King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 14 Feeling Overwhelmed

Chapter 14 Feeling Overwhelmed (Please recommend)
Qin Fan, who was inlaid in the giant tree upside down, had a look of disbelief, no wonder he didn't believe it, it is said that Xiao Feng's martial arts were all practiced by him one by one, and now Xiao Feng is only 40 to 50 years old, even if he is He began to practice in the womb, and Nezha's reincarnated internal energy will definitely not exceed [-] years, right?Yu Linglong herself has a hundred years of skill, even if she doesn't consider the supernatural power brought by her Qixindan, she should crush the opponent, but with that palm just now, Qin Fan felt as if he was standing in a strong wind , He flew out without using half of his strength, which made Qin Fan feel as if he had punched the cotton with his fist, and he was very uncomfortable.

"The surname is Qiao! They are fighting with each other, but you are sneaking up on me. The beggar gang pretends to be the largest gang in the world!"

"No! This group of stinky beggars are despicable villains. I think this leader Qiao deserves his name and deserves his reputation!"

Feng Bo'e and Bao BuTong were both pressed on their acupoints at this time, although they couldn't move their mouths, they were not idle, and began to mock.

Xiao Feng glanced at the two of them coldly but didn't say much, but stretched out his hand to help Chen Guyan, whose face was as golden as paper, and then looked at Qin Fan coldly and said: "Huagong Dafa really deserves its reputation, Xingxiu Sect wants to Are you against my beggar gang? Ding Chunqiu!"

It turned out that Qin Fan had just used the Beiming Divine Art but it was mistaken for Ding Chunqiu's Transformation Art. However, the two exercises are very similar, so it is not surprising that Xiao Feng misunderstood it!
It's just that Qin Fan was not happy: "I'm your grandma!" With a vigorous swing of his arms, the big tree he embraced broke like paper, and someone who hadn't calculated it poked his head down on the ground and fell down …

Getting up from the ground with a black face, Qin Fan glanced at the crowd, and unexpectedly, the crowd who saw his embarrassment didn't show any expressions of ridicule, on the contrary, they all looked at him with strange and alert expressions.

No wonder these people are careful, there are many strange people and strange things in the Jianghu, and there are also many people with strange appearances. Qin Fan is definitely not too weird, but the palm that Qin Fan met with Xiao Feng just now really shocked everyone. At this time, even though Qin Fan looked embarrassed, who knows if this ugly man did it on purpose, so watching Qin Fan get up from the ground, he didn't dare to show the slightest contempt.

"Master Qiao, I heard from my son that although Ding Chunqiu is fierce, he looks very handsome. He should not be Ding Chunqiu as a hero!" The older one of the two girls standing beside him suddenly said .

Indeed, Ding Chunqiu is a traitor of the Xiaoyao Sect. The first criterion for the Xiaoyao Sect to select disciples is good looks. Ding Chunqiu has also practiced the Immortal Changchun Kung Fu, so of course his appearance will not be too bad!

Qin Fan couldn't help but nodded when he heard the girl speak for him, but there seemed to be something wrong.

Anyway, Qin Fan's purpose today is to poach the wall, and the two girls are willing to speak for themselves, which shows that their first step is very successful.

"The beggar boss! Do you beggars do anything else besides framing good people? If someone dies, you can rely on him, Mr. Murong. If you can't beat them, you will say that I am a demon and heretic. They all say that beggars are shameless. I don't think you have any Do you know what a face is?" Anyway, Qin Fan is also a former otaku who has been in the forum, he has no experience in martial arts competitions, and he is an ancestor when he swears at others. Compared with otaku, the difference is not even a star!


…. A group of beggars all showed expressions of dissatisfaction and anger, but no one dared to really step forward again. There was no way that Chen Guyan was still smoking there at this time!Although this ugly ghost refused to admit that he was Ding Chunqiu, but Chen Guyan had obviously lost his internal energy, this evil skill would never be wrong!

It may be a preconceived relationship. From the beginning to the end, these people thought that Qin Fan used the Huagong Dafa, but this is also understandable. After all, the Huagong Dafa itself was created by Ding Chunqiu with some Beiming magical powers combined with poisonous kung fu. Admitting mistakes is also a matter of course.

Taking a deep look at Qin Fan, Xiao Feng was secretly startled. From his point of view, Qin Fan's martial arts were definitely superior to his own. On the surface, he had the upper hand in that palm just now. In fact, he knew it well. That blow caused me to suffer a lot of internal injuries, and it is not difficult to see that the opponent is not proficient in using Huagong Dafa. Dissolving Elder Chen's internal energy distracted most of his mind, so much so that when he just met his palms, he didn't know what to do. He didn't feel the opponent's inner strength, and he seemed to be receiving his full strength with his physical body. Even so, the ugly man didn't seem to be hurt at all. His martial arts skills were simply appalling, and the beggar gang provoked such a formidable enemy...

"Papa!" Xiao Feng suddenly stretched out his hand to untie the acupuncture points of Bao Bu Bu Bu Bu and Feng Bo E, and then cupped his fist at Qin Fan over there.

"The Beggars' Gang is the largest gang in the world. It will investigate clearly if it is right or wrong. It will not wrong a good person, but it will never let an enemy go. I, Qiao Feng, will definitely investigate Brother Ma's matter. If it is indeed Murong Fu's doing. I, Qiao Feng, will definitely avenge Big Brother Ma personally, if it wasn't for Murong Fu's so-called Qiao Feng, I would personally take the blame, everyone, please!"

Xiao Feng's words made it clear that today is the end, but Qin Fan didn't say anything more.

To be honest, Qin Fan was a little worried that he would not be able to beat the opponent!Qin Fan found out that he has a fatal flaw, that is, he can't fight!
Qixindan gave him an inhuman physique, but he was still a dead house who didn't work hard and didn't distinguish between grains and grains. The number of fights from childhood to adulthood was only a handful, and he was still at the level of Wang Baquan before he crossed. A martial arts master, even an ordinary hooligan, Qin Fan would never be able to beat him regardless of his physique, and Qin Fan felt it when he confronted Chen Guyan just now. Now that Xiao Feng is ready, if there is a real fight, Qin Fan is very worried that the opponent will keep kiting him.

In fact, Qin Fan is still inexperienced. At this time, he and Xiao Feng are fighting like an adult with the aftereffects of a stroke and a one- or two-year-old unarmed child. Moreover, his stroke is not so severe that he cannot move at all. In fact, he is only on the left and right. Ba Yi kicked the ground and drew a circle (Imagine the picture and it feels a little weird?) Although the child is very sensitive, it is impossible to injure an adult with his bare hands. On the contrary, as long as he touches the opponent, It is absolutely possible to make this child unable to get up, so if he really fights, Qin Fan's chances of winning are at least [-]% and it is impossible to lose. It's just that the lack of experience in the world and the lack of fighting experience is pitiful Qin Fan couldn't see this at all.

"Hmph! At that time, my son will definitely welcome Mr. Qiao!" Feng Bo snorted coldly and said to Xiao Feng and the others, and then came to Qin Fan together with Bao Budong and said, "Thank you for your help, brother. Otherwise, I would have been eaten by these stinky beggars!"

"No! What they want is food, why do you want your stinky meat? Haha!" Bao Budong interjected from the sidelines.

"Hehe! I'm Qin Fan, I've heard that third brother Bao is funny, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation!" Qin Fan clasped his fists at Bao BuTong.

"No, no, no..." The bag was different and still wanted "no", but the slightly older woman next to him interrupted again: "Third brother, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave first!"

At the same time, a large number of beggar gang disciples came over not far away, and it seemed that it was not easy to see the menacing appearance.

Qin Fan knew that Quan Guanqing had brought someone here to find Xiao Feng's trouble. In fact, Qin Fan wanted to help Xiao Feng, but somehow he stood on the opposite side of Xiao Feng. Fortunately, he didn't bother to care about this poor boy!Of course, Bao BuTongYuanYi didn't know the reason for Quan GuanQing's visit, he both nodded immediately after hearing the woman's suggestion, and Qin Fan didn't want to care about Xiao Feng's nonsense, fortunately he followed the four of them and left the right and wrong place.

 I received a notice from the editor today. It seems that I will sign a contract. I lay in bed and thought about it.Cough cough, those who want to vote for recommendation, hurry up, when I become a god in the future, you will brag with others and say that Guigu God is the one you hold up, what a face!Don't say I won't give you a chance, hurry up, it may only take a day or two for me to become a god, and it will be too late for you to vote after I become a god!


(End of this chapter)

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