King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 140 The Mother Box

Chapter 140 Recycling the Mother Box

"It's my turn!" Consciously being beaten into a mess, Qin Fan didn't care about anything this time, and with all his strength, he punched the Vajra Barbie in the head, but it was beyond Qin Fan's expectation again, Qin Fan The fist clearly missed the opponent, but the King Kong Barbie's head exploded strangely, but this time it was different from the state when Qin Fan exploded his arm just now, this time the King Kong Barbie's head exploded. The moment Qin Fan's fist passed through the original position of his head, he suddenly retracted, but he directly wrapped Qin Fan's arm in that head. It looked as if Qin Fan punched through the opponent's head, but The party involved, Qin Fan, knew very well that it was not he who pierced the opponent's head, but the opponent grabbed his arm with his "head".

And the original thick arms of King Kong Barbie slowly turned into two cones at this time...

"Ding, ding, ding!" As if the sewing machine had become more refined, the two cones crazily attacked Qin Fan's chest. King Kong Barbie who still wraps Qin Fan's arm in the opponent's head can't get rid of it no matter how Qin Fan uses teleportation.

"Flying dragons attacking thieves, shaking the sky and thundering cannons..." No. 88 broke the road at zero distance and directly blasted the Vajra Barbie. It made Qin Fan look very bad.

"Master, are you injured? Do you want to end this test?" King Kong Barbie looked at Qin Fan seriously and said.

"No need!" Qin Fan spit out two words coldly, but his body disappeared again, and the next second, he appeared behind the opponent and put his hand on the opponent's shoulder.

The sudden change, the Vajra Barbie immediately grabbed backwards with both hands that did not conform to the human body structure, but...
"Six sticks of light..." His hands suddenly stopped a few centimeters from Juli Qin Fan's body, and Qin Fan also quickly backed away, and at the same time...
"Locking with locks, Nine Luminaries!" said two consecutive bindings, and then...
"Flying Dragon Smash Thieves Shocking Thunder Cannon x100" A hundred pillars of thunder formed from around Qin Fan and then blasted towards King Kong Barbie who was trapped by the triple bound. This move was used by Kisuke Urahara against Aizen in the original book Of course, Qin Fan replaced the thousand-handed bright sky titanium cannon with a flying dragon and a thief-shocking thunder cannon at the end. Although it changed from the 91 breaking path to the 88, but under a hundred combos it was Let the breaking power of No. 88 far exceed that of No. 91 used by Kisuke Urahara in the original book.

"Boom!" The huge roar was accompanied by an unparalleled shock wave that spread to the surroundings almost instantly. A huge transparent energy shield that originally enveloped the entire palace was instantly shattered by the shock wave, and the surrounding air that was originally indistinguishable from the earth spread to the surroundings instantly. It's just that the energy shield formed again in the next second, and the already thin air became full again, and under Qin Fan's gaze, the King Kong Barbie who was blown into pieces by the blow just now slowly gathered again, Almost back to normal in the blink of an eye...

"I'm going... This is simply a high-tech version of Majin Buu!" Although Qin Fan didn't want to admit it, but this thing Qin Fan is really out of control, this thing is almost immortal!
"As long as the T-3500 is in a place where the yellow sun shines, its energy is unlimited. In this case, unless it is smashed at the atomic level, he will not die!" King Kong Barbie faced Qin Fan Said.

"Okay! You won!" Qin Fan waved his hand to end the battle. This high-tech is not ordinary, and it is meaningless to continue this battle: "Take out 3500 T-3500s to go, indeed, Suppress and kill all the monsters on the earth at the fastest speed, right! Will the mother box affect the T-[-]?"

"If it doesn't grow positively, it shouldn't be affected!" Eggy said while controlling a T-3500.

"Should?" Qin Fan frowned.

"There is not enough information on the mother box, so I can't give an accurate answer, but I can immediately send T-3500 to collect the information." Eggy said again.

"No! Follow my order to let the T-3500 kill the monster with all its strength, and leave the mother box to me!"

You must know that in the Justice League, Superman's strength is absolutely top-notch. Even against a boss like Steppenwolf, he can almost crush it, let alone against a group of ordinary demons who can only be regarded as minions. The T-3500, which is more powerful than Superman, is scattered all over the world, and the places it passes can only be described as devastated. It is the state of a mammoth elephant rushing into a crop field, and it almost collapses as soon as it passes by. A large area, but at the same time, Qin Fan's luck value also increased rapidly, and several million were earned in almost a few minutes, which made Qin Fan truly feel the true meaning of the murder and arson gold belt.

"Are you sure the mother box is in there?" Standing in front of a huge metal robot sitting in front of a huge mountain, Qin Fan suddenly felt like he had gone to the wrong theater. Isn't this Nima Optimus Prime?

"Steel Bone absorbed a lot of machinery after being completely assimilated by the mother box, and his body has completely changed into its current form. However, since his consciousness has completely disappeared, he will not take the initiative to attack anyone unless he makes a strong attack on it. , The three mother boxes have been sucked into his body by him, if you want to recycle the mother box, you can only take out the mother box by entering the inside." Dandan's voice came through Qin Fan's earphones, but Qin Fan couldn't help but frowned.

"It's not feasible to attack from the outside? This thing doesn't look very strong, so it's over if you take it apart?" Qin Fan asked puzzled.

"Because of the energy supply of the mother box, this mechanical body has a very strong recovery ability, and the mother box itself has a special teleportation ability. If the robot is seriously damaged, it may be directly teleported away." Dandan explained to Qin Fan.

"In that case, we can only explore the tiger's den!" Although Qin Fan has no adventurous spirit, although there are not many simple attack skills, there are many ways to save his life, so Qin Fan is not worried about entering here. In case of any fatal danger, even if it limits his teleportation ability, at worst, he can just unfold the scroll and leave this world. Qin Fan has never encountered a situation where even the teleportation scroll can be invalidated.

"Through satellite scanning, the internal map of this huge robot has been uploaded. Multiple energy reflections have been detected inside, and there should be guards. But the owner can rest assured that these mechanical guards are all indirectly generated through steel bones. Now the steel bones are not autonomous. Consciousness, so even if the master kills all these guards, as long as the theme of the steel frame is not destroyed, the mother box will not be alarmed and let it escape!" Along with Dandan's narration, a light blue light beam came from Qin Fan's ear One end of the headset projected a light screen directly in front of Qin Fan, but inside the light screen was a three-dimensional map with chaotic passages.

"Why do I suddenly feel like playing a video game?" Looking at Guang Ping in front of him, Qin Fan said with some emotion.

"Then I wish Master a happy game!" Eggy's voice came through the earphone again.

"Hehe!" Qin Fan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and grabbed a steel plate that the giant robot was located in, and then pulled it hard, revealing the black passage.

(End of this chapter)

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