Chapter 10

"Brother Emperor..." Seeing this, Duan Zhengchun seemed to want to speak out to stop him, but was interrupted by Duan Zhengming's wave of his hand, and then slowly came to Qin Fan and offered the finger book with both hands!
Qin Fan was not polite either, and took the fingerbook directly, and then said: "For your sincerity, I don't have a place to live now. I lived here before I got the Six Meridians Excalibur sword manual!"

"Okay! Come here, let the two distinguished guests go to rest!" Following Duan Zhengming's order, someone immediately came to lead Qin Fan and Mu Wanqing to the guest room, but seeing the two leave, Duan Zhengchun frowned and said: "Brother Huang, one yang finger is the secret of our Dali, so give it to him like this..."

"The finger you just hit was right on his vital acupoint! An ordinary person would be seriously injured, but this ugly man is not affected at all, it's simply unimaginable!" Duan Zhengming retorted without answering.

Hearing Duan Zhengming's words, Duan Zhengchun also frowned and pondered for a moment: "It is said that the Shaolin Yijinjing has the effect of returning to the original and indestructible after practicing the Shaolin Yijinjing. Could it be that this ugly man..."

"I don't know..." Duan Zhengming shook his head slightly, and then said: "In short, send Yu'er to Tianlong Temple first, Yu Linglong has never heard of it, and I don't know if there are any hidden dangers, let Master Kurong help check it first Only then can you rest assured!"

"En!" Duan Zhengchun also nodded in agreement!
At the same time, of course Qin Fan would not really rest honestly. In fact, when he came here, he deliberately asked for a room alone on the grounds that Mu Wanqing was injured and needed to rest, but after entering the room, he immediately extinguished the lights and candles. , then he closed his eyes slightly, and meditated for a few seconds like an old monk in meditation, but saw that the original ugly face became strangely blurred, followed by the neck, torso and even the whole body, as if suddenly covered by a mask It's like a layer of tulle, and then the whole body slowly fades and finally disappears.

The effect of Qixindan can allow Qin Fan to obtain the seven abilities of the seven gourd babies. However, I don’t know whether it is because of his own aptitude or the reason why Qixindan has not fully digested it. , the abilities of the other five children can't be used like arms and fingers, just like the invisible ability of this six children. Every time you use it, you have to concentrate on it for a few seconds before you can adapt. Ability cannot be used in fighting at all!
Feeling that his body was slowly disappearing like a phantom, Qin Fan felt a little joy in his heart, and then he walked out directly. However, what is surprising is that Qin Fan did not walk through the door, but just ran straight to the wall and hit the wall. go!

This is also an unexpected surprise that Qin Fan discovered when he secretly experimented with these seven abilities after time travel, that is, this ability of Liuwa can not only be invisible, but also intangible, just like the whole body is being nihilized Generally speaking, people can't touch it at all. Of course, this ability is not completely without weaknesses, that is, although the body is nihilized and unable to touch any real things, it is still affected by forces such as inertial gravity, but due to the body There is no way to touch the real thing, but the body cannot stand on the ground, but directly sinks into the ground. At this time, if you want to come out, you must change from virtual to real, and you will find yourself stuck in this state of nothingness. In the soil!

Qin Fan tried it. Although his body is not bad, the feeling of being stuck by the owner is very bad, so Qin Fan will pay special attention when using this ability, and most of them will use it as soon as it is used.

Passing through the wall easily, Qin Fan landed on the ground firmly with both feet, and then his body jumped hundreds of meters away like a sharp sword. This is also a manifestation of this ability. Entering that state of nothingness can Not affected by any substance in this world, of course there will be no resistance. Therefore, when Qin Fan jumps vigorously, he can control his body to enter nothingness instantly and without any resistance, he can greatly increase the jumping distance, oh!You ask if there is no resistance, shouldn't one go forward like this without stopping?Are you not serious about reading?Although Qin Fan is not affected by resistance, gravity will slowly pull him to the ground, so if Qin Fan does not release this state, he will continue to move forward, but in a gliding state and then slowly sink into the ground. The deeper it gets, so Qin Fan will release this ability every time he touches the ground so that his feet can set foot on the ground again!

After several jumps like this, Qin Fan has already arrived at the location of Tianlong Temple. If you ask Qin Fan how he found it, the whole of Dali is not very big, and as the state religion of Dali, the buildings of Tianlong Temple are also very luxurious. Are they all bald, are they hard to find?

In the invisible state, Qin Fan entered Tianlong Temple as if entering the land of no one, and then began to search one by one. However, Qin Fan soon discovered that he could not be affected by such a search for people one by one, but Tianlong Temple did. It's not small, but it's not a solution to rely on yourself, but fortunately Qin Fan is not a good guy, he came to a corner of Tianlong Temple and then swept his eyes into Tianlong Temple from Xinyun!
With Erwa's clairvoyance and perspective ability, almost nothing can escape Qin Fan's eyes. In addition, Qin Fan's purpose is very strong, and he specially looks for the scroll map with the six meridians of the arm. It takes Qin Fan less than half a quarter of an hour. These six scrolls were found in a spacious room.

What surprised Qin Fan was that besides the six scrolls, there was an old monk and... Duan Yu and Duan Zhengming in the room!
Although I don't understand how these two people got here, I remember that in the original book, it seems that Duan Yu turned to Tianlong Temple for help because he absorbed part of the internal energy of the three villains and Zhong Wanchou and couldn't refine each other. The time is not right, and Duan Yu has not practiced Beiming Divine Art. Of course, he will not come to Tianlong Temple for help because of the mutual repulsion of internal forces. Could it be that Yu Linglong has a problem?
Some curious Qin Fan jumped into the room, but he just heard the old man sitting by the wall say: "There is such a strange thing in the world, don't worry, the strange power in Duan Yu's body is like Giving him a hundred years of skill out of thin air is beneficial and harmless to him!"

Qin Fan who happened to hear this was stunned. It turned out that Duan Zhengming sent Duan Yu here to ask about Yu Linglong. It seemed that the other party was worried that Yu Linglong would have side effects. Linglong didn't really make Duan Yu's body as invulnerable as her own, but made Duan Yu add a hundred years of skill out of thin air. If this was the case, did she use the Beiming magic skill...
Qin Fan felt a little depressed when he thought of the Beiming Divine Art. He got the 36 pictures in the whole book and practiced it himself, but the problem is that although he knows how to use it, things don’t seem to be as easy as he imagined. After Duan Yu left, Qin Fan met a few disciples of the Wuliang sect, and wanted to use the Beiming magical power to absorb the internal energy of others, but it turned out that no matter how he sucked it, he couldn't suck it out at all. In the end, he could only snatch a piece of clothing After leaving, Qin Fan thought that there was something wrong with his practice, but after thinking about it for a long time, he found a key point.

There is a general outline in Beiming Divine Art, one of which is written like this: "However, if the internal power of the enemy is better than mine, the sea water will pour into the river. It is dangerous and unpredictable, so be careful..." Qin Fan's understanding of classical Chinese is very superficial, but this Qin Fan also understands the meaning of the passage, which means that he can’t suck people with higher skill than himself, but the problem is that Qin Fan doesn’t have any internal power at all, that is to say, a person has higher internal power than him, so it doesn’t mean that no one can suck it. ?Speaking of which, Duan Yu and himself had the same virtue back then, why could he suck it?Didn't he suck it, someone else gave it to him?

Qin Fan didn't know that the original book was really given by someone else, because other people didn't know the characteristics of Beiming Divine Art, once they were sucked, they would subconsciously release their internal force to try to bounce it away, but it happened to be perfect. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be like the other party’s internal energy is strong in his body. As for the people Duan Yu met who were so stupid and didn’t know that he was fighting for internal energy, it could only be attributed to the halo of the other party’s protagonist. Anyway, Qin Those Wuliangshan disciples that Fan met were not stupid, so that they were just beaten up by Qin Fan in the end!

"Since your Excellency is here, show yourself!" Just as Qin Fan was struggling with the problem of his Beiming Divine Art, the old monk who had his back to the crowd suddenly spoke, and then pointed his thumb back at the invisible sword energy. It was facing Qin Fan.

The sudden change made Qin Fan jump, and his whole body subconsciously dodged to the side, but the speed of the sword energy made Qin Fan unable to avoid it, but a surprising scene appeared, the invisible sword energy hit Qin Fan's weakness, but It passed through the body strangely, and then hit a small table behind, blowing up the entire wooden table, but Qin Fan, on the other hand, had no effect at all!

It turned out that when the sword qi approached Qin Fan and knew that he could not avoid it, he had a flash of inspiration and entered that state of nothingness, while the opponent's sword qi passed through his body directly, but Qin Fan did not receive it. the slightest impact.

Although Qin Fan easily dodged the opponent's attack, he landed again and made a loud noise, so that Duan Zhengming and Duan Yu, who hadn't noticed him at first, also set their eyes on Qin Fan who seemed to be empty.

Frowning slightly, Qin Fan did not continue to hide but directly revealed his figure!
A big living person was conjured out of thin air, Duan Zhengming and Duan Yu showed surprised expressions at the same time, but Qin Fan didn't pay attention to it at all, but went to the wall to look at the six scrolls.

"This is the legendary Six Meridians..." Qin Fan hadn't finished speaking when the six sword qi shot out suddenly. Qin Fan almost subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but the target of the six sword qi was not him. , but the six sword manuals hanging on the wall!

 Um, it is said that today is Christmas?I usually seldom celebrate these foreign festivals, well, I seldom celebrate our own festivals, but since we catch up, I still want to bless them, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells!Merry Christmas, Bazah!

(End of this chapter)

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