King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 152 Xiaoqing's Mutation

Chapter 152 Xiaoqing's Mutation
The headless corpse fell to the ground silently. Everyone present, including Vegeta, opened their mouths at the same time and looked at them in disbelief. They were wiping their hands with a wet towel taken out from nowhere. Qin Fan couldn't say a word.

(What's the matter? Is this killing? That's Likum! The existence in the Ginyut team who is second only to Ginyu in combat power just died like this? How is this possible.) This is Vegeta's Qin Fan didn't know what he thought, but Qin Fan was not interested in knowing.

"Okay, so the remaining two, are you ready to die?" Qin Fan threw away the towel in his hand, looked at Bart and Gies and said.

"Bastard, bastard! This guy must have killed Likum because of stealing, sneak attack, isn't it Bart!" Geese said with an ugly face.

"Yes, it should be... yes! It's not wrong, it must be like this, otherwise it doesn't make sense at all. This guy's combat power has obviously never increased, so he can't be Likum's opponent!" Bart's face was also ugly.

In fact, both of them knew that it was impossible, not for anything else, just three hundred combat power, even if it was a sneak attack... don't sneak attack, even if Likum took the initiative to stand there and suppress the strength of his body to the minimum for the opponent to attack It is impossible for a person with [-] combat strength to kill Likum, but just now this impossible happened before their eyes...
"Why, is it hard to decide? Let's die together." Qin Fan said the words, but the heads of the two named Bart and Geese fell at the same time, and they were beheaded by Qin Fan at the same time.

Quiet, everyone including Vegeta stared blankly at the incredible scene in front of them, is the Ginuit team strong?yes!Under Frieza, the Ginute team is definitely the strongest. Even Vegeta, who has always been conceited, has to admit that, except Gurdo, the other members of the Ginute team are stronger than him , But it was such a strong man, for a moment, he didn't even see how the other party made a move, and he was easily killed. He was strong, and he didn't need to explain any more. This was simply strong.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency, if you want to deal with Frieza, I mind if you go after that guy Ginyu immediately, if you let him send the dragon ball to Frieza, so that Frieza can gain infinite life , I think it will be very troublesome!" Vegeta walked slowly to Qin Fan and said cautiously.

"Dragon Ball?!" Qin Fan was taken aback when he heard the other party's words.

When Qin Fan was solving the pineapple head just now, he wondered if he had forgotten something, but now he remembered what Vegeta said, it was Dragon Ball.

He doesn't remember the specific plot of the original work clearly, but one thing is certain, that is, because Namek's Dragon Ball needs the Namekian language to call, Frieza should not be able to use it, but because of Qin Fan's intervention, God knows the plot will have What a big deviation, if Frieza caught a Namek at this time and forced him to help him make a wish, then Qin Fan would have no place to cry. Of course, Qin Fan was not worried that Frieza would become immortal after making a wish, The main reason is that Qin Fan is bound to get the three wishes of the Dragon Ball!

"Do you know the exact location of that guy? Where did he go?" Qin Fan quickly said to Vegeta and the others.

"I'll take you there!" Hearing what Qin Fan said, Vegeta recommended himself without hesitation. Of course, he didn't really want to help Qin Fan, but he knew very well that with his current strength, Frieza should not be mentioned. He can't even beat Ginyu, but if this ugly ghost in front of him helps defeat Ginyu and even restrain Frieza, then he can fish in troubled waters and steal the dragon ball, and then he will make a wish to the dragon ball and get Eternal life, then I no longer have to be afraid of that bastard Frieza.

"Your speed is too slow, just point me to his exact location!" Qin Fan said bluntly.

"I, my speed is too slow?" Hearing Qin Fan's words, the fragile heart of the proud Saiyan prince suffered another [-] points of critical damage, but he still couldn't refute it. He was indeed too slow to behead Bart and Keith in an instant. (Damn! I was despised by others...)

"His anger should be in that direction." Seeing Vegeta standing there gritting his teeth but not speaking, Gohan quickly said.

Because of his confidence in his own strength, Ginyu will not hide his ki at all, and Ginyu's strength is so strong, his ki is as eye-catching as a torch in the dark night, even Gohan can easily Perceive the other party's anger.

"Over there? Good! I'll go and have a look!" After Qin Fan nodded, Qin Fan immediately ran towards the direction the other party knew with his super speed force.

Now Qin Fan is fully using his supernatural speed force, even if he can't reach the speed of light, it is still almost the same. Therefore, in almost a few breaths, Qin Fan has already caught up with Ginyu who is still flying leisurely in mid-air with the dragon ball , and seeing this guy with two horns on his head, Qin Fan immediately used the special ability of time suspension without any hesitation, and then quickly took out the alloy that just killed Bart and Geese from his private space. The long sword, without the slightest hesitation, raised the sword and dropped it...
Without any precautions, he was directly blocked in the gap between the stopped time, and even the strong and powerful could not resist Qin Fan's random blow.

Casually putting all the seven dragon balls in the air into his private space, Qin Fan felt that today is his lucky day!Not only did he snatch Guldo's ability to override time in one quick move, he even got the Namek Dragon Ball so easily.

After finishing the dragon ball, seeing the Ginyu who had been beheaded by his own sword but did not fall off due to time stagnation, Qin Fan raised the alloy long sword again and slashed at the opponent, knowing that he would completely cut the opponent into pieces After that, he threw away the long sword casually, and then turned around and ran away.

Leaving aside the strength of this guy, Ginyu, the key is that this guy has a special ability that can change his body. If this guy can still use that skill when he is dying, if he uses it on himself, he will be sad, so Although he felt that Ginyu, who had been chopped into that kind of virtue by himself, would never die again, but Qin Fan still felt that it would be better to let the other party die farther away.

After running a full distance of four or five kilometers, Qin Fan canceled the time-pause effect. However, almost at the moment when Qin Fan recovered time, his face suddenly became weird, and he suddenly stretched out his hand, and a huge The meat ball appeared in front of Qin Fan, and a lot of messy things were integrated into the meat ball. The seven dragon balls were impressively listed, but what surprised Qin Fan was not the seven dragon balls, but the fact that Qin Fan had kept them private. In the space, the dormant compartment where Xiaoqian was located at this time was actually inserted on top of the meat ball, and it seemed that she was swallowing it bit by bit.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fan didn't dare to use the time pause immediately without any hesitation, and then flew over to smash open the dormant compartment. Fortunately, the "meat ball" had already swallowed half of the dormant time, but Xiaoqian who stayed inside didn't seem to Affected, he still fell asleep quietly at this time, carefully bought another dormant time and put it in, and then carefully checked his private space.

The originally messy private space passed by like this, as if it had been ransacked, most of the things were swallowed by the meat ball, and now the entire private space has been almost emptied, don't worry about any danger...
"Wait a minute, where is Xiaoqing?" Qin Fan suddenly seemed to realize something, and looked at the huge meat ball with a strange expression!

(End of this chapter)

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