King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 148 The Death of Grandma Sun

Chapter 148 The Death of Grandma Sun
The little Taoist priest who was caught was also considered clever. Seeing that the strength on his neck was getting weaker, he felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of the current twist of his body but unexpectedly easily broke free from the old woman's restraint. The old woman slapped and flew away. After the slap, the little Taoist himself was a little surprised that he was able to slap the old witch who had fought with the head teacher, but just when he wondered if he suddenly When the enlightenment martial arts greatly increased, he suddenly felt a tingle in his back, followed by a series of severe pains that cannot be described in words.

"Ah!!!" Accompanied by this real wail, a white dress suddenly floated past everyone's eyes, it was the little dragon girl who ran out to find Grandma Sun, and of course the one who was shot flying by the little Taoist just now had been guarding the ancient tomb Grandma Sun at the entrance.

Grandma Sun stopped the Taoist priests all the time, of course she was worried that these Taoist priests would rush in and affect Xiaolongnu's healing. As for why she didn't say that Xiaolongnu was injured and couldn't see the guests from the beginning to the end, the reason was even simpler. Qin Fan had already said Xiaolong when he came back. There was a conflict between the girl and the Quanzhen sect, and the little dragon girl's obsession was probably related to these stinky Taoist priests. What good would happen if these people suddenly broke into the ancient tomb at this time?Although the old Taoist kept saying that it was to ask for jade honey to detoxify, God knows if they would have any other crooked intentions. If they knew that Miss Long was seriously injured, my uncle could not be distracted by healing her. If they really Is it okay to forcefully break into the ancient tomb?Because of this, Grandma Sun would rather fight with them than let them enter the ancient tomb. Unfortunately, Grandma Sun still underestimated the opponent's strength, and in the end she had to resort to desperate means. Fortunately, at the last moment The stone door opened by itself, which means that Miss Long's injury should have been healed?
"Grandma Sun!" Gently approaching Granny Sun, who was lying on the ground with bleeding from her mouth and nose, Xiao Longnv bent down to look at the old woman who took care of her since she was a child, and the sadness that she had never felt in her heart slowly overflowed.

"Miss Long, are you alright?" Seeing Xiao Longnv appearing in front of her, Grandma Sun's face that was as pale as a sheet of paper was flushed a little more, she seemed to be much more energetic all of a sudden, but Xiao Longnv could tell that it was so It was not a good thing that he was seriously injured, but his complexion suddenly changed for the better.

"Miss Long, let the poor Taoist feel the pulse of Grandma Sun!" Seeing this, the old Taoist also knew that Grandma Sun might be in danger. With killing intent, but who would have thought that Grandma Sun would be so ruthless that she would rather die than avoid it.

Xiao Longnv didn't pay attention to the Taoist priest's words, just looked down at Grandma Sun and said, "Grandma, do you have anything else to say?"

"Listen to my uncle's words carefully, don't make my uncle angry..." Before the words were finished, there was no life left.

Stretching out her hand to close Grandma Sun's eyes that had never been closed, Xiao Longnv slowly got up and looked at the old Taoist with indifferent eyes and said, "Did you beat Grandma to death?"

"Uh... Miss Long, this is really a misunderstanding, I meant..." The old Taoist seemed to want to explain, but before he could finish speaking, a lukewarm voice came from behind him: "You all really There are so many misunderstandings in teaching! It’s better to change the name and call it misunderstanding teaching.”

The sudden voice turned the old Taoist's face black. The old Taoist has practiced the Tao all his life, and of course his skill in nourishing his energy is not bad. He can be kind to everything in front of him. But the words "Quanzhen Teaching" must not be used as a joke. .

"Who is your Excellency that you are speaking rudely here!" Qin Fan who came out after the old Taoist turned around slowly to look at the face was stunned, but it was only for a moment. Many people have seen it before. Although the man in front of him looks curious, he also has a nose and eyes on his hands and feet, but there is nothing special about it.

"Here? If I'm not mistaken, this is the territory of the Ancient Tomb Sect. What did I say on my own territory that it would be the turn of your Quanzhen Sect to control it? Or that your Quanzhen Sect is also called Quanguanjiao?" Qin Fan chuckled, but walked slowly to Xiaolongnv's side and looked at the Taoist priests with a smile.

His eyes swept over the old woman's corpse on the ground. The old Taoist took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "The poor Taoist didn't want to make a big move when he came here this time, but this old grandma was so aggressive that he accidentally beat her up." Kill, now that the matter has come to this point, the old Taoist can hardly absolve himself of the blame. For the face of the late Grandma Sun, the old Taoist will not care about you two juniors. The poison is coming, as long as the two hand over the antidote, Pindao will leave immediately!"

"Oh! Long'er, are these the ones who injured you in Songhe Tower?" Qin Fan seemed to have noticed the people on the stretchers, and said exaggeratedly.

However, the old Taoist didn't believe it when he heard this. Even though Xiao Longnv's attack was only for a moment, she obviously showed a good martial art, which is better than those few disciples. He absolutely does not believe that the little dragon girl in the hand of this disciple can be injured, so: "You two don't need to say anything, this time I am not asking the teacher to ask for a crime, I just want to ask for an antidote!"

It turned out that the old Taoist thought that the man and woman in front of him were worried about his guilt, so he deliberately said that he was also injured, but Qin Fan didn't look at each other from the beginning to the end, and smiled when he saw Xiao Longnu nodded slightly.

"Haha! Old Taoist priest, don't worry, this little injury is not a problem. Since the old Taoist priest has come in person, then I will personally treat a few high-ranking disciples, and guarantee that the disease will be cured!" While speaking, he came to the Beside the stretchers, a few people who missed a glance at the unit price said, "Is that the only ones?"

Not doubting him at all, the old Taoist quickly said: "There is another one here, who was injured by Miss Long with a poisonous needle just now, please help him as well!"

"Oh! The one just now didn't hurt my wife. I can kill them later. I can't let them die like this!" While speaking, Qin Fan suddenly let go, and waved his hands coldly However, when the life and death talisman was counted, it was shot directly into the little Taoist priests lying on the stretcher who had already fallen into a coma, and then it was as if a switch was pressed, the bodies of several people trembled unconsciously at first, and then But when Qiqi woke up, he let out an even harsher wail, and at the same time, his hands seemed to be desperately grabbing at his body, as if he wanted to scratch all the flesh and blood on his body.

"You... how courageous!" The old Taoist never thought that with him sitting in command again, this ugly ghost would dare to attack his disciples.The moment he shouted angrily, he raised his hand and patted Qin Fan.

The little dragon girl standing by the side immediately went up to fight with him. Although she didn't know how good her husband's martial arts were, her performance since she practiced the Jade Heart Sutra with her should not be inferior to her own. But you have to report it yourself!
(End of this chapter)

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