganda inexplicably. Don't think that these countries that always like to talk about freedom and democracy are really so free. It's just a gimmick of the journalists. If there is absolute freedom, and everything can be reported and publicized, then this country would have been in chaos long ago.

However, when some media reporters were talking and laughing because of the farce just now, a commotion in the distance suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"It seems to be fighting?" Someone asked suspiciously.

The noise in the distance gave everyone the first feeling that this year's film festival was really lively. Suddenly there was a cult member who stood up out of nowhere, and now there are still fights. The cult may be strictly prohibited from publicity, but in the film It is estimated that some people fight with hands in the festival, and it should be able to be reported....
However, just when these reporters were about to go over to see what happened, the original noise was gradually replaced by screams. It seemed that the fighting had escalated. One person seemed to be thrown down, and the other Lie on top of that person... bite again?
"Bang bang bang..." Several gunshots rang out, and the zombies who were chasing people frantically were knocked down to the ground. These security guards who maintained order were all carrying guns, and they had no sense of being a leader at all. When shooting those zombies, they shot them twice, one shot to the heart and the other to the head. The zombies that caused the chaos were all killed in an instant.

There is no way not to be ruthless, these people suddenly go crazy and bite people when they see them, and even some security guards were bitten, no matter how kind the security guards are, they can't make fun of their own lives, and they have the right to make these people crazy people were killed on the spot.

This sudden end really surprised Qin Fan. Qin Fan released a total of ten zombies. He thought it would cause a lot of chaos, but he didn't expect it to be resolved so quickly. However, Qin Fan's purpose But they have already reached the Tao. Although these zombies only killed three or five people, they bit many people in the chaos at the beginning. The deadly virus has been lurking in these people's bodies. I believe It won't be long before it spreads in this world, and some people should think of the name "salvation at the end of the world" by then...

"Sir, please come with us!" Qin Fan's remarks just now, and now such a thing happened again, it is hard not to connect the two things together. In fact, this zombie is indeed Qin Fan. What was released, but just letting two security guards come over casually is a bit too child's play.

With a casual wave of his hand, Qin Fan said to the liquid metal robot not far away: "I will leave the rest to you! Just follow our plan and build the sect's framework as soon as possible. I left ten One T-1000 and one hundred T-800 will be under your unified management for the time being, and it doesn’t matter if they are exposed. In short, before I come back again, I want to see a chaotic America!"

"Yes!" The liquid metal robot did not hesitate at all. Not to mention the zombie virus, even if only ten T-1000s were used to carry out a secret assassination, it would be enough to collapse any country in the world.

"This is the original solution of the virus. If the zombies outside don't meet your expectations, you can use this to carry out a large-scale infection!" Qin Fan handed a special transparent bottle to the Terminator and then exchanged it for a time travel scroll. But he looked down at the two headless corpses on the ground and shook his head slightly: "Mortal!"

Accompanied by the rapid changes of the surrounding scenery, Qin Fan came to a wonderful world, surrounded by strange purple vein-like things covering the world, Qin Fan seemed to appear inside a huge plant, and with the appearance of Qin Fan The purple veins suddenly squirmed, and then something like tentacles stretched out from around and came straight to Qin Fan.

Without any action, Qin Fan's figure has disappeared with a thought, and in the next second he has come to the surface of the moon and appeared in front of a huge palace. The whole palace seems to be built on a barren hill with a dark background. There is no blue, and there are no plants around, only this luxurious palace looks particularly abrupt.

"Master! You are finally back!" The submissive girl suddenly appeared beside Qin Fan, knelt down on one knee and said to Qin Fan respectfully, but it surprised Qin Fan who was surprised at the palace in front of him.

"You..." Qin Fan looked at the woman who stood up slowly with some surprise. She had long black hair and a graceful figure, and she was wearing a well-fitting leather dress. But Qin Fan was sure that he had never met her before: " Are you a Terminator?"

"I'm Eggy, I just borrowed this body, it's the T-3500 I developed first!" The woman said with a decent expression.

"T-3500?" Qin Fan glanced at the other party in surprise, then suddenly stretched out a finger and shot out a white thunder, but the thunder light carried on the woman's body didn't even break through the black leather coat.

"I have dissected the Kryptonian you left behind, Master, and I found a special genetic code in his body. Using these genetic codes, I have upgraded the Terminator many times. Combined with the original Terminator, this It is the latest model, its strength has been improved a lot, and the original energy pool has been completely cancelled, its pure combat power will not lose to that Kryptonian sample!" The woman said calmly.

"Oh! Can this type of Terminator be mass-produced?" Qin Fan said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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