King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 11 Strength within the year

Chapter 11 A Hundred Years of Internal Strength (Please recommend)

"Bang bang bang..." There were six muffled sounds in a row, but the six scrolls shattered in response.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Qin Fan didn't expect that the old monk would be so cruel. He just took a look at it. If you don't let him see it and put it away, the old man would destroy all six paintings in front of his face. Lose!

"Amitabha, the benefactor is very powerful. Tianlong Temple believes that it can't keep the sword manual of the six-veined sword. If it can't keep it, it will be destroyed!" It turned out that the old monk had made up his mind after discovering that Qin Fan could hide his figure out of thin air. Tianlong Temple couldn't keep the sword manual anymore, so it simply destroyed it in front of Qin Fan!

Although Qin Fan is very angry about this, he has to say that the other party's decisive approach is indeed well done. Although the other party's approach is extreme, it is definitely the best solution. Still secretly believe that the other party can't keep the sword manual, it's just!
"Old man, what do you mean?" Qin Fan said angrily to the old monk.

"Don't be rude to Master Ku Rong!" Duan Yu seemed to be not worried about Qin Fan being rough on him, but Duan Yu said righteously.

"I'm rude to you, grandma! Your boy ate the most precious jade of this school, and promised me to exchange it with the Six Meridians Excalibur and Yiyang Finger. What's going on now? Do you want to go back on your word?" Qin Fan said angrily.

"Amitabha! Zhengming, have you promised me?" the old monk said suddenly.

"Back to Master, Zhengming just said to ask Master, but he didn't agree!" Duan Zhengming said directly.

"Ha! The food has already been eaten by your cheap nephew, why don't you agree now? Tell me sooner! I killed that boy with a sword, and if I disembowel him, maybe I can find some scum of Yu Linglong!" Qin Fan said through gritted teeth.

"You..." Hearing this, not only Duan Yu's face turned pale, but Duan Zhengming was also very angry, but he didn't dare to scold him in this meditation room.

"Amitabha, what the benefactor said is very true! Duan Yu! Since you took something from someone else, return it to him!" The old monk said suddenly.

"Master, that kid Yulinglong has already eaten, so there is no way to return him!" Duan Yu said in a bit of a dilemma.

"Eat something, aren't you still there? Give him your life back!" the old monk said flatly, as if his life was just a gadget that can be bought for a penny or two. .

"Master!" Duan Zhengming became anxious when he heard this. He has no children, and Duan Yu, the heir, can't let him die in front of him like this!

"Zhengming, do you want to renege on your debt?" Master Kurong said suddenly.

"But..." Duan Zhengming frowned and looked at Qin Fan: "Qin Shaoxia! Since Duan Yu did take your things, if you want to kill me, kill me! I will pay you for Duan Yu's life." That's right!"

"What do I want your life for!" Qin Fan gave the other party a disdainful glance, but his eyes fell on Duan Yu again involuntarily, after a little thought, he suddenly reached out to grab Duan Yu.

The sudden change shocked Duan Yu, subconsciously he wanted to hide behind Duan Zhengming, and Duan Zhengming also wanted to stand up and block it, but unfortunately, the movements of the two were unable to do anything under Qin Fan's tremendous strength effect!
"Get up!" With a wave of one hand, Duan Zhengming was slapped aside like a child, and at the same time grabbed Duan Yu's shoulder, but suddenly activated the Beiming Divine Art!

Duan Yu only felt a suction force coming, and then a certain force in his body immediately agitated and almost subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but was suddenly slapped on the forehead by the ugly man in front of him, and then he heard the ugly man say in hatred: "If you dare to resist again, I'll kill you if you peel and cramp!"

Those vicious words made Duan Yu's heart tremble!He could only look at Duan Zhengming next to him with an aggrieved face, but he didn't dare to make any more changes!

Without Duan Yu's resistance, that inexplicable force began to escape uncontrollably. Duan Yu's body flew into Qin Fan's body like a river entering the sea, and feeling the continuous force entering his body, Qin Fan was overjoyed!

It may be a preconceived relationship, Qin Fan always thought that Yu Linglong was the same as Qixin Dan, after eating it, it would make Duan Yu become a paw-skinned iron bone with infinite strength, but when he just came in, he happened to hear the old monk's words and Qin Fan It suddenly occurred to me that maybe I was wrong in the first place. The reason why the other party was so resistant to beating was not because of her physical arrogance, but because Yu Linglong's hundred-year-old skill was protecting Duan Yu from harm. In Yu's body, does that mean that he can absorb the Beiming Divine Art?
As soon as this speculation appeared, Qin Fan thought it more and more likely, but now he tried it and it turned out to be really possible!

"Let go of Yu'er!" Seeing this shock, Duan Zhengming stretched out his hand and wanted to separate the two of them, but as soon as his palm touched Duan Yu's body, he immediately felt a suction force, and immediately let go of his hand in shock, his face turned pale again. It's ugly, raising his hand luckily and pointing at Qin Fan with a yang finger.

"Amitabha! Everything has a cause and there is an effect. Since Duan Yu planted the cause himself, he should let him bear the result! Zhengming, you just watch!" Master Kurong said again.

Hearing this, although Duan Zhengming was very anxious, he did not dare to make another move because of the reverence he had cultivated for Master Kurong of Tianlong Temple all the year round, but slowly put his hand down and looked at the two worriedly.

This time, the energy-absorbing time took longer than Qin Fan expected. It took nearly half an hour to absorb the power of Yu Linglong in Duan Yu's body. Feeling the surging power in his body, Qin Fan Fan's mood is surprisingly comfortable!

Throwing aside Duan Yu, who had already passed out, Qin Fan said: "Old monk! You are wise, for your sake, I gave Duan Yu [-]% of my internal strength to him. We will settle this matter. It's gone!" Qin Fan felt a little guilty when he said this, because his narrow mind could give Duan Yu [-]% of his internal energy, it would be considered as a show of kindness today, but in fact, the strength in Duan Yu's body was almost drained by him, and even Qin Fan feels that he won't benefit too much if he continues to smoke, and seeing Duan Yu's pale face, Qin Fan is sure that if he continues to smoke, this kid will die on the spot. Fortunately, he didn't continue to really mess with Duan Yu die!
After saying this, he ignored the unconscious Duan Yu and the glaring Duan Zhengming, and turned around to leave!

Duan Zhengming hugged the unconscious Duan Yu but looked at the old monk who was still sitting with his back facing him, seeming to complain a little: "Master Ku Rong..."

"Okay! The benefactor Qin has no murderous intent in his body even though his words are crude. Although he is not kind, he is not allowed to kill. Duan Yu will be fine! Go back and leave Duan Yu in the temple to meditate for a hundred days to eliminate karma!! !" It turns out that Master Ku Rong had predicted that Qin Fan would not kill Duan Yu, that's why he said those words, but Master Ku Rong didn't expect Qin Fan to know the Beiming Divine Art, but things have come to this point As for the sword manual of the Six-Meridian Excalibur that he personally destroyed... the sword manual has been kept here for many years, and the content of it has long been engraved in his heart. Although the sword manual itself is very precious, this set of unique knowledge is not Not really destroyed!
Qin Fan didn't know anything about it, but from Qin Fan's point of view, although the trip to Tianlong Temple did not get what he wanted, there were unexpected surprises. Just curious, it doesn't matter if it's already been destroyed, but it's the hundred years of internal strength that made Qin Fan suddenly feel like a master.

After leaving Tianlong Temple, he just took two steps and then subconsciously started to walk slowly. The steps that were originally jerky and difficult to walk are now so smooth and smooth under the instillation of internal strength. Qin Fan only took two steps It feels different from before.

Originally, Qin Fan's body was extremely strong, but he had no internal strength, so when he used Lingbo Weibu, it was like a person playing hopscotch, one step to the east, one kick to the west!Not only does it have no effect, but it also looks very funny, just like a toad walking on two legs, but at this time, under the instillation of a hundred years of skill, Lingbo has a graceful figure, and the whole figure is looming like a fairy walking, which seems real and illusory The figure, if someone sees it at this time, they will definitely exclaim: "There are monsters!!!"

…no way!People are ugly and dark, if Duan Yu used it, people might be lamented that it is a fairy descending from the earth, but once this product is used, everyone will think that it is an evil ghost coming to the world...
Sneaking into the palace again, Qin Fan finally found himself and Mu Wanqing's guest room again, just as he was about to go back to the room, Qin Fan's heart suddenly moved!
When staying here, because Qin Fan had already planned to steal the sword manual, he asked for two guest rooms before Mu Wanqing could open his mouth, but now that things are unexpected, should he go to appease his little wife? Woolen cloth?

Thinking of Mu Wanqing's gentle temperament and beautiful face, Qin Fan felt as if countless little hands were suddenly born in his heart to scratch.

"I'll take a sneak peek! Is it okay if you don't touch it?" I don't know if it was a warning to myself or what, Qin Fan disappeared again, and then walked directly through the wall into Mu Wanqing's room!

However, after entering the room, Qin Fan was taken aback. There were no candles burning in the room, but with Qin Fan's eyesight, he could clearly see everything in the room. I once slept on it, and glanced at the not-so-large guest room, but a piece of letterhead on the table caught Qin Fan's attention!
Walking over quickly to take a look, there are only a few beautiful small characters...

I'm leaving!You can rest assured that I will abide by my oath, I will only marry you in this life, just please give me some time to be quiet, don't come to me, I will come to you after I figure it out!Mu Wanqing.

Qin Fan.......
"Damn!" Although Qin Fan tried his best to restrain himself, he finally spit out such a word!

In the original book, after that kid Duan Yu looked at Mu Wanqing's face, how could this girl be a little bit tangled up? Even if she found out that the two of them were brother and sister, she wanted to stick to her sweet look. tell me you want to be quietwhat is this?This is clearly discriminating against Lao Tzu!Is it true that I can't find a wife?With my current body stretching out my hand, does I want any woman?There are so many beauties in Tianlong Babu, who are you, Mu Wan?Believe it or not, I will make you look prettier than you every minute, and I will piss you off!
"That's right!" Qin Fan's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said to himself, don't you want to be quiet?it is good!You stay quietly over there, and when I get to see Wang Yuyan, Princess of Xixia, Azhu Azi, etc., I will bring a lot of wives over there, and I will see if you still want to be quiet at that time!
Thinking of this, Qin Fan simply tore up the letter paper, and then he walked out of the room in a flash!
(End of this chapter)

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