King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 147 Trouble

Chapter 147 Trouble
In the private room on the second floor of Songhe Tower, on a table leaning against the window, the table is full of all kinds of delicacies!

"Come on! Long Er, try it. Although your kind of jade honey is very good, it's not good to eat it all the time. It's good to eat some ordinary food once in a while for a change!" While talking, Qin Fan brought a piece of honey Put the oily elbow in the Xiaolongnv's bowl and said expectantly: "This elbow is still delicious!"

Looking at the shiny elbow, Xiao Longnv's face froze slightly, but in the end she clamped it up and took a bite lightly. Grandma Sun's words were still in her ears. Since she is married to the other party as a woman, she must learn to accommodate her. Since I let myself eat a little even if I don't like it, don't refute the other party's face, but the taste buds who have been vegetarian all the year round find it difficult to accept greasy food, and the little dragon girl frowned involuntarily.

"I don't like it!" Although Qin Fan is not very good at coaxing girls, he can still do it in general, so he asked immediately.

"It's okay! Is there something lighter!" Xiao Longnu said reluctantly.

"There is a list!" Qin Fan slapped his hands and shouted, "Xiao Er, come here!"

The combination of the fairy and the beast is too eye-catching, even Qin Fan didn't need to call the waiter to pay attention to this side. When Qin Fan called him, he almost ran over immediately: "Objective, why do you have any orders?"

"My wife said these dishes were too greasy, so I removed them all! Change them to lighter ones!" Qin Fan said directly.

"All withdrawn?" The waiter in the shop was startled when he heard Qin Fan's words. The dishes on the table seemed to have not moved a chopstick, so they withdrawn?

"What are you talking about?" Qin Fan casually threw out a gold ingot, and the little boy felt his hand sank, and his expression of surprise immediately turned into flattery. You must know that Qin Fan had already given the restaurant a certain amount of ingots before serving, and now He gave another one. It is exaggerated to say that these two ingots bought the entire Songhe Tower, but there must be more than half of the Songhe Tower.

"Be objective, wait a moment, I'll change it for you right away!" Xiao Er immediately ran back to call for someone, and after a while, all the guys were called up, and even the shopkeeper followed.

"Objective! What's your order?" The shopkeeper said politely.

"Light, delicate, and clean. I came here because of your Songhe Tower brand. If my wife is satisfied, the reward can be doubled, but if you are not satisfied, don't blame me for demolishing your restaurant!" Qin Fan looked like a nouveau riche Mouth said.

Although he already knew that the two were husband and wife, but when he heard the ugly ghost in front of him addressing his wife and looking at the beautiful woman next to him, the shopkeeper couldn't help but feel emotional, who said that toads can't eat swan meat? , as long as you have money!

"Don't worry, it's light, delicate, and clean. The cook of our Songhe Tower used to work in the palace, and I guarantee that you two will be satisfied!" After finishing speaking, he went down to the kitchen with full of emotion.

But just after Qin Fan sent the shopkeeper away, there was a cry of selling candied haws outside the window. The little dragon girl who didn't like to socialize with others turned her head to look out of the window after the shopkeeper came in. But he couldn't help asking: "Sir, I heard someone hawking at the market just now, what are these candied haws made of?"

Qin Fan, who was called by Xiaolongnv, said straight from his toes, his hair shredded, and said quickly: "Candied haws is a very delicious snack. It happens to be an appetizer. If you have a bad appetite, I will buy it for you." Try it." After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xiao Longnv to agree, she turned around and ran downstairs.

After walking out of Songhe Tower, Qin Fan immediately went to look for the seller of candied haws, but he couldn’t find it after searching a street. Qin Fan simply exchanged a candied haws from the store and returned to Songhe Tower quickly. Something went wrong.

Not long after Qin Fan left, a group of Taoist priests rushed over from the other side, and the ones leading the way were those youths carrying cages and birds that Qin Fan had beaten up not long ago. I just got beaten up and wanted to reward myself with a good meal. It is obvious that these people came here this time to find a helper to seek revenge!
Speaking of which, these people are the sons of wealthy businessmen and officials nearby, commonly known as dandies, and the reason why they wear Taoist robes is not to pretend to be non-mainstream, but genuine Taoist disciples!It even has some connection with the Ancient Tomb Sect that Qin Fan belongs to these days, that's right!Those dudes joined the famous Quanzhen Sect!
Back then, Huashan Lunjian was well-known in the martial arts world. The leader of Quanzhen Sect, Wang Chongyang, was the leader. However, as the saying goes, the rich can't last three generations, Wang Chongyang is a hero, and the Quanzhen Seven Sons is a hero, but there is really no one in the third generation of Quanzhen Sect, and because it has the world's largest sect, the first master of martial arts The name of the sect, the disciples of the Quanzhen sect are praised by others wherever they go, those dignitaries are already proud to befriend the disciples of the Quanzhen sect, and gradually some who like to specialize will send their children to the Quanzhen sect Well, of course the Quanzhen sect with good qualifications will be accepted, but what about those with poor qualifications who don't want to suffer?It would be fine if Wang Chongyang was sent away naturally when he was alive, but in recent years Wang Chongyang passed away, and the martial arts of the Quanzhen Seven Masters are acceptable but really not suitable for managing the sect, so that there are many disciples in the Quanzhen Sect who love leisure, hate work, and love to enjoy themselves. Some ineffective descendants of high-ranking officials wanted to join the Quanzhen Sect. Although those dandies were not up to the mark, who made them rich, so some of the Quanzhen Sect thought of the title of Outer Sect Disciple. It’s similar to those famous schools donating tens of thousands of taels of silver to Quanzhen Sect, so that their children can get a name in Quanzhen Sect. Although they may not be able to learn any peerless martial arts, they will bear the name of Quanzhen Sect. Meeting some martial arts people will give some face, and these dudes are the outer disciples of the Quanzhen Sect. They are the sons of the officials and businessmen in the vicinity. The rich and powerful ordinary people dare not offend them. Some martial arts people will restrain themselves when they see each other wearing Taoist robes and know that this is the territory of Quanzhen Sect, so these people have not encountered any danger since wearing this Taoist robe, even those martial arts with swords The people were very polite when they saw it, but they didn't expect that today they met someone who wanted to die. They even dared to beat them, the outside disciples of the Quanzhen Sect, and quickly asked people to find the Quanzhen Sect. I'm used to domineering, once I heard that someone dared to beat their outer disciples in their own territory?This matter should be said no matter where the face of their number one faction in the world is, so there is such a place.

"What a demon girl, what about that wild man of yours? Let him come out and die together!" A group of Taoist priests rushed up to the Songhe Tower and kicked Xiao Er who came up, but they drew their swords and pointed at Xiao Longnu who was sitting by the window. Just scold!

(End of this chapter)

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