King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 149 Destruction of Quanzhen

Chapter 149 Destruction of Quanzhen

Although Xiaolongnv is still young, she has the help of the cold jade bed and her own aptitude, but her internal strength is not weak. In addition, her internal strength is more pure after she and Qin Fan have double cultivated the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, but it is more pure than that of Ma, the head of the Quanzhen Seven Sons. Daoist Yu didn't give up, and because martial arts restrained Quanzhen martial arts, Xiaolongnv immediately gained the upper hand. However, although Xiaolongnv's martial arts are not weak, she doesn't have much experience in fighting with others, so Although every move can overwhelm the old Taoist priest, it can always be easily resolved by the old Taoist priest, so it is difficult to tell the winner between the two of them fighting for a while.

Qin Fan, who was on the side, saw this scene and knew that although Xiaolongnv couldn't take down the old Taoist priest in a short time, at least she would not lose, so he simply didn't go up to help but turned to look at the other little Taoist priests.

"How many people also attacked my wife in Songhe Tower?" Qin Fan said, looking at those little Taoist priests with a smile.

"I...we haven't been to Songhe Tower!" At this moment, those senior brothers who had already scratched themselves on the ground were still scratching their heads, and the little Taoists dared to admit it.

"No? That's fine! Since you don't have any, I won't embarrass you, just go to hell!" Qin Fan shrugged his shoulders, and his figure was only a flash, but he saw the bodies of the little Taoists as if they had been hit by a train. They flew upside down, but after landing again, they were all dead.

"How dare you..." Seeing this, Ma Yu, who was fighting with Xiao Longnv, could hardly see his eyes tearing apart. How could he think that the ugly ghost is not only ugly but also has such a vicious heart, killing people like mowing grass is simply a devil. However, he didn't know that Qin Fan's ruthlessness was just the tip of the iceberg.

"What dare I?" Qin Fan turned his head and looked at the old Taoist who was fighting with Xiaolongnv with a smile and shook his head slightly: "You guys from the Quanzhen sect hurt my wife, and you still don't allow me to take revenge?"

"Nonsense! How could the two of you with such high martial arts skills hurt some of our Quanzhen juniors!" Daoist Ma Yu was really anxious at this time, neither did he expect the two to be so vicious, nor did he Thinking that the other party's martial arts is so high, it seems that she is only a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, and her martial arts are no less than her own.

"Hehe! Do I need an excuse to kill you?" Qin Fan smiled lightly and came to the last one. The little Taoist priest who had just been stabbed by the little dragon girl's Jade Bee needle and fell into a coma at this time suddenly stepped on it. On top of the opponent's head...
"Pfft!" The red and white thing splashed all over the ground in an instant...
"You..." Seeing that his last disciple was also murdered, Ma Yu's restrained moves suddenly became smarter, and as Ma Yu switched from defending to attacking Xiao Longnv, he immediately became a little embarrassed. There's no way, Xiaolongnv's martial arts skills are high, but her combat experience is really lacking. When fighting a commoner like Ma Yu, it's not bad to use [-]% to [-]% of her martial arts skills. At first, Ma Yu didn't want to make things stand still. Restraining the little dragon girl can of course gain the upper hand, but now that Ma Yu also has the killing intent, things are no longer what they were at the beginning, but when Qin Fan was hesitating whether to help, Ma Yu changed his tactics again, Faced with Xiao Longnv's figure, she used her palm strength to fly back, she had already run several feet away, and then she turned around and ran away without hesitation.

But facing Ma Yu, Xiao Longnv stepped back half a step but did not continue to pursue.

"What? Are you injured?" Seeing that Xiao Longnv suddenly stopped attacking, Qin Fan walked over curiously and asked.

"No! His martial arts are not much weaker than mine. Even if he chases after him, he may not be able to keep him. It's better to bury Grandma Sun first!" Xiao Longnv shook her head and said.

"How about I help you..." Qin Fan only spoke halfway but was interrupted by the little dragon girl.

"No! I want to understand Granny Sun's hatred personally." Xiao Longnv said firmly.

Shrugging his shoulders, Qin Fan said indifferently, "Whatever you want!"

Qin Fan helped to bring Grandma Sun's body into the ancient tomb, but Quanzhen Sect was in a mess on the other side.

When Ma Yu escaped, it seemed that he was taking every step without delay, but in fact he used Grandma Sun's routine, and the last palm that confronted Xiaolongnv actually had the meaning of exchanging injury for escape, because that palm was When he couldn't fully exert his own internal strength, Xiao Longnu didn't expect that the opponent would fight him at that time. She thought that the opponent wanted to make a false move but didn't expect the opponent's false move to turn into a real move, and then The old Taoist flew out backwards with the help of Xiao Longnv's palm, although he walked cleanly, he was also injured by the force of Xiao Longnv's palm.

"Brother! Are you injured?" In the conference hall, there were only six of the former seven sons, and Qiu Chuji, the one with the highest martial arts among the six, was the first to see that something was wrong with Ma Yu.

Over the years, Ma Yu's health has been getting worse and worse, and now he seems to be seriously injured again, which makes Qiu Chuji very worried.

Waving!Ma Yu said directly: "This time our Quanzhen Sect has provoked a big enemy, and I'm afraid we will go up the mountain to make trouble soon. Zhijing, you are the most solid martial artist among the three generations. For the time being, you will take over the position of Tianxuan. We will welcome you later." The enemy doesn't need to attack you, as long as you don't mess up!"

"Brother, what happened? Didn't you take someone to the ancient tomb sect to ask for the antidote for the jade bee poison? How did you meet the enemy? Could it be the person in the ancient tomb?" Sun Buer was puzzled asked.

Ma Yu didn't answer but nodded slightly. Just now when he was fighting with Xiao Longnv, he felt that the girl was only [-] years old but her inner strength was extremely pure. In addition, the Ancient Tomb School restrained his Quanzhen School's martial arts, so he was a little overwhelmed. Thinking back now, that ugly ghost shot very sharply and simply. Although he shot several times and the disciples he brought were mediocre in martial arts, there was no way to really test the opponent's strength, but that feeling, Ma Yu now thinks back. There is an illusion of encountering one of the five masters.

"Isn't there only an old woman and a young girl in the ancient tomb? Although I haven't fought against those two, I have seen the old woman go out to buy. Judging from her walking pace, her inner strength should not be deep. As for the young girl, she seems to be Are you less than 20 years old? Brother! Could it be that there are other people in the ancient tomb?" Qiu Chuji asked a little puzzled.

Hearing Qiu Chuji's words, Ma Yu nodded first, then shook his head and said, "My injury was caused by that girl. For some reason, the ancient tomb sect's martial arts restrained our Quanzhen sect's martial arts so much, and that girl didn't know how to do it." The cultivation skills are no longer inferior to mine, perhaps only Junior Brother Qiu can completely surpass her here, but I am not worried about the girl, although the girl is not weak in martial arts, but inexperienced in fighting the enemy, it is not terrible if she fights to the death , I’m talking about another man in the ancient tomb!”

"Men? Aren't men not allowed in the ancient tomb?" Sun Buer said in surprise.

"It's just a man with a very ugly appearance and a strong attack. I don't know the specific strength of that man, but his martial arts will definitely not be inferior to Junior Brother Qiu. I'm even worried that he...may have reached the point of Wujue!" Ma Yu said in a tone. Said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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