King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 9 1 Yang Finger

Chapter 9
"Hey! Good you little thief!" Hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan snorted coldly, glanced at the other people and thought that Mu Wanqing who was standing behind him was not stepping forward at the moment, but coldly Said: "What a Dali Duan family, the royal family turned out to be a den of thieves!"

"My friend! You can eat but not talk nonsense! Slander my Duan clan for no reason. Even if you are skilled in martial arts, I, Duan clan, will definitely not let you go!" That handsome look is unique to those in their 40s. The handsome uncle said with a cold snort.

Even if you don't have to ask, you can guess, this uncle is 100% Duan Zhengchun who is destined to die without a son!
"Slander? Ask your bastard son if I caught him after stealing the most precious treasure from our family, Yu Linglong! While promising to pay me back, you pushed me off a cliff! You are really good at murdering and stealing money! "Qin Fan pointed to Duan Yu over there, and the other party shrank his neck in fright and shouted loudly.

Slightly frowned, Duan Zhengchun was quite reasonable, although Qin Fan's foul language made Duan Zhengchun frown again and again, but in the end he turned his head to look at Duan Yu: "Yu'er! What's going on?"

"That! I..." Although he was still dissatisfied, Duan Yu still felt a little guilty about pushing Qin Fan off the cliff. After all, although he guessed that the other party was fine at the time, the cliff was not low after all. I guessed it myself, but I was beaten up several times by the other party at that time, and I felt resentful, and I was in a hurry to save Zhong Ling, so I kicked him on impulse.

"You, you! Stop talking nonsense! I don't need you to pay for any mental damage, just hand over your Yangzhi first!" Qin Fan stretched out his hand directly, looking at the natural posture, as if Yiyangzhi is a potato and a cabbage Ordinary stuff.

He frowned slightly.Duan Zhengchun said coldly: "Yu'er, since you did take the other party's things, just return them!"

"Father, I've already eaten Yu Linglong, so I can't return him!" Duan Yu said with a bitter face.

He frowned again, but Duan Zhengchun turned his head to look at Qin Fan, then suppressed his anger and cupped his hands: "This young man, since Yu'er admitted that he really took that thing and can't return it now, how about this, sir Xia, tell me a number, no matter how much, my Duan family will pay according to the price!"

"Compensation according to the price? Hehe! Okay! It's agreed, I want you Dali Duan Clan's Yiyangzhi and Liumai Excalibur, hand over the two sets of secrets, and I will turn around and leave!" Qin Fan said directly.

Hearing this, Duan Zhengchun and Duan Zhengming couldn't help but look at each other. They didn't expect Qin Fan to ask for the Six Meridians Excalibur. It seemed that the other party came prepared, at least they knew that they had the Six Meridians Excalibur in Dali. But not many.

"Hehe! What an impolite boy, do you know the value of those two sets of secrets you mentioned? You are not afraid to slip your tongue if you want to open your mouth!" Duan Zhengchun said with a sneer.

"I flashed my tongue? Do you know what that Yu Linglong is?" Qin Fan said with some disdain.

"Hmph! I haven't heard of it, but looking at your face, it's not a big deal!" Duan Zhengchun's words are a bit unreasonable, what do you mean by looking at someone's face? something?Isn't this a clear personal attack?But this time, Qin Fan did not get furious, but took a deep look at the other party and said: "You are terrible without education! I don't know, okay! I'll let you see what kind of treasure Yu Linglong is today." !Get off!"

Qin Fan said "Get up and open" and then waved his hand. The four retainers who had stopped Qin Fan suddenly felt a strong force coming from the seemingly casual wave of the opponent's arm, directly overturning the four of them. !
"Presumptuous!" Seeing this, Duan Zhengchun snorted coldly and raised his hand to point at Qin Fan. It seemed that Qin Fan stretched out his hand unusually. He didn't dodge or dodge, and directly took the finger, but...

"I knew the deal was lost!" Wei Wei paused for a few seconds, looking at Duan Zhengchun who was pointing on her body with one hand in front of him, Qin Fan's face collapsed, and he casually slapped Duan Zhengchun who was looking astonished. While stepping forward, Duan Zhengming quickly attacked Qin Fan when he saw this, but unfortunately, under Qin Fan's great strength and this iron body, it didn't make any sense at all, he could only watch Qin Fan Capture Duan Yu!

Speaking of which, if Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun really fought against Qin Fan, not to mention two-on-one, one-on-one, even if they couldn't beat Qin Fan, it would not be easy for Qin Fan to hurt them. The main reason is that Qin Fan doesn't know any martial arts. No one can really beat him head-on with his paulownia and iron bones, but if people don't fight him head-on but use subtle moves to entangle him, he may not be able to fight him There is a way, but this time, the two brothers Duan Zhengchun and Duan Zhengming didn't know Qin Fan's details at all. They didn't know that this guy only had brute force and no martial arts background, and secondly, they both wanted to stop Qin Fan. Fan, thus greatly restricted their body skills and moves. Compared with Qin Fan, the two of them are simply the difference between a baby and an adult, and there is no comparison at all, so the two of them can only be like little chicks. Fan casually ran to the side!
Grabbing Duan Yu, Qin Fan grinned: "Don't you know what Yu Linglong is? I'll let you know. I'll tell you to kick me down the cliff." With one arm slightly thrown back: "Go! you…."

No one thought that Qin Fan would do this, and even threw that Duan Yu out with one hand, and the force was shocking.

I saw that Duan Yu's hundred or so kilograms was thrown out like an ordinary stone with a height of 30 meters, and then fell down fiercely with a strange cry.

"Yu'er..." If you want to say that she is still a mother who loves her son, the first one to wake up is Duan Yu's mother Dao Baifeng, who has a strong sense of taste. Seeing Duan Yu's wearing white clothes, Dao Baifeng immediately started lightness kung fu. It's a pity that her martial arts were mediocre and not good at lightness martial arts. When she felt it, Duan Yu had already smashed hard on the ground, and the bluestone paved ground was smashed into several pieces by Duan Yu's thin body. But it made Dao Baifeng, who had already come to the front, cry out in shock and dare not go forward.

On the other hand, Duan Yu did not pass out after landing on the ground, but bounced up with a strange cry, and then yelled at Qin Fan over there while rubbing his waist: "Ugly, you want to kill me! "

"I..." Seeing this kid and still daring to scold himself, Qin Fan jumped over and kicked him on the head, with such force that he stomped Duan Yu's handsome face into the bluestone ground In the middle, and then seemed to be unrepentant, raised his leg and kicked again!
"Bang!" Duan Yu directly hit a stone platform not far away and smashed the stone platform to pieces!

"Ah! Yu, Yu'er..." Pity the heart of a mother in the world, Dao Baifeng is going crazy at this time, seeing his son being kicked around like a ball, he has long been frightened and at a loss, Stepping forward quickly, he saw Duan Yu crawling out of the gravel again. When he saw Dao Baifeng rushing over, Duan Yu immediately looked aggrieved: "Mother! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

"Yu'er! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."The two mother and son hugged each other and cried like a dead father and husband. The feeling of grievance and worry really made the listeners feel sad and cry, except of course Qin Fan.

In fact, the more Duan Yu fought against Qin Fan, the more he regretted it. The effect of Yu Linglong was so good. If I got it at that time, even if it was useless to me, I could leave it to my own woman, such as Mu Wanqing. The little boy got it, and when he thought of Qin Fan, he wouldn't hit him!

Looking coldly at Duan Zhengchun and Duan Zhengming not far away, Qin Fan said disdainfully: "I see, this is the effect of Yu Linglong, tell me! How do you compensate me?"

But upon hearing Qin Fan's words, Duan Zhengchun and Duan Zhengming couldn't help but look at each other, but at the same time they saw a trace of shock in each other's eyes: "It's really shocking that there are such strange things in the world! "

"Don't come to these vain people! Six Meridians Excalibur and Yiyang Finger! Bring them!" Qin Fan interrupted the emotion of the two people and said.

"This!" Hearing Qin Fan's blunt words, Duan Zhengchun and Duan Zhengming frowned slightly.

Needless to say, the Six Meridians Excalibur, even Duan Zhengming, the current emperor of Dali, has only heard of it. It is the symbol of their Duan clan, how could it be handed over to outsiders casually, but that is to say, if the other party is just an ordinary boy, or a third-rate martial artist, they can forcefully pay the other party some gold and silver , but although he didn't really make a move, the strength Qin Fan showed made Duan Zhengchun and Duan Zhengming both secretly startled, not to mention that Duan Zhengchun pointed at Qin Fan just now, when he was in a hurry. It was impossible for Duan Zhengchun to keep his hand, but the opponent acted as if nothing had happened. This move alone shocked the two of them. Coupled with the opponent's great strength, he could throw Duan Yu dozens of meters away with a single throw. How much internal strength can it do?However, the two of them are close at hand, but they can't feel the overflow of each other's inner strength. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would not believe that there is such a master in the world. If Qin Fan was offended, neither of them would dare to imagine Once Qin Fan goes crazy, no one can stop him.

"Young man, you may not know that the Six Meridians Excalibur has been kept in Tianlong Temple for a long time. Even I have never seen it, so..." Duan Zhengming said.

"You want to cheat?" Qin Fan said dissatisfied.

"No!" Duan Zhengming waved his hand directly and said: "Yu'er has indeed obtained great benefits. Even the sword manual of the Six Meridians Excalibur may not be as good as this treasure. I will report this matter to Master Kurong, the abbot. , I believe that Master Kurong will definitely bestow the sword manual."

Hearing Duan Zhengming's words, Qin Fan didn't believe it. Although Qin Fan was not very familiar with the plot of Tianlong Babu, the old monk Kurong didn't seem to be a good talker. I remember Jiumozhi took Duan Zhengming's life Threatening the old monk looked like he didn't care, now he said Duan Yu said that if he can't handle it, the other party will directly say Duan Yu's sins and he will bear it himself. Stripped Duan Yu alive?
Although he didn't believe it in his heart, Qin Fan didn't point it out on the surface, but smiled and said directly: "Okay! Let go of the Six Meridians Excalibur first, what about the Yiyang Finger? Don't tell me that's not okay!?"

After pondering for a while, Duan Zhengming directly took out the finger book of Yiyang Finger from his arms!
(End of this chapter)

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