Chapter 153

Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing have been staying by Qin Fan's side since they fell into a coma in the world of the god of death. In Qin Fan's view, the two women's deep sleep is a bit similar to evolution, like a chrysalis, which will break out sooner or later. The cocoon has become a butterfly, but I didn't expect to suddenly become like this.

Qin Fan can basically be sure that Xiaoqing should be among the fleshy balls, but Qin Fan is a little confused as to why she has become like this... Dragon Ball!

Qin Fan suddenly remembered that he seemed to have thrown the Dragon Ball into his private space when the time was suspended. Could it be because of the Dragon Ball...
In the original book, Dragon Ball seems to have also become a major villain, but in the current situation, it is not clear whether it is to merge or swallow Qin Fan. If it is someone else, Qin Fan may take some sabotage methods, but Xiaoqing is after all. One of Qin Fan's women, Qin Fan really couldn't bear to kill her like this, but God knows what Xiaoqing will become if she lets it go, if she becomes the ultimate boss like the Seven Star Dragon in the original book, not only Xiaoqing will also It no longer exists, and it is likely to pose a threat to Qin Fan himself. After all, he is the villain in the late stage of Dragon Ball. Chaosan is not an opponent. Although Qin Fan is not sure how strong his own strength is in this world, it is estimated that even if I am afraid that Chaoyi is not something he can fight now.

However, when Qin Fan was struggling with how to deal with Xiaoqing, cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the huge meat ball, bright red pus and blood flowed out of the cracks on the meat ball, and the whole meat ball began to slow down. Slowly collapsed, the surface shattered, and one after another the broken limbs were exposed from the pus and blood, but they were the T-3500 that Qin Fan had collected in his private space. Not only these terminators, but also with the flow of pus and blood, several The dragon balls that have turned into stones are also on the list, and the remaining energy extractors and contract scrolls that hurt Qin Fan the most are also broken into pieces. All my collections these days are considered scrapped, but not yet. Waiting for Qin Fan to feel sorry for his loss, a naked girl was floating in the air not far from Qin Fan in the middle of the meat ball, and Qin Fan was very familiar with the appearance of that girl, she was really Xiaoqing.

"Little..." Qin Fan tried to call out softly, but the girl who had been floating in mid-air just as the voice came out suddenly opened her eyes, and the invisible energy ripples swept across Qin Fan without giving Qin Fan any chance to reflect, berserk The powerful force made Qin Fan feel like a toad hit by a train, and flew upside down without any hesitation at all, and this violent force not only lifted Qin Fan's body, but also invaded Qin Fan's body incidentally, Almost at the same time he was sent flying, Qin Fan felt that his body had completely lost control, and the next second, even his consciousness was plunged into darkness...
"Suck..." As if a drowning person was suddenly pulled ashore, Qin Fan suddenly sat up and breathed fresh air desperately.

"Master is awake!" A familiar female voice sounded from Qin Fan's side, subconsciously looking for the source of the voice, but saw concerned pretty faces.

"Here is..." Qin Fan subconsciously said after waking up, as if he hadn't fully regained consciousness.

"Home!" The girls said in unison.

"Home?! Huh..." Qin Fan, who seemed to finally understand where he was, breathed a long sigh of relief, but his body began to tremble involuntarily.

powerful?No!It should be said to be terrible!This is the first time Qin Fan really faced this irresistible force after crossing. It was just a look, and the other party just glanced at him unconsciously, but Qin Fan's self-confidently powerful body collapsed like this, and died!This is what death feels like.

yes!Qin Fan died just now, if it wasn't for his ability to reset the death of a demihuman, everything would have been completely over!It was also thanks to having such a heaven-defying ability, and also thanks to the fact that he successfully transported himself back to the blood soul space before he died, otherwise... Qin Fan didn't even dare to continue thinking about it.

"Master, what happened to you? You just..." Diana looked at Qin Fan carefully and asked.

"It's nothing! It's just a little accident!" Qin Fan didn't explain too much to Diana, and the explanation was useless. Even if the strengths of the women were added together, they might not be Qin Fan's opponent, and Qin Fan was there. After devouring the dragon ball, Xiaoqing couldn't even resist a look in her hands. Even if they came out in full force, it might just make the other party look twice more.

Open the attendant list, and sure enough, Xiaoqing's loyalty has directly become 0!

"Wait a minute, if there is another contract scroll..." Qin Fan suddenly thought of the characteristics of his contract scroll, and Xiaoqing's name has not disappeared at this time, which means that he can directly increase his loyalty by [-]% through the contract scroll, then...

"Contract scroll?" Qin Fan found depressed that his private space was empty except for Xiaoqian who was put in later. Not to mention the contract scroll, there was not even the remaining energy extractor left. What made Qin Fan even more depressed was that in the end he received a random mission in the Dragon Ball world, and now he dare not go back to this mission, let alone complete it, so there may be no random missions in other worlds.

"Ah!" Shaking his head, Qin Fan said weakly, "Am I really incompetent?"

The girls couldn't help looking at each other when they heard what Qin Fan said, but Estes said, "Master! Even in the world I live in, there are many strong people, not only human beings, but also In the danger of being more powerful, but I never sincerely surrender to any existence, that is because even those existences are stronger than me now, but one day I will be able to surpass them, but facing the master, I sincerely surrender, That's because I believe that the master's strength is unquestionable, even if he can defeat the existence of the master now, but one day the master will be able to trample them under his feet!"

Hearing Esdesi's sincere narration, Qin Fan felt inexplicably embarrassed. He really wanted to say that you surrendered to me because of the contract scroll, but in the end he still didn't have the nerve to say it.

"Uh... Don't worry, I'm just feeling casually, and I don't mean to give up on myself." Qin Fan waved his hand and said, indeed, this matter is not enough to make Qin Fan give up on himself, and the Dragon Ball plane has a powerful power system. I already guessed it, but I didn't expect that Xiaoqing would run away there and absorb seven dragon balls. Now Xiaoqing's state should be in an unconscious state with unstable energy. When the other party wakes up, maybe he will remember himself , Take a step back and say, even if there are some accidents at that time, I can sneak into the Dragon Ball world again and secretly kill Frieza!

(End of this chapter)

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