King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 144 Marriage

Chapter 144 Marriage
"What?" In the stone room, a girl dressed in snow-white gauze like a fairy in the mist showed a rare look of surprise on her face: "Impossible, Master has always disliked men and regards men as scourges, how could he promise me something?" Marriage? I don't believe it, Grandma Sun, you lied to me!"

"Miss Long, have I ever lied to you since I was a child? It was really your master who told me before he died that this Mr. Qin Fan is really the husband she appointed for you!" The grandma grandma spoke earnestly to the little dragon girl. Said: "Hey! In fact, you don't know something. The Heart Sutra of Jade Girls in this sect is the most taboo of lust. Your master is worried that you will make a mistake in your practice and will warn you to be desperate. But when she was dying, she suddenly realized that this man and woman are in love. It is the most beautiful thing in the world. Even if she can be banned for a while, she cannot be banned for a lifetime, especially after your senior sister escaped from the ancient tomb, your master regretted it very much, so he secretly chose one for you. The rarest man in the world is a good man to be your husband, but I am worried that telling you about this will affect your practice! Originally, I wanted to tell you when you grow up, but your master was killed later, but he didn’t Given the opportunity, I can only entrust this matter to me before dying!"

"This..." Little Dragon Girl couldn't believe it when she heard such words, but Grandma Sun raised her since she was a child. Speaking of which, she was closer to Grandma Sun than to her master. She would never believe that Grandma would harm her, but if Grandma Sun hadn't lied, then...
Xiao Longnu couldn't help but glanced back at the man next to her, but she couldn't help but frowned, maybe she thought this man was ugly, but in fact, she had lived in the ancient tomb and rarely had contact with outsiders, so for this man She doesn't have a standard for judging how she looks, but when she sees this face, Xiao Longnu hates it from the bottom of her heart.

"Are you really the husband appointed to me by my master?" Xiao Longnu frowned and whispered softly, as if she was asking or asking herself.

"Hey! Actually, I'm not very willing, but there's nothing I can do about my teacher's orders!" Someone explained very well what it means to be cheap and good-looking, with a disgusting big face full of embarrassment expressions, However, one of the two people on the opposite side didn't understand the world and the other was hypnotized, so no one felt wrong.

"I still don't believe it!" Taking a deep look at Grandma Sun, Xiao Longnv finally shook her head. Although she didn't know why Grandma Sun lied, she knew her master very well and would never let her marry. !There must be something strange about this.

"Miss Long, you..." Grandma Sun still didn't believe Xiaolongnu when she saw her, but she wanted to persuade her earnestly, but she was interrupted by Qin Fan directly raising her hand. It was suddenly pointing towards Xiaolongnv.

Never thought that this man would suddenly attack her, Xiao Longnu immediately flew back, but the short stick was entangled like tarsal maggots, Xiao Longnu had no choice but to use body skills to deal with it, after only two moves, Xiao Longnu Immediately realizing something was wrong, the figure stepped back again but looked at the other with a face of disbelief: "Jade girl Suxin swordsmanship, how do you know the martial arts of our ancient tomb sect?"

Martial arts are of course exchanged by the system. I don’t know why in this martial arts world, all kinds of martial arts methods can be exchanged as long as they are included in the world.

"Your master gave me this set of sword techniques because he was afraid that you wouldn't believe it. How about it, believe it now!" Qin Fan saw that the other party recognized this set of sword techniques, but it was useless to continue attacking. Standing on the spot with an indifferent look, he said, "Actually, I don't care, it's just because I promised your master that you won't make mistakes. In this way, as long as you say that you don't agree with this marriage, then I won't be considered a breach of trust. I'll turn around and leave without entanglement!"

"Miss Long, you can't! This is your master's last words, you can't go against it!" Grandma Sun, who was affected by the mirror, said anxiously.

"Of course I won't disobey Master's will..." Taking a deep look at Qin Fan, the little dragon girl frowned and said, "Okay! I promise you, I can marry you, but we're just going to marry you. After that, you leave the ancient tomb and we don't need to see each other again!"

"It's fine for me to leave, but you have to leave with me!" Qin Fan said without thinking.

"Impossible! I swore I would never leave the ancient tomb!" Xiao Longnu said directly.

"Miss Long, if you marry her, then you can break your oath and go down the mountain according to the family rules!" Grandma Sun said again.

"Broken oath? Are you willing to die for me?" Xiao Longnu said suddenly.

"If you marry me and become my wife, of course I can die for you!" Qin Fan knew the rules of the Ancient Tomb Sect after reading the original book, so he said directly without any doubts.

"That's good! I'll marry you, and if you're willing to die for me, I'll go down the mountain with you and sleep with you in your grave!" Xiao Longnu said without hesitation.

"Sleep in the same tomb? Why do you want to sleep in the same tomb?" Qin Fan asked in a daze.

"Didn't you say that you are willing to die for me?" Xiao Longnu said puzzled.

"I said I would, but I didn't say I would definitely die!" Qin Fan said dissatisfied.

"If you don't die once, how do I know that you will die for me?" Xiao Longnu said naturally.

I have to say that Xiaolongnu's logic is really powerful, but compared to Qin Fan's logic, Xiaolongnu is not enough!
"Well, since you said that, let me ask you, are you willing to do anything for your master?" Qin Fan asked directly.

"As long as it doesn't violate the rules of the Ancient Tomb Sect, of course I'm willing!" The little dragon girl who didn't understand the world was naturally put into the ditch by someone.

"That's good! If that's the case, are you willing to eat shit for your master?" Qin Fan said directly.

"What, what?" Xiao Longnu lived in the ancient tomb since she was a child, she had never seen such a scoundrel, and she was at a loss for words at the moment and didn't know what to say.

"What? Your Ancient Tomb Sect still has sect rules that don't allow students to eat shit?" Qin Fan said in surprise.

"No... but..." Xiao Longnv really didn't know what to say, there is still a sect in this world that stipulates that disciples are not allowed to eat shit?
"No, right? Would you like it? If you want me to get you some, you can verify it?" Qin Fan said very much.

"I...but...why should I do such a thing?" Xiao Longnv's fair face was turning green and red. It was the first time she had been so emotionally unstable after practicing the Jade Heart Sutra for so many years.

"Didn't you say that you are willing to do anything? Now you regret it?" Qin Fan deliberately looked at the other party with contempt and said.

"When did I go back on my word? Even if I am willing to do anything for Master, there is no need to that kind of filth!" Xiao Longnu said with a dark face.

"That's right! It's just not necessary! As I said just now, you can do anything for your master, but there is no need to do everything. I believe that if necessary, for example, if your master suffers A serious injury needs a kind of elixir to save your life, and the person who has this elixir said that if you want it, you must eat a mouthful of shit from your master before I can give you the elixir. I think you will definitely not hesitate, but in this case Of course, you don't need to eat shit to prove anything, and vice versa, I can die for you, but why should I die once for no reason to prove something!" Qin Fan is all kinds of fallacies The little dragon girl who was talking about was speechless for a while, and finally could only look at Grandma Sun next to her as if asking for help.

"Miss Long, your master told you to marry this Mr. Qin Fan. As a woman, you should be virtuous and virtuous to marry and obey your husband. Whatever he says, this is your duty as a wife." Being raised by Grandma Sun, of course Xiaolongnv listened to Grandma Sun's words. Although this matter seemed very wrong to her, Grandma Sun persuaded Xiaolongnv so repeatedly that she could only nod in agreement.

"Oh! Alright! If that's the case, I'll just marry!" Slightly sighed, Xiao Longnv finally decided to accept her fate!

(End of this chapter)

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