King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 142 God Carved World

Chapter 142 God Carved World
On the bustling market, Qin Fan, who was walking leisurely, was still so bright and outstanding. Looking at the clothes around him, it is not difficult to see that this should be an ancient world, and from the occasional martial arts people who are not official but armed It can be seen that this should be a martial arts plane!
That's right, Qin Fan traveled again, without the pressure of luck, Qin Fan seemed very leisurely this time, just like taking a vacation, visiting these ancient places of interest is indeed a good leisure... not to say Is Yihonglou here?Why didn't I find it?

"Son!" Qin Fan felt that he had been patted on the shoulder, but his body stiffened involuntarily. It wasn't that he was hit by someone's acupuncture point, but mainly because the sentence of son made Qin Fan hesitate to turn his head back. When Qin Fan turned around, the person who patted him on the shoulder turned to Qin Fan first, looked at Qin Fan with surprise and shouted: "Son, I found you!"

"Are you sick?" Qin Fan looked at the other party with a somewhat ugly face, didn't he bring such a thing?You don't take advantage of it, you really haven't been beaten?

"Baby son, I have found you!" It seemed that Qin Fan didn't see the ugly face at all, and the other party wanted to give Qin Fan a hug while speaking.

Not to mention that the other party looks crazy, just looking at the appearance, disheveled hair and clothes that have not been washed for many days is enough to make people stay away, but directly reaching out to hold the other party's head directly blocks the other party from the body, to be honest If it weren't for the fact that he just received more than 20 billion luck points, he was in a good mood at this time, and Qin Fan might not be able to kill this mental illness directly.

"Son, what are you doing? Hurry up and let Dad hug you, wow, son!!!" The guy actually started to cry while speaking.

This time he was crying and laughing, needless to say, Qin Fan could tell that this old man must have mental problems, but even so, Qin Fan was not happy to be called by his son one by one: "Old bastard, look clearly, I'm your father!" Qin Fan said with some dissatisfaction while pushing him away.

"Nonsense! I don't have a father, I only have a son, son, don't you know your father? Look, how similar we are!" As he spoke, he brushed away the messy hair to reveal the face that had not been seen for many days. Washed face.

However, while waiting for Qin Fan to speak, some spectators gathered around because of the two of them, but they were the first to speak: "Old man, you must have mistaken someone! You are much prettier than this ugly ghost!"

There are many desperate people in this world. Hearing this, Qin Fan looked coldly in the direction of the voice, but just as Qin Fan was hesitating whether to kill these people first and continue his leisurely vacation in another world During the trip, the guy with mental problems quit: "Nonsense! Who dares to say that my son and I don't look alike? I'll let you see if we look alike!"

While speaking, he suddenly flipped backwards, then landed on all fours, and then his dantian bulged slightly but suddenly shrunk, and then his palms suddenly slapped out, with invisible palm strength, but they slapped directly on the man who just laughed at Qin Fan. on the person.

"Boom!" The violent force sent that person flying away almost instantly. The group of people who were watching the excitement thought they were watching a free farce in which a lunatic molested a fool, but they didn't expect that there was no money to watch farce on the street. He is killing me!Immediately, the pedestrians who were watching the excitement fled to the surroundings one after another, and only Qin Fan and the madman were left in the whole market.

"Haha! Dare to speak ill of my son, damn it! Hahaha!" Seeing that he was slapped to death by his own palm, the man was not surprised and guilty, on the contrary, he was as big as haha, while Qin Fan, who also saw this scene on the other side, showed his face. Relieved expression.

(You can’t be wrong! This should be a toad skill? Then in this world...)

Although Qin Fan has never practiced Toad Kung Fu, this set of Kung Fu is so distinctive, just like Qin Fan's appearance, as long as he has heard of it, he can recognize it at a glance.

In all fairness, this set of martial arts is really good. It gathers the internal force in the veins into the dantian, and then uses it in one breath. It is full of explosive power and can be regarded as extremely fierce. It is estimated that the effect will be better if it is paired with the immortal Changchun kung fu. Of course, this low-level His martial arts are already dispensable to Qin Fan now, but since he recognizes the opponent's martial arts, the world is about to emerge.

"The Legend of Condor Heroes!" After Qin Fan pronounced the name, the feeling of being connected to the world reappeared!
"Who is so daring to kill innocent people again!" An angry shout came, but a group of people performed light kung fu from a distance and landed not far from Qin Fan and the old lunatic.

There were three people who came, two men and one woman. It is worth noting that one of them, an old man with disheveled hair and an iron staff in hand, was blind.

The Condor Heroes, Qin Fan, has watched quite a few versions. As soon as these people appeared, Qin Fan immediately guessed that they should be the main characters in The Condor Shooting, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, and the old blind man Ke Zheng'e. .

"Ouyang Feng!" The woman dressed as a young woman spoke first, as if she was very surprised to see that old lunatic here.

"What are you guys doing? Are you trying to snatch my son!" The old lunatic Ouyang Feng immediately put on a defensive posture to block Qin Fan when he saw a few people coming. It seemed that he really regarded Qin Fan as his son. .

"Hey!" Qin Fan said that he was also very helpless about this, and it didn't make sense, but he looked at the three people opposite and said directly, "Old lunatic, I'm really not your son, but I can tell you , your son is dead, and he was killed by these three people in front of you! Go find them and take revenge!"

"What? Impossible, how could my son die, no, no! My son is not dead, you are my son, he is my son, right? He lied to me, right?" Hearing Qin Fan talking about his son Already dead, Ouyang Feng immediately went berserk, turned around and asked about Guo Jing and the others.

"He didn't lie to you! Your son is indeed dead, and today you are going to die too!" This time it was Ke Zheng'e who spoke. No need to think about raising the iron staff and throwing it at Ouyang Feng.

"Master, I'll help you!" Even if Ouyang Feng was insane, he would still be a member of Wujue, and Ke Zheng'e's martial arts were considered second-rate in the world, so he was worried that his master would be at a disadvantage, so Guo Jing immediately took action. Qin Fan shrugged his shoulders in the first scene, and said to himself, you guys fight, I will not accompany you!

"Your Excellency is so provocative, do you still want to leave?" Seeing that Qin Fan wanted to leave, a voice of dissatisfaction came from Qin Fan's side, but it was a young woman who hadn't made a move and came to Qin Fan with a dog-beating stick Block the way.

(End of this chapter)

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