King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 13 Finding faults

Chapter 13 Finding faults (recommended)

It is said that Qin Fan, who walked out of Songhe Tower, wanted to catch up at the beginning, but even though he had the blessing of internal strength at this time, Lingbo's micro-steps were very mysterious, but he was not familiar with life, and he had lost his goal a long time ago. After wandering around the small town for a whole stick of incense, he didn’t even see Xiao Feng’s shadow. Fortunately, Qin Fan wasn’t really stupid. After he calmed down, he saw a beggar passing by on the side of the road. After flipping through, I quickly got some information, so I started Lingbo microsteps and ran out of the city!
On the other hand, although Qin Fan's random entry made Xiao Feng leave Songhe Tower early, but because he didn't compete with Duan Yu, it didn't affect the plot of Qiao Feng's encounter with the disciples of the Beggar Gang. At that time, Xiao Feng had already captured Bao BuTong and Feng BoE.

Originally Qin Fan came here with anger and wanted to settle accounts with Xiao Feng, but when he glanced over the crowd over there, he suddenly saw two young girls, and he was taken aback for a moment!
Just thinking about it for a while, Qin Fan already guessed that it must be because of his own relationship that Duan Yu was not captured by Jiumozhi, so Wang Yuyan was not attracted, and the two girls in front of him should be Murong Fu's if he did not guess wrong. The two maids, Azhu and Abi!

What surprised Qin Fan was Azhu, but Qin Fan didn't expect that Abi was also quite pretty, and the two beauties who were alive and well made someone look a little dazed, and then thought of the following Looking at Xiao Feng over there, Qin Fan rolled his eyes and a vicious plan had already formed in Qin Fan's mind.

"Hey! Look down on me, right? See if I'm poaching your corner, are you afraid?" Thinking of this, Qin Fan Lingbo moved sideways with slight steps, but a few dodges had already appeared in front of Azhuabi.

The moment Qin Fan showed up, many people were surprised. The Xiaoyao Pai Lingbo Weibu is definitely the number one movement technique among Tianlong. Qin Fan has been using it on the road these days and is quite familiar with it. It is absolutely rare in the world to stimulate the posture to move like a fairy, even the four elders of the beggar gang who are not superficial see this movement, but they are surprised, and then they can't help but secretly marvel when they look closely: " What a... ugly ghost!"

Qin Fan naturally didn't know what other people were thinking, so he secretly glanced at A Zhu behind him and then laughed out loud: "Haha! I've heard about the name of the Beggar Gang for a long time, but now it seems that they are also a group of people who turn black and white to bully the few." It's just rats!"

"Presumptuous! Bold!" Qin Fan's words are tantamount to stabbing an ant's nest. This group of beggars have nothing but their fame. It wasn't because Qin Fan's agility just now was really weird, someone would have come up to chop him long ago!
But even so, the beggar gang looked at Qin Fan with vicious eyes.

Qin Fan doesn't care about these, the purpose of coming today is very clear, just to find fault!

Because Qin Fan knows very well that the reason why Ah Zhu likes Xiao Feng is largely because of his admiration for heroes, and because Xiao Feng has saved her life many times, it is only natural that this admiration has gradually turned into love. But these things are all because no one will interfere from the beginning to the end, but now?Qin Fan questioned that he didn't have much experience in picking up girls, but if he doesn't know how to pick up girls, wouldn't he cause damage?

You like heroes, don't you?I beat Xiao Feng all over the place looking for teeth. I don't believe you can still fall in love with him. Thinking of this, Qin Fan pointed at Xiao Feng with one hand and said in a daze: "My surname is Xiao, I have always listened to South Murong and North Xiao Feng, thinking you and Mr. Murong Qi Ming is such a great hero, but now he is also a despicable villain who bullies more and takes advantage of others!"

Xiao Feng, who was also paying attention to this side all the time, also squinted his eyes slightly, his eyes were cold, but he was secretly suspicious, what was the intention of this ugly man in front of him following him from the Songhe Tower?His tone seems to have something to do with Murong Fu, but there seems to be a provocative intention in his words, and his intention is hard to figure out, it seems not simple.

Although Xiao Feng has always appeared as a tough guy, his thoughts are definitely not unreasonable. If he is really just an ordinary stupid and bold, it is not his turn to be the leader of the huge beggar gang, but this time he is obviously wrong. There is no conspiracy, I came here to find fault entirely because someone's fragile self-esteem was hurt, and I became angry after putting my hot face on someone's cold buttocks, thinking that you look down on me so badly, I will have trouble with you!

"Hmph! Where's the stunned boy? The gang leader's surname is Qiao Mingfeng, and the rumors in the world are also North Qiaofeng South Murong, boy! You didn't even ask for your name and you are still barking here, it seems that you really don't know what to do!" The person who spoke It wasn't Xiao Feng but Chen Guyan, the elder of the Beggar Clan.

In the original book, this senior elder in the Beggar Gang used a poisonous scorpion to hurt Feng BoE for the first time, but this time it seemed that Qin Fan's intervention was affected, and Xiao Feng felt that he immediately captured the two People didn't give him a chance to make a move.

"Qiao Feng..." Hearing that the other party said that he said the wrong name, Qin Fan immediately thought of telling Xiao Feng's real name directly. According to the plot, Xiao Feng hadn't recognized his ancestors at this time, so even he himself didn't know. I know his surname is Xiao and not Qiao, but this guy doesn't bother to explain, but...
"I, what I'm talking about is Joe! You're blind and misheard and you're blaming me. I've heard that there are many scoundrels in your beggar gang. Today, it seems that your reputation is really well-deserved!"

"Hmph! What a messy and obsessive junior, I, Chen Guyan, came to learn today, what kind of support do you have to dare to slander the gang again and again!" The old man seemed to be stimulated by Qin Fan's words, coldly snorting After a sound, the rag bag wrapped around his body softly covered Qin Fan's head.

"Good time!" Living in the Beiming Divine Art, which is known as the first divine art of Tianlong, coupled with Lingbo Weibu and Yu Linglong's centuries-old skills, even without the metamorphosis body transformed by Qixindan, Qin Fan thought that He should also be ranked among the top experts among Tianlong, so from the beginning to the end, Qin Fan came to find a fight, but he thought that at Xiaofeng, the one who came was an elder, but it was not too much. care too much.

Seeing the burlap bag approaching his head, Qin Fan didn't dodge or dodge, stretched out his hand, but grabbed it and pulled it back. Qin Fan was confident that he could easily snatch the bag with his great strength, but Qin Fan couldn't help it. Unexpectedly, seeing Qin Fan grabbed one end of his pocket, Chen Guyan didn't intend to compete with Qin Fan at all, but with a flick of his wrist, the rag pocket shook suddenly, and a black shadow appeared It was shot at Qin Fan's face.

Because the pocket is not far from Qin Fan, and it is very difficult to guard against such unexpected events. Of course, the most important thing is that Qin Fan has zero experience in the world, and he has no defense against such emergencies. Fortunately, it was directly stuck on the face by that thing, but...
I saw the black shadow shot at Qin Fan's face like a sharp arrow, and then it bounced away quickly as if elastic, and his colleague Qin Fan finally came to his senses and grabbed the thing with a single grab. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a colorful and attractive little scorpion. However, what is surprising is that the scorpion caught in Qin Fan's hand struggled desperately but had no intention of attacking Qin Fan at all. A scorpion The tail stretched straight like a steel needle, and there was no movement to attack Qin Fan's palm at all, and Qin Fan didn't seem to be able to grasp this kind of poison, so he just grabbed it in his hand carelessly, but he could see clearly in the palm of his hand. After that, he was obviously taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to throw it away, but just as the poisonous scorpion was about to let go, a sound like a bull or a frog suddenly came out from a bag on Qin Fan's waist, Immediately afterwards, something seemed to shoot out of the kit, and when it rolled in mid-air, it dragged the poisonous scorpion into the kit.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fan remembered that he still has a small pet to keep. Thinking about it, this manggu Zhu clam is known as the king of all poisons, and he likes to swallow poison the most. It's just that Qin Fan has little experience in keeping pets. He hadn't fed this little thing for days, so he simply tried to grab the sack to see if there were any poisonous scorpions in it.

It's just that Qin Fan's strength is great, but he doesn't understand martial arts moves at all. As the saying goes, an expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move. Although Qin Fan pulled her over vigorously, Chen Guyan's figure suddenly turned to the side, and then with a shake of the sack in his hand, he wrapped Qin Fan's arm around him, and moved behind Qin Fan to the side.

Qin Fankong has brute strength but can't use it. He was staggered by the opponent's technique that seemed to be borrowing his strength and nearly fell, and the moment his body was tilted, he hit the opponent's feet again. The fact that the attack didn't hurt or itch didn't do any harm to Qin Fan, on the contrary, it made Qin Fan angry.

Qin Fan is a typical person who does not know martial arts, his internal strength is powerful and his brute strength is unmatched, but he does not know any fighting martial arts. Chen Guyan tossed and turned like a monkey wandering around Qin Fan's body from time to time. Give Qin Fan a few blows, although these attacks are similar to scratching an itch for Qin Fan, but being beaten like this always makes Qin Fan very depressed. Although Qin Fan does not have much experience in fighting people, he is not dumbfounded by himself The attack couldn't hit the opponent at all, and he knew that he didn't know martial arts at all, so he suffered a disadvantage in his moves. Fortunately, he didn't get entangled with the opponent, and Lingbo Weibu used his figure to suddenly appear as if it were real.

This time Chen Guyan was stunned!The original Qin Fan was like a clumsy big guy. In his eyes, although he was powerful, he had no tricks at all. He was extremely clumsy, but when Qin Fan used Lingbo microsteps, his style of painting immediately changed. Now, Qin Fan, who seemed to have been hit by the slow spell, suddenly seemed to be engaged in the transmission gear, and now Chen Guyan couldn't catch the opponent. His magical powers are not afraid of the opponent's attack at all, but what about now?
"You keep jumping around then!" Chen Guyan could only feel the disdainful sarcasm coming from behind his ears, and goosebumps spread all over his body in an instant, and he didn't care about his image and demeanor, he had to use his life-saving skills to be a lazy donkey because of his short body Roll around, but even if he wanted to lose face, it was already too late.

Almost at the same time as Chen Guyan bent down, Qin Fan's palms had already clamped the opponent's shoulders, as if being locked in a vise. Being caught by that iron claw, Chen Guyan felt that half of his body was being hooped. Let alone bending over and rolling, he couldn't even move half a point, but this was not what terrified him the most. What he never expected was that almost at the moment he was caught, an inexplicable The suction came from that palm. Originally, he secretly channeled the internal force in his body and wanted to rush away from the opponent's palm, but he was sucked by this suction. The internal force in his body was not controlled by him at all and followed the opponent's hand. Arms flow away.

"Ah!" It seemed that he had lost all his strength suddenly, and following the cry of fright was very strange, not to mention the trembling body as if he had suffered a stroke, and the people around him were startled. Jump, the heart said that this guy suddenly fell ill?Epileptic?
To say that Xiao Feng is worthy of being the leader of the beggar gang, seeing that Chen Guyan was abnormal, Xiao Feng immediately saw something was wrong, he jumped up, pushed out his single palm and came straight towards Qin Fan.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fan didn't care at all. Although he was a little embarrassed by Chen Guyan just now, he had a deeper understanding of the copper-skinned iron body on his body. Attitude, Qin Fan was not surprised but delighted. What he feared most when he was ignorant of martial arts was fighting with others, and what he was most afraid of with brute force was precisely this kind of hard steel from the front. So instead of letting go of Chen Guyan, the other one But the hand directly pushed towards Xiao Feng's palm!
"Touch!" The two palms touched together, but the invisible energy shocked everyone in the field to take a few steps back.
On the other hand, Qin Fan and Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng retreated three steps by Qin Fan's powerful slap, his face showed surprise, he made a swallowing movement secretly, but he was injured by the inner palace, but he didn't dare to show it On the other hand, Qin Fan's figure at this time was very handsome and was embedded in a giant tree not far behind him upside down. The whole person was embedded in the trunk with his head upside down, and his face was full of inconceivable!

"Damn, you haven't been steeled???"

 Long, long ago, there was an ancient legend that after reading a novel, you can vote for a few recommended tickets and get a seat in the car, pick up money on the walk, get promoted at work, meet beautiful women when you turn around, and even eat instant noodle seasoning packets. Two bags!I don't know why!

(End of this chapter)

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