King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 145 The Confused Little Dragon Girl

Chapter 145 The Confused Little Dragon Girl
The red candle shines on Luo Chang, the golden cup reflects the Ming hall, the jade man sits in front of the couch, and the toad marries a bride!
Since neither Qin Fan nor Xiaolongnv had any acquaintances in this world, the two just went to the bridal chamber hastily after paying homage under the command of Grandma Sun.

In the bridal chamber, beep beep beep beep beep beep... ([-] words omitted here...)
The sound of birdsong in the early morning came in through several air holes in the ancient tomb, sleepy eyes slowly opened, and he turned his head to see that Yiren beside him was still sleeping soundly. It seemed that he was indeed exhausted last night. Qin Fan was very satisfied. He nodded, and then impatiently called out the task list, but in his heart, he felt that this task was really easy enough...
"Impossible!" With a cry of surprise, Qin Fan sat up directly from the bed, with disbelief written all over his big face.

Xiao Longnv, who was still sleeping soundly, was also woken up, frowning and getting up slowly but looked at Qin Fan warily: "What do you want?"

Last night, this man insulted me in every possible way, but I could only let him manipulate me because of my master's will. Now that I'm married, I should have fulfilled my master's will, and I don't need to pretend to let him continue Are you insulting yourself?
"Impossible! You... What's your name?" Qin Fan turned his head in disbelief and looked at the man who was holding a sheet to cover his crisp chest at this time. Although his hair was messy, it was matched with that delicate and pretty face. She is a girl with a different kind of beauty, Qin Fan couldn't help but said.

"What did you say?" Hearing this, the little dragon girl's anger rose slightly, and she asked her name even after she was like herself. There are such shameless people in the world. What the master said is true. Men are despicable and shameless. kill people.

Qin Fan also seemed to realize that something was wrong with his question, but the problem was that in his task list, the task of the dragon knight was still unfinished. Could it be that the dragon knight mentioned in this task was not the little dragon girl, but let himself ride a real dragon?its not right!It has already been written that it is Xiaolongnv, could it be that I did not meet the task standard last night?

Qin Fan looked at the bright red on the bed, and looked at the girl who was still very tired even though her face was showing anger.In other words, the dragon knight mentioned in this mission is a knight in the true sense, not...
"Come on, Longer, let's play a little game, you lie down, we..." Qin Fan thought about it and wanted to try it out, but he was already in a rage and was still willing to be manipulated by Qin Fan. But his feet kicked Qin Fan off the stone bed.

"Don't go too far, you and I got married just because the teacher's order is hard to break. If you are forcing me to do that kind of thing, I will kill myself here and apologize to the master myself!" Xiaolongnv shouted hoarsely , After finishing speaking, he ignored Qin Fan who was standing there in a daze, just put on a few clothes indiscriminately and ran out directly.

Qin Fan, who was sitting on the ground, opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't stop Xiao Longnu. At this moment, he seemed to understand why the task was not completed.

At the same time, Xiao Longnv ran to Grandma Sun's room and threw herself into her arms, crying bitterly.

Seeing this, Grandma Sun turned pale with shock, since she practiced the Jade Heart Sutra, Xiao Longnv has been in this state of neither joy nor sorrow, never has she cried so bitterly.

"Mother-in-law, why, why did the master leave such a will? I feel so uncomfortable. I don't want to marry him. I don't want to do that kind of thing with him. Mother-in-law, teach me, what should I do?" Xiaolong At this time, the woman is like a helpless little girl, her face is full of tears, which makes people feel pity.

Grandma Sun's old face was covered with tears when Xiao Longnv cried like this: "Miss Long, what are you doing to make the old man sad, your master's death naturally has her reason, talk about love Love is what you young women should do. Now that you are married, you should serve your husband well. You can no longer be as self-willed as before. The so-called husband is heaven. Do what you do, and you must obey from the heart, don’t have such rhetoric anymore, you know?”

"Grandma Sun?!" Breaking free from Granny Sun's arms, Xiao Longnv looked at the old woman who was both familiar and unfamiliar in front of her in disbelief, but she didn't know what to say.

"Hey! Silly girl, listen to me, men are masculine and women are feminine. The tougher you are, the more painful you will feel. Try to be submissive and obedient, and wrap his masculinity with your gentleness. They will become extremely happy!" Completely under the influence of hypnosis, Grandma Sun is like a professional procuress, earnestly persuading the girls under her to be obedient and not to resist...
"But...I..." She was totally new to the world, and Xiao Longnv's common sense was much less than that of ordinary people, but now that her closest grandmother, Grandma Sun, said this again, she could only listen to it as golden rules and wise words.

"Okay, okay! I'll make a good apology to my uncle in a while. If he wants to punish you, just bear with it and let it go. Don't lose your temper as a child. Just be obedient, you know?" Grandma Sun said again. teach way.

"...Mmm!" Xiao Longnv was unwilling to do so, but in the end she could only utter the word "um".

When Qin Fan saw Xiao Longnv again, the little girl had already tidied up, but the white gauze skirt on her body had returned to her fairy-like appearance.

"Go!" Grandma Sun pushed Xiao Longnv and gave her an encouraging look.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Longnv walked slowly: "Husband! It was Long'er's fault just now, please don't be angry, if you are dissatisfied with Longer, you can punish Longer!"

Xiao Longnu stiffly said the words that Grandma Sun had taught her just now.

He glanced at the little dragon girl in surprise. To be honest, he really didn't know that the little dragon girl who had always appeared as cold as ice would have such a side. She secretly gave a thumbs up to Grandma Sun and Qin Fan immediately Said: "Long'er doesn't need to say more, just now it was actually my fault, I've already thought about it, if Longer doesn't like it, I will never force Longer again!"

Hearing this, Xiao Longnu was taken aback, but she didn't expect that what Grandma Sun said was true, as long as she became compliant, her husband would also be gentle to her, and she slightly raised her head to look at the big face with a snub nose and wide mouth However, Xiao Longnv couldn't help but frowned again, she couldn't help but have some doubts in her heart, why men would look so weird, why the master was trapped by love when facing men, why both the senior sister and Grandma Sun said that women should find a man they love, In Xiao Longnv's view, even the wild beasts in the mountains are probably more pleasing to the eye than this man, but Grandma Sun said that the man in front of her is still the best among men. Don't know?
(End of this chapter)

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