King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 141 The Mother Box

Chapter 141 Recycling the Mother Box

"Boom!" In the high-tech metal tunnel, a robot with a strange shape was paralyzed in the tunnel with a slight electric spark. However, standing in front of this scrapped robot, Qin Fan's expression was a little bit eccentric.

Walking slowly to the robot, Qin Fan carefully looked at the wreckage of the robot, and saw that the shape of the robot was somewhat similar to a praying mantis with two legs, and the legs were even more similar to those of a kangaroo. What Qin Fan paid attention to was not the shape of the robot, but the very obvious scratches on the surface of the robot, which looked like they had just been picked up from a garbage dump, but among these messy scratches, Qin Fan However, Fan saw a very regular and special scratch.

There is no mistake, this should be caused by myself not long ago, Qin Fan lost contact with Eggy after entering the body of this huge robot, not only that, Qin Fan was surprised to find that his see-through eyes could not penetrate the surroundings However, since he did not encounter any danger, Qin Fan did not have the idea of ​​exiting immediately, so he walked towards the room where the mother box was stored according to the map passed to him by Eggy, but he hadn't waited for him to go out. No matter how far away, I encountered that kind of praying mantis robot and launched an attack on him, but of course Qin Fan would not care about this level of attack, he dealt with it and moved on, but it didn't take long The same robot appeared again, so Qin Fan solved it again as a matter of course, but as he solved more and more robots, Qin Fan discovered a problem, that is, the robots he encountered at the beginning were brand new , but as time went by, after he destroyed more and more robots, the robots that reappeared looked more and more worn out. It stands to reason that if the dungeons were played according to the normal game, they should appear later The strength of the monsters is strong. Even if these robots are defective, they should be placed on the periphery. There is no reason that the deeper you encounter these robots, the more dilapidated they are. So Qin Fan began to keep an eye out and destroy them again. After dropping a robot, he deliberately left a few scratches on the wreckage of the robot that only he could see clearly. As a result, the new robot had those scratches on its body.

Looking around lightly, Qin Fan didn't return to the robot and continue walking inside as before, but jumped up suddenly and punched directly in the direction of the ceiling.

The reason why he did this was not Qin Fanxian's pain, but because Qin Fan felt that he seemed to be lost, or fell into some kind of trap here. Those robots were obviously destroyed by him and he didn't know why. The reason recovered again, and what Qin Fan was particularly concerned about was that according to the map, he should have walked out of this corridor by now, but for some unknown reason, no matter how he moved forward, this corridor seemed to have no end , so Qin Fan didn't leave at all. He was going to go up anyway. Wouldn't it be more convenient to go straight through the ceiling and go up to the second floor? However, something Qin Fan didn't expect happened again.

With this leap, Qin Fan came to the metal ceiling and punched it almost instantly, but he didn't directly smash through the ceiling like Qin Fan expected, and he didn't block Qin Fan's attack because of the toughness of the metal plate. , Qin Fan's body passed through the ceiling easily as if passing through a phantom, and after passing through the ceiling, Qin Fan immediately felt that he was shrouded in darkness, but there was a bright tunnel under his feet, as if standing in the dark Looking at the lights in the house through the window at night.

It seemed that something was wrong suddenly, the huge space was completely replaced by pitch blackness, but in the map that Eggy left him, although this road was the only one leading to the mother box, it should be on the side. There are other passages that exist, but now there are only two possibilities for this situation, one is that I have gone through the wrong passage, and the other is...
"What are you doing!" He sighed a little boringly, and the violent energy spread to the surroundings in an instant, and the pure energy actually formed ripples visible to the naked eye in the air, darkness!bright!At this moment, the energy ripple became distorted, but everything was completed in an instant, like a gust of wind blowing, the surrounding darkness was instantly dispelled, accompanied by the sound of a few machinery burning not far away It caught Qin Fan's attention, and what surprised Qin Fan even more was that he did not know when he had already stood in a spacious hall.

"Oh! It's broken!" A female voice sounded like a girl next door. In front of a robot that was destroyed by Qin Fan not long ago, a person was holding something like a laptop in his hand, his hair was messy and his clothes were wrinkled all his life. The scruffy girl in the dress said in surprise.

Qin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly. After experiencing so many worlds, Qin Fan has long since lost the habit of judging people by their appearance. The other party seems harmless to humans and animals, but you must know that Qin Fan's body is so strong today that he is not afraid of any harm or harm. Negative state, but judging from the surrounding environment, either the place I was just now is not here, I was moved involuntarily, or the surrounding space moved, or I was affected by illusion, so What you see is not the essence. The second kind may not need to be said, just because it can affect him is enough to make Qin Fan afraid, but if it is the first kind, Qin Fan's eyes can't see through, which also shows that The means of the man who made it all are strong.

"It's broken, it's broken, this one is broken too, ah, ah, it's really troublesome!" The girl didn't seem to see Qin Fan at all, but ran back and forth between several robots in a hurry , and in this hall, there are as many as a dozen robots of the kind that Qin Fan destroyed not long ago. What surprised Qin Fan was that as the girl ran up to a robot, she would put the robot in her hand. The notebook is connected to the robot, and then the ink-like black substance will slowly pour into the robot from that thing, and then the damaged robot will miraculously recover after the black substance flows through. The robot, which looked like a model, instantly became animated.

"Bang!" A thunderbolt directly penetrated the robot in front of the girl, and the robot that had already stood up went limp again.

"Huh?" Seemingly taken aback by the thunder, the girl subconsciously looked in the direction of the thunder, but the next second, she panicked and hid in the limp robot as if she saw something mysterious and terrifying. Behind him, he pointed at Qin Fan with disbelief: "You, you, why are you here?"

"Uh... hey!" Obviously Qin Fan didn't expect the other party to ask such a question, but he was only stunned for a second, and then he suddenly raised his hand and shot another white thunder...

"Bang!" With a flash of lightning, the girl's head exploded, red and white scattered all over the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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