King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 150 Destruction of Quanzhen

Chapter 150 Destruction of Quanzhen

"This lingbo micro-step is really miraculous. Its movement is ethereal, and it seems real. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't believe that there are such martial arts in this world!" In the stone room, Xiao Longnv said in surprise while stepping on the Lingbo Weibu that Qin Fan taught her.

"It's okay! Try that six-meridian sword, I think that set of swordsmanship is quite suitable for you!" Qin Fan urged from the side.

After hearing Qin Fan's words, the little dragon girl stopped her pace slowly, but the internal force of luck was pointing to the side in the void, but no sword energy was shot out from the light-white fingers, and the little dragon girl tried several other veins but nothing came out. One exception ended in failure.

"This set of swordsmanship is also very miraculous in terms of moves, but the internal force required is beyond the control of ordinary people. I am afraid that my current skill is far from enough." Xiao Longnv shook her head and said.

"Isn't the inner strength enough?" Hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan nodded and then said, "It's just right, let's go to Quanzhen this time to teach me to get you some inner strength!"

"What?" Xiaolongnv was taken aback when she heard Qin Fan's inexplicable words, and said to herself, "Inner strength is not candied haws, can this thing be obtained from other places?"

Seemingly seeing Xiaolongnu's doubts, Qin Fan smiled and went directly to hug Xiaolongnu in his arms. The next second, the figures of the two disappeared directly from the ancient tomb.

"Who?" A scream rang out, and the mountain guards who had been guarding the foot of the Quanzhen Sect mountain immediately discovered the two Qin Fan and Xiaolongnv who appeared out of thin air. Although they were surprised by the strange appearance of each other, the guards Shan was responsible, but he didn't have time to study it carefully. The Taoist priests who had already unsheathed their swords immediately surrounded him with a loud shout.

"This... what kind of martial art is this?" Suddenly appeared from the ancient tomb in the range of Quanzhen Sect, no matter how peaceful Xiao Longnu was, she was startled by this scene.

"This is supernatural powers, not martial arts!" Qin Fan casually explained, and then let go of Xiaolongnv's arms, but the figure disappeared again, followed by a series of screams from around...
In the main hall of the Quanzhen Sect, several old Taoist priests sat on the futons and concentrated their minds. The old Taoist priest in the lead was indeed Ma Yu, the head of the Quanzhen Seven Sons, but it was the same as that in front of the ancient tomb just now. I don't know why it seems to be more old-fashioned.

"Brother! There seems to be some movement down the mountain!" Qiu Chuji suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"Zhiping, go and let the disciples don't have to stop you, just let the two benefactors go up the mountain!" Opening his eyes, a pair of bright eyes that did not match the haggard face faintly revealed two divine lights, Ma Yu said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Yin Zhiping returned to his senses and looked at Ma Yu, but he was taken aback by Ma Yu's appearance. The Taoist general returned to the basics. He looked old, but in fact, he was a real master. On the other hand, Ma Yu is a god today It is very bad for the light to leak out, when the divine light in the body is exhausted, it is the moment of his death.

"Go!" Ma Yu scolded with a slightly dark face.

Yin Zhiping no longer hesitated, got up and walked out, looked at the most outstanding disciple among the three generations, but remembered the appearance of that little dragon girl when she was fighting with her, if only their Quanzhen sect had such a disciple!
In fact, in recent years, Ma Yu has long felt that he has the phenomenon of the five declines of heaven and man. Even if he is not injured this time, he may not be able to live for a few years. Now he is just wasting his life in this mere few years. The master used his dying body to severely injure Xidu Ouyang Feng, and now he can use this to urge his old man to fight against foreign enemies, which is not a disgrace to the prestige of Quanzhen Sect: "Buddha of Infinite Life!"

"Buddha of Infinite Life!" x6
Entering the stone ladder of Quanzhen Sect, Yin Zhiping trotted all the way, but his heart was uneasy. He grew up in Quanzhen Sect, and it was the first time he saw several teachers so dignified. Encountered catastrophe...
Just when Yin Zhiping was running down the hill, he saw a man and a woman walking up the hill. The ugly man seemed to be complaining about something in a low voice, while the other... "It's so beautiful!"

"It's really unlucky. I thought that a family of a hundred or so, even if each person only has a year's skill, can gather a hundred years of internal power. It turned out that what kind of bullshit kung fu learned by these stinky Taoist priests, after a little purification, the rest is only two With 30 years of skill, I think the Quanzhen Sect really deserves its name!" Qin Fan said with a look of displeasure while holding Xiaolongnv's slender waist.

"The internal power of this martial art can also be captured, what kind of martial art does Xianggong practice so magically?" Xiao Longnv still couldn't calm down the shock in her heart at this time.

"This set of martial arts is called the Beiming Divine Art, but it takes a lot of time to refine it to absorb people's internal energy, otherwise it will be harmful and not beneficial to yourself. The set of small non-phase skills I taught you is no worse than this set of martial arts, and with The subtle changes are unpredictable, and it is most suitable for people with high talents like you to learn!" Qin Fan said as he walked forward.

"Yeah!" Hearing what Qin Fan said, Xiaolongnv nodded slightly. Although she didn't know how powerful the martial arts that sucked one's internal energy was, the Little Wuxiang Kungfu mentioned by the other party was indeed broad and profound, compared to the Jade Heart Sutra of the Ancient Tomb Sect. It's even more magical.

" did you come up here!" Yin Zhiping looked at Qin Fan and Qin Fan in surprise and said.

Of course, Qin Fan had seen this little Taoist priest a long time ago, but Qin Fan was very disappointed because he absorbed the internal energy of the Taoist priests who guarded the mountain below with his Beiming magic power, so now he was interested in seeing another little Taoist priest coming down. missing.

"The Tao is here, of course we have come up!" Qin Fan said impatiently.

"Uh... Where are those senior brothers guarding the mountain?" Yin Zhiping looked at Qin Fan in astonishment and said.

"They're all lying down at the bottom of the mountain!" He waved his hand, but Qin Fan didn't stop at all, but he didn't kill the little Taoist priest. He just hugged Xiaolongnv and continued walking towards the top of the mountain. It was thanks to Yin Zhiping who was too shocked. If he came up, he would report his family name, otherwise, maybe even if Qin Fan didn't kill the other party, he might castrate this guy to avoid future troubles.

In the main hall of Quanzhen Sect, the seven Taoist priests who had closed their eyes and adjusted their breath suddenly opened their eyes and got up together. The long sword in their hands shook slightly, and the turbulence of the air made Qin Fan and the two who walked into the hall feel a sense of shock. An invisible killer.

"That's right! My wife, you wait here, I guess this time you should be able to raise enough skill for a hundred years!" Seeing the seven people in front of them who were at war, Qin Fan said with some surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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