Chapter 8
In Dali City, a short and fat man with a flat nose, wide mouth and swollen eyes is carrying a girl in black with exquisite facial features on his back. Of course, it is our protagonist Qin Fan and Mu Wanqing who has accepted his fate. As for why Qin Fan carried Mu Wanqing behind his back, there was no way, the girl was injured!Didn't you just throw up?I was hurt so badly, this husband is not behind my back, who is behind it! (Mystery voice: I said Qin Fan! Have you never considered that other factors caused the vomiting? Qin Fan: Are you pregnant? Huh???)
It has to be said that the beauty and ugliness of a person need to be set off. Mu Wanqing is a beautiful woman, but her gentle temperament can't make people feel amazing. However, the ugly face below sets it off, oh my god!The fairy descends! ! !
"Put me down! I'm fine!" After entering the city, although it was already dark and there were no people on the street, Mu Wanqing still felt uncomfortable.

"It's okay! I'm not tired!" Qin Fan felt the soft fragrance behind him, subconsciously turned upside down and then said indifferently.

"You, you stop!" Mu Wanqing said with a sullen face, as if she didn't like Qin Fan's feeling that he would be bumped twice when he had nothing to do.

"Uh...what's the matter?" Sensing the dissatisfaction of the beauty behind him, Qin Fan quickly stopped and said.

"Put me down!" Mu Wanqing said in a commanding tone.

"Oh!" Put Mu Wanqing down obediently, but at this moment Mu Wanqing's small face was full of solemnity.

"What's your name?" Mu Wanqing asked suddenly, he didn't even know Qin Fan's name until now!
"My name is Qin Fan!" Almost without thinking, Qin Fan said directly, and Qin Fan seemed to feel that there was something wrong with the other party's emotions, so he quickly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Ignoring Qin Fan's inquiry at all, Mu Wanqing said: "Qin Fan, since I can't kill you, I will definitely keep my vow to marry you, but... But I need time to adapt, please don't force me ?”

With Qin Fan's personality, he would definitely be dissatisfied when he heard this, but seeing the faint sadness on the other party's beautiful face, Qin Fan couldn't bear to reprimand him, and even wanted to say directly that the other party does not have to keep his oath. !However, when the words came to his lips, he was reluctant to say them no matter what. Qin Fan was not a person who knew how to love. He was a bachelor on earth, and there was no environment for him to develop the habit of loving others. Now he doesn't know Did he really fall in love with the woman in front of him, but he was sure that if he let this woman go, he would be reluctant!
"Well, that's fine! Let's be friends first!" Qin Fan said pretending to be free and easy, but he secretly thought about it, should he get some medicine and get in the car first?

Mu Wanqing, who didn't know what was going on in someone's heart at all, heard the other person say this, and looked at the other person with a sincere face... Forget it, you don't need to look to know that it must be sincere!In Mu Wanqing's heart, she could only lament that God's will tricks people!
"Okay! Let's go!" After finishing speaking, he immediately hugged the other party forcefully again, and then jumped directly onto a nearby building!

"Hey! You put me down, I can walk by myself!" Unexpectedly, the other party would not carry her on her back, but hugged her instead. When she looked up and saw that disgusting face, Mu Wanqing quickly turned her head away and said dissatisfied.

"It's all right! Are you not hurt? It's only natural for a friend to help you!" Qin Fan said indifferently.

"I..." Mu Wanqing really wanted to say that there is no need, that she is fine, and even if something happened, it would be better than being hugged by this disgusting thing like you, but when she thought about the "rude" request that the other party had promised to give her time, now she is I just care about myself, if I refuse like this, is it a bit too much!
Therefore, I can only sigh inwardly that my life is miserable, as if accepting my fate, I will continue to be hugged by the other party...

At this time, although Qin Fan has no internal strength, but the huge strength in his body is not comparable to ordinary people, so even if he hugs a person, he is still very relaxed. Every time he jumps, there are several meters away, but it is only a few ups and downs, but he has already arrived. A luxurious courtyard, even if Mu Wanqing has never been here, she can still see the difference here!
"What kind of place is this?" Mu Wanqing asked almost subconsciously.

"Imperial Palace!" This time Mu Wanqing didn't ask for it, but she put it down with some reluctance!
"Imperial Palace? What are we doing here?" Mu Wanqing said unexpectedly.

"Hehe! Debt collection!" With a cold smile, Qin Fan uttered two words, but suddenly shouted to the sky: "Duan! Get out!!!"

A roar is like a dragon's chant. Although there is no increase in internal strength, a roar with a strong physique is comparable to a large megaphone.

Mu Wanqing was taken aback by the sudden voice, and quickly reached out to stop Qin Fan and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry about it! That guy surnamed Duan stole my belongings and dared to run away. Unfortunately, the monk can't escape the temple. I'll find him! Get out of the guy surnamed Duan. If he doesn't come out again, I'll set fire to him!" The rogue-like roar made Mu Wanqing jump.

Since ancient times, the people have not fought with the officials, and most of the martial arts people will not have direct conflicts with the officials. Although Mu Wanqing lived a reclusive life, she also knew the name of the Duan family in Dali. Now the two of them rushed into the palace even if She couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and her eyes fell on Qin Fan's blushing and thick neck, but she couldn't help thinking in her heart, that's fine, if she could die here because of him, it would be a good thing for herself s Choice!

Of course Qin Fan didn't know that in his first wife's heart, death was better than staying with him!
After a few roars, the entire Dali Palace was already in chaos, and at this moment Duan Yu's family was gathering together to enjoy themselves, when they suddenly heard this roar, their expressions all changed.

It's a bit of a coincidence, because of Qin Fan's intervention, Duan Yu has already left the track of the original plot. Of course, after getting rid of Qin Fan, Duan Yu felt that he suddenly gained strength. Gu ran back by himself, rescued Zhong Ling alone, and then bid farewell to Zhong Ling and passed by his mother when he returned, and picked up his mother back to the palace by the way, but because Duan Yu's body at this time was already different from ordinary people , and there is no Mu Wanqing to accompany him, so he is not being embarrassed by Yun Zhonghe, but it is not as embarrassing as in the original play.

Of course Qin Fan didn't know about Duan Yu. In fact, he didn't even know if Duan Yu was back.

Ever since being kicked off the cliff by Duan Yu last time, Qin Fan has become more confident in his body. In his opinion, even if he doesn't know martial arts, with his body alone, he believes that even if he fights against someone like Qiao Feng Such a first-rate master is probably not a problem. As for the second-rate characters like Duan Zhengchun, who are not considered to be considered, he is not easy to capture, so he doesn't have much scruples!

"Where did you get the little thief?" The bearded man in cloth clothes suddenly jumped out, and he hit Qin Fan with a long stick in his hand!

For this sudden blow, Qin Fan didn't care at all when he stretched out his hand to grab and twist the long stick at will, but to Qin Fan's surprise, the long stick was no more than a finger thick in his hand, but It is extremely tough, Qin Fan twisted it, not only did it not break, but the whole long stick was bent into a bow!
"The little thief is looking for death!" Seeing this, the bearded man snorted coldly, twisting his wrist as if he was going to use some kind of trick, but under Qin Fan's tremendous force, the long stick that was twisted into a bow did not move at all!
At this time, Qin Fan also noticed that this long stick is clearly a fishing rod. It is impossible to break it by holding one end with one hand. He simply pushed it into his arms. Like a big girl, she was staggered by Qin Fan, and she let go of the fishing rod in her hand.

"I still don't believe it!" He took the fishing rod and held it in the middle with both hands and exerted a little force!
This time, the fishing rod had no room to bend, but it was instantly snapped into two by Qin Fan!
"You..." The big bearded man was shocked when he saw this scene. Although his fishing rod looks ordinary, it is made of high-quality copper. Although it is not a magical weapon, it is an ordinary sword. But it can't hurt a bit, but this ugly guy looks short and frustrated, but he is born with supernatural power, and he broke his fishing rod with a random twist. It seems that the other party is not a good person this time!
"Brother Chu!" Duan Zhengchun's family also came out one after another at this time, and Duan Zhengchun shouted with concern when he saw the stunned expression of the bearded man and the fishing rod that was folded in two on the ground!
"My lord, don't come here, this ugly man is not easy!" Seeing this, Chu Wanli shouted quickly, and Qin Fan on the other side of course also saw the person coming, and when he swept his eyes, he happened to see the handsome man who was hiding behind the man wearing the crown. youth.

"Hey! Duan Yu! You really are here, you little bastard! You stole my things and still dare to run away! If you don't give me an explanation today, I will order your lair!"

Everyone was startled when they heard these words, four of them, including the bearded man who had fought against Qin Fan just now, stood in front of Duan Yu's family, and Duan Yu's father and uncle couldn't help but glance at each other, as if a little Surprised by Qin Fan's remarks.

"Who, who stole something from you, that thing was obviously given to me by the fairy sister! Uncle! It's this ugly monster who bullies my nephew outside!" Dare to come out!
(End of this chapter)

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