King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 12 Songhe Tower

Chapter 12 Songhe Tower (please recommend)
In the bustling bazaar, there are all kinds of cries one after another, and in the crowd, an ugly-looking man in luxurious clothes is looking around. It is rare to find such a strange-looking person in the world, and this is of course our protagonist Qin. Everything is also...
It is said that it was a few days before I left Dali Wufeitu, and Qin Fan stopped and stopped all the way, so it was very logical... and he got lost!
No way, this guy originally planned to go straight to Cheng Wang's house in Gusu to find Wang Yuyan, who is known as the most beautiful woman in Tianlong, but he didn't know the way at all when he first came here, and he could only inquire and drive along the way. To be honest, Qin For the first time, Fan felt that his appearance was inconvenient. Before crossing, Qin Fan was originally an otaku, and he rarely went out, but he would inquire about unfamiliar places, but now every time he inquires the way by himself, [-]% of them People will suspect that they have bad intentions, and the timid ones will turn their heads and leave. Some bold ones will beat Qin Fan even if they disagree with each other. Qin Fan is not afraid, but the problem is that he is always regarded as a monster. Qin Fan is not happy. Fortunately, this guy is still a little smart. Halfway through, Qin Fan found the law. Although this world is in ancient times, most people People's hearts are pretty much the same, love to take advantage of small things, as long as Qin Fan is willing to spend money.The person who saw Qin Fan encountering the plague god immediately turned into a pug, which is why Qin Fan is dressed like a nouveau riche at this time. As for where did Qin Fan get his money from? Which hero have you seen? Will you be short of money?
"Songhe Tower?" Looking at the restaurant in front of him, Qin Fan curled his lips, as if the name is found in all martial arts novels, and he doesn't know how many branches have opened in this building?

Shaking his head, Qin Fan walked in directly, he was going to have something to eat first, and inquired about the whereabouts of the Wang family by the way!
After entering the restaurant, Qin Fan went directly to the second floor, and Qin Fan's clothes showed that he was not the one who was short of money, and of course he would not be blocked like he just left Dali.

After walking up to the second floor, Qin Fan immediately sat down at a window seat, rubbed his hands and said to Xiaoer, who was following him all the time, "Give me ten of the most expensive dishes! Then come a pot of wine!"

Qin Fan, a nouveau riche's full-fledged ordering method, could not help but attract the attention of people in the restaurant, and a big man with thick eyebrows, big eyes and square face sitting not far from Qin Fan even laughed out loud!
"What are you laughing at?" Qin Fan said angrily after glaring at the big man dissatisfied.

The big man didn't seem to want to cause trouble, so he curled his lips lightly but didn't say much.

After dismissing Xiaoer, Qin Fan carefully observed the big man who dared to laugh at him just now.

This big man looks to be about 30 years old, with a burly figure, wearing a gray slightly shabby cloth robe, with a high nose, wide mouth, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a Chinese character face that is slightly weathered but not decadent. On the contrary, it gives people a sense of majesty and majesty. I don't have any experience in viewing people, but I can see that this person does have a heroic spirit.

Ok!Qin Fan admitted that he recognized this person!

One of the three main protagonists among Tianlong, if Duan Yu and Xu Zhu are both born protagonists with halos, and the darlings of heaven seem to revolve around them all over the world, then Xiao Feng, the hero Xiao, is a born hero, even if he is a foreigner. But it is difficult for anyone to criticize this, even if the enemy sees him, he still has to call him a good man!

Qin Fan didn't feel anything while watching TV, but now that the hero Xiao is close at hand, that kind of inexplicable heroism really makes Qin Fan, who has always been proud of himself as a villain, feel a little heroic. Fan unexpectedly also gave birth to some thoughts of how to make friends!
And at this moment, several people who looked like beggars ran up from downstairs and seemed to report something to Xiao Feng. Seeing this scene, Qin Fan's heart moved. But it reminded Qin Fan that if he guessed correctly, Duan Yu seemed to have met Xiao Feng here, and now Duan Yu was unable to get up for a short time because of his own tossing, and the Six Meridians Excalibur believed because he was destroyed. Jiumozhi won't take him away, so he shouldn't appear here again, and isn't his current position exactly where Duan Yu should have appeared?In the original book, Duan Yu used the Six Meridians Excalibur to cheat, and competed with Xiao Feng for wine, but he dared not say anything else. With the ability to swallow rivers and drink rivers, ten Xiao Fengs tied together are not his opponents. Sometimes he drank this guy down, and when this hero Xiao got up, wouldn't he immediately worship himself as his elder brother and obey his orders?Thinking of this, Qin Fan really couldn't help being a little excited!Involuntarily, Qin Fan looked at Xiao Feng again with a strange look!
"Hmph!" Seemingly noticing Qin Fan's gaze, Xiao Feng suddenly snorted angrily as he sent the two beggars away.

"Here we come!" Hearing this groan, Qin Fan was not afraid, on the contrary, he was looking forward to it. He remembered that Xiao Daxia would invite him later, and then he would go up to toast. The other party saw that he was dissatisfied with the small cup Let's change to a bigger bowl, and won't die if you drink it!hey-hey!
Glancing at Qin Fan coldly, Xiao Feng curled his lips and drank the wine in his bowl with disdain! .

"Uh..." Qin Fan felt that he was so embarrassed at this moment, did he open it in the wrong way?Shouldn't the other party invite me to have a drink at this time?Wait, there seems to be something missing, right!

Seeming to have thought of something suddenly, Qin Fan made a miraculous move, and hastily shouted: "Xiaoer, that, that master's account against me!"

"No need!" Without waiting for Xiao Er to agree, Xiao Feng who was sitting there spoke first: "Qiao can still afford some wine money! Xiao Er, pay the bill!" After speaking, he directly took out a few pieces of silver and threw it on the table. on the table.

"Uh..." Qin Fanxin said that this is wrong!Shouldn't the other party give me a fistful at this time and say a word or two politely?Could it be that I didn't grasp the timing well?
Suspicious in his heart, but seeing Xiao Feng got up as if he was about to leave Qin Fan, he didn't care about other things, and quickly shouted: "This brother, stop!"

Xiao Feng, who was about to get up and leave, stopped when he heard the words, looked at Qin Fan coldly and said, "What's the matter? Brother, do you have any advice?"

"Uh! Hehe! Don't dare to be an advisor, that, this friend! Please come over and have a drink together?" No way, if you don't invite me, I will invite you to the head office, right?Qin Fan still doesn't believe it, and when the time comes, he will drink with himself and pour this thing down first. When the time comes, the other party will not be surprised when he sees his drinking capacity, crying and shouting to marry him to Jinlan!
"Haha! I'm sorry! Your Excellency Xiangyou Xinsheng is not a good person at first glance. Qiao, a hero, has never drank with rats in his life, so I bid farewell!" After finishing speaking, he clasped his back to Qin Fan, and then strode out !

"Uh..." Qin Fan stood there with his mouth open for more than a dozen seconds, and then he seemed suspicious and said to himself, "Am I... despised?"

"Damn! Stop for me!" After trying to understand the key point, the other party made it clear that he didn't bother drinking with him!But why?Just because I don't have Duan Yu's good looks?Nima, you are discriminatory!
Qin Fan was really angry this time. Qin Fan is not a person without self-knowledge. Although Qin Fan doesn't care too much about his appearance, he admits that if others say he is Qin Fan, he will beat him up. But he will definitely not be as angry as he is now, because Qin Fan really wants to make friends with Xiao Feng, it's like when you go to buy flowers and a diamond ring, kneel down and ask the girl you've loved for a long time to be my girlfriend, but the other party Just spit on your face and say with disdain that you don't take a picture of taking a piss. With your virtue, you still want to find a girlfriend? (Is this analogy a bit inappropriate?)

"Fuck me!" Qin Fan was really angry, and Xiaoshu slipped away without repairing it!I'm really fucking making trouble for you!
"Hey! Guest officer, your bill hasn't been settled yet?" Seeing that Qin Fan wanted to go downstairs, the little girl immediately stepped forward and grabbed Qin Fan's arm!

"Keep your sister! Do you think I'm easy to bully, don't you?" With a wave of his hand, the little girl was immediately overturned to the ground, and then Qin Fan ignored him and strode out, but he just added the little girl in a daze. With such a delay, when Qin Fan went out, there would be no sign of Daxia Xiao...
 Notice: Because the content of the author of this book is too exciting, most readers still relish the content after reading the book and forget to vote. Here is a warm reminder, remember to vote after reading it!
(End of this chapter)

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