Chapter 146
"Candied haws and candied haws, sour and sweet... Fresh pancakes... Sugar figurines, sugar figurines, delicious and fun sugar figurines..." On the noisy market, Qin Fan took Xiaolongnv's hand to relax. step forward.

"That's right! Occasionally, if you go out for a walk, the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes will naturally go to the rivers and lakes. What's the use of staying in the basement all the time!" Qin Fan said courteously, pulling Xiaolongnv.

Looking at Qin Fan with a strange face, Xiao Longnu had a weird expression.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something dirty on my face?" Seeing that Xiaolongnv's expression was wrong, Qin Fan subconsciously touched his face and asked.

"Why do you look different from other men?" After slightly frowning and pondering for a while, Xiao Longnu finally said.

"Um...of course people look different, don't you and Grandma Sun also look the same?" Qin Fan replied after being taken aback.

"'s not that different, tell me the truth! Are you really a man?" Xiao Longnu said seriously.

"Hey! What do you mean by that? Don't you know if I'm a man? Didn't we have a bridal chamber?" Qin Fan said very dissatisfied.

"I don't mean that!" Hearing what Qin Fan said, Xiao Longnv blushed, but then said again: "I mean you are human? No! I mean, why do I think you and others Do people look different?"

Xiao Longnv has always asked this question. When she was in the ancient tomb, she seldom socialized with people. The only people she was familiar with were Master, Senior Sister, and Grandma Sun. Therefore, seeing this man's strange appearance, it was completely different from male to female. But now Walking on the street, there are men and women, although some are tall, short, fat and thin, but generally there are people!Why does the person in front of me look like...
Seeing the doubts in Xiao Longnv's eyes, Qin Fan's heart moved, and he said randomly, "Long'er, you don't know, I'm like a dragon and a phoenix, and ordinary people like them are of course incomparable, you don't understand..."

"Hehe..." As soon as Qin Fan finished speaking, there was a chuckle behind him. Qin Fan, who was already a little guilty, was very sensitive. It was just a chuckle, but when he turned around, that person immediately turned into a big laugh!
But seeing the man carrying the cage and bird with a foolish look on his body, he was still wearing a Taoist robe, which was a bit nondescript. When he saw Qin Fan turning his head, he happened to turn his head to look, but he was slightly taken aback.

"Uh...hahahaha! Brothers, come and take a look, it really is one of the best in ten thousand. Just now, I just thought that this person with such a figure is not ashamed to talk about it. It turns out that his appearance is the best of the best. Nima is here Are you still a human? Hahahaha!" There were three or five other people with the young man, each of them was wearing Taoist robes with wooden hairpins on their heads, they looked decent, but matched with how many people were pushing and shoving at this moment. In addition, the appearance of each bird carrying a cage is a bit nondescript.

A series of loud laughter made Qin Fan's face even more ugly. If it wasn't for Xiao Longnv's presence, he would have already slapped him to kill this desperate guy.

"Seeing that you are also from the Taoist sect, it doesn't make sense to say that I am a good husband!" Xiao Longnv also frowned slightly. In fact, in her opinion, it doesn't matter that Qin Fan is ugly and beautiful. Anyway, this marriage was arranged by the master. It has nothing to do with Qin Fan at all, and she was just curious when she asked that question just now.

However, when Xiao Longnv spoke, the blushing and thick-necked people were all stunned as if they had been pulled by an electric switch.

Needless to say, the beauty of Xiaolongnv, if not for being in the midst of this disturbance, people might be mistaken for a fairy descending to earth, and with this great foil next to her, this beauty that has already reached its full value is in an instant. It's about to blow out!
"Does it look good?" A voice that was neither salty nor dull suddenly sounded, and several Taoist robed men nodded subconsciously.

"Haven't you seen it?" The neutral voice sounded again, and several men nodded subconsciously.

"Have you seen enough?" A neutral voice sounded once, but several men shook their heads at the same time!

"I haven't seen it, go home and see your mother!" The voice suddenly became harsher, but he raised his hand and slapped the leader directly.

The conscience of heaven and earth, Qin Fan's slap really took 90.00% of the strength of [-]. It's not because he changed his nature and didn't want to kill. He also slapped the man's mouth, nose, bleeding eyes and gold stars.

"Ah! You dare to hit me, it's against you!" Several people saw that the ugly ghost in front of them dared to attack them, but they quit one by one. The power is fighting to the death, but the strength is flawed, and those who are full of blood and slapped by a series of big mouths are left wailing all over the floor.

"You, you dare to hit us, you are finished, you wait for me, you, you..." Of course, Qin Fan didn't care about the threats of a few stupid boys, but worried that his violent image would affect Xiaolongnu's opinion, In fact, Qin Fan really thought too much this time. Although the little dragon girl appeared in a positive image among the divine sculptures, she actually didn't shy away from killing. Offended, Qin Fan will not have any opinion if he kills their little dragon girl.

Slowly leaning over to open the birdcage that fell aside, released a canary inside, then smiled slightly at Qin Fan and said, "Let's go!" I didn't look at the few stunned young people who really liked it.

"You guys and girls just wait for me, this matter is not over..." The yelling of a few boys behind Qin Fan and Xiaolongnv didn't take it seriously, but they didn't want these stupid boys to really mess with the two of them Something went wrong.

"Uh... Longer, actually..." Qin Fan felt that he should explain it carefully. Ever since the mission was not completed after the wedding, Qin Fan knew that this mission required the little dragon girl to take the initiative to return to her heart, in other words, she wanted the other party to really like her. To me, to be honest, this task is absolutely epic for Qin Fan. The only advantage is that the little dragon girl has lived in the ancient tomb for a long time. I have some prejudices, but it is also because of this point that I have been sticking to the rules and my heart is like a pool of stagnant water. Although I will not look down on Qin Fan, but the same, even if Qin Fan looks like Pan An, she will not be easily tempted. After thinking about it, Qin Fan Fan still decides that this matter must be broken before standing. After all, if the little dragon girl continues to stay in the ancient tomb all day long, she only knows that she will devote herself to cultivating the Tao and has no time to talk about love, so she simply brings the other party out, let her see the world of flowers and then I was trying out the methods of picking up girls that I saw in the novel before traveling in the past, maybe it would be a success, but I didn't expect that something went wrong just half a day later.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Qin Fan's hesitation, Xiao Longnv asked suspiciously for a moment.

"Actually, I look..." Qin Fan really didn't know how to describe his appearance for a while, mainly because he couldn't find any good words.

However, the little dragon girl who saw this scene smiled slightly and said: "You are my husband, and it has nothing to do with whether you look good or not. Since you and I are married, we are one body. I don't care what you look like." Would mind!"

What Xiao Longnu said was that Qin Fan suddenly had an urge to cry. After traveling through so many worlds, it was the first time he heard such words from someone who didn't like him. He made up his mind, Even after the mission is over, I will not use any illusion to hypnotize Xiaolongnu. After all, there are not many people who can accept his appearance with such a distorted aesthetic view!
(End of this chapter)

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