King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 151 Licombe

Chapter 151 Licombe

"Is the combat power only three hundred?" Although they are not close to the three of them, in Qin Fan's ears, don't say that the three of them are talking normally, even if they are whispering, as long as Qin Fan wants to hear, he can definitely hear clearly.

"Hey! How powerful is that guy?" Qin Fan asked the three people over there, pointing to Guldo who had fallen to the ground and was already lifeless.

"What? Do you think it's great to be able to kill Gurdo? Don't say that you are just a sneak attack. Even if you win him in a head-to-head battle, it's nothing. After all, Gurdo is the weakest in our Ginuit team His fighting power is only [-], but mine is [-]!" the white-haired Gies said with a sneer.

"Forty-five thousand? In other words, your combat power is less than four times that of that guy, and you don't feel very strong!" Qin Fan shook his head. Although Qin Fan has always been very afraid of the power of the Dragon Ball world, but Because this anime is really old enough, Qin Fan remembers the general plot, but Qin Fan can't remember the detailed combat power, at least Frieza's combat power Qin Fan can't remember, but Qin Fan remembers that the Ginyut team should be They are Frieza's strongest subordinates. If these guys only have [-] to [-] fighting power, how much can Frieza have?Even if there are several million, Qin Fan doesn't think this kind of power is irresistible. As for why his combat power is only three hundred, Qin Fan only thinks that the power system he owns is different from that of people in this world, so the combat power detector has no It is not surprising that there is a way to test one's accurate combat effectiveness.

never mind!It's better to personally test how strong the [-] combat power is, so that you should be able to have a more intuitive comparison with Frieza!
Qin Fan's guess was not wrong, and he even overestimated Frieza's combat power, but he overestimated the combat power of Frieza's first form, and Frieza's combat power is not in full condition. It's only a few tens of millions, but a terrifying 2000 million. If Qin Fan wants to use the power of a few people in the Ginuit team to measure Frieza in a perfect state, it's almost like using Measuring the weight of an elephant is as ridiculous as measuring the weight of a mouse.

"Hahaha! This guy actually wants to challenge us, is he crazy?" Bart said in surprise.

"After all, he was the guy who killed Guldo, Bart, why don't you go and kill him!" Likum said.

"Why me? I'm not interested in this kind of bug, let Keith go!" Bart shook his head quickly.

"Why do I have to deal with the garbage? Let's guess the game!" Keith said dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, let's guess the punch, but let's say it in advance, even if I lose, Vegeta will be handed over to me!" Likum said helplessly.

Seeing how many people pushed back and forth for him, Qin Fan expressed that he was still a little embarrassed. In fact, from the body of Guldo just now, Qin Fan felt that his combat power should be far superior to that of the opponent, although he didn't know why their combat power monitoring device would It shows that he only has [-] fighting strength, but Qin Fan still feels that if he attacks with all his strength, these three guys should not be his opponents.

"Rock, paper, scissors..." The three of them were guessing fists, but they didn't expect Qin Fan to say suddenly, "That...can you let me fight that pineapple head?"

Hearing Qin Fan's sudden voice, the two guys who were out of cloth immediately took their hands back, leaving only Likum with his hand out of scissors, looking back at Qin Fan in embarrassment, and said :"What did you say?"

"I want to challenge you, can I?" Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Are you an idiot? I am the strongest of the three of them, you want to challenge me?" Likum was a little annoyed, and shouted at Qin Fan as if he was underestimated.

"Really? I remember that you like to be beaten first before counterattacking. I am very interested in such opponents. If it is convenient, can you stand there and let me punch you?" Qin Fan still smiled Shu said.

Hearing Qin Fan's request, Likum hadn't spoken yet, but behind him, Gohan whispered to Klin beside him, "Uncle Klin, there's nothing wrong with this guy's head, how could someone agree to such a strange request?" Require."

"Shh! That guy feels very strong to me, let's not offend him!" Kelin believed in his own feelings more than the combat power detector, at least in his opinion Qin Fan's strength is indeed very strong.

"Idiot! Didn't you hear what Bart and the others said? This guy's combat strength is only three hundred. It's really stupid to pin his hopes on a trash."

At the same time, Likum also said angrily: "Are you an idiot? Who would like to come up and get beaten first! And I just won the boxing game, and your opponent should be one of them." That's right!"

"Hey, hey, that guy is going to challenge you, Likum, if you say you don't want to challenge, you will lose face to our Ginuit team!" Geese said from the side.

"That's right! I also think you should fight Likum, anyway, it's just a moment!" Bart said from the side.

"It's so troublesome, why do you ask me to clean up this kind of garbage!" Seemingly reluctant to glance at Qin Fan not far away, he suddenly grinned and said, "Listen! I'm going to kill this idiot now , if you want to save him, just do it, I will get rid of you together, hehehe!"

"Hey, you're too cunning!" After hearing Likum's words, the other two immediately showed dissatisfaction, but Likum who was standing there said indifferently: "Who told you to let me make the first move?" Yes, if they come to interrupt my battle, there is no way to be affected! Isn’t it, Vegeta!”

"Cut!" Facing Likum's provocation, Vegeta didn't answer anything. If he had the chance, he would certainly take the shot without hesitation. Does the qualification let Likum show his flaws?
"Then....Ginyu....Special Forces....Likum..." Likum would put on a strange and shameful posture every time he said a word, especially when he said his name, he would stand on one foot The other foot and the body are parallel to the ground at the same time, forming a T-shaped standing posture, and the hands are placed in a take-off position. Even if Qin Fan had expected it, he was shocked by the other party's shameful posture.

"Well, I don't know why, but when I saw your posture, I suddenly felt that your nose and my fist fit very well, so I will not be polite!" Qin Fan said suddenly after shaking his head.

"What? The battle you were talking about..." As if hearing Qin Fan's complaint, Nalikum subconsciously wanted to say something, but before he could speak, he felt a flash of lightning in front of him, Immediately after...
"Boom!" Like the muffled sound of an iron rod hitting the leather, Likum's body suddenly flew upside down, and then...

"Boom boom boom..." In the midair, a series of explosions sounded, and everyone seemed to be unaware of what happened. Suddenly, the sound of a pocket being shattered suddenly appeared in the midair, and then...
"Crash!" The shattered head and the red and white brain tissue were scattered on the ground, and the headless corpse fell to the ground like a rag bag. Qin Fan's figure returned to his original shape again, and he shook his hand with some dissatisfaction with the blood stains. He said: "What, I thought it would be stronger, but in the end I got a hand. It seems that next time I have to use a little more force!"

(End of this chapter)

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