King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 16 Transactions

Chapter 16 Transactions (Recommendation for new book)

The distance between the two was not far away, and Qin Fan was indeed distracted while Murong Fu was not too slow. Qin Fan didn't react when the sword was approaching him, and when the sword tip was only an inch away from Qin Fan's chest, he wanted to dodge But it was too late, and Qin Fan, the two girls on the left and the right, was worried that his movements would hurt them too much, but fortunately he closed his eyes...
"Ding!" The sword blade pierced Qin Fan's throat, but it made a crisp sound like hitting a piece of iron, and the force of the shock made Murong Fu almost let go of the handle holding the sword hilt. Continue to chase and quickly pull back!

"What a hard kung fu!" Originally, he just thought that Qin Fan's body skills were amazing, but he didn't expect that his body was as steel as iron, and he shot with hatred and hit the vitals with a sword, but he couldn't hurt him at all. Foreigner kung fu is simply appalling!
At this time, Murong Fu hadn't suffered repeated setbacks in the rivers and lakes and felt that restoring the country was so difficult that he resorted to unscrupulous methods, but facing Qin Fan's indestructible body, he didn't dare to underestimate him like he did at the beginning. Although Bian was somewhat dissatisfied with Murong Fu, to be honest, Qin Fan was still a little uncertain about being able to defeat the opponent. It was still the same sentence, he didn't know how to fight, and ordinary bastard punches might be of some use to those third-rate masters, but Although it is said that Murong Fu is not as powerful as Tianlong Sanxiaoqiang, after all, he is as famous as Xiao Feng, and his strength should be considered top-notch. Qin Fan doubts whether he can hit the opponent, but seeing Murong Fu also showing surprise on his face, Qin Fan's eyes rolled One turn, but a plan is born!

"Ahem! That Mr. Murong! How about we make a deal?" Qin Fan said suddenly.

"Oh! What kind of deal do you want to make?" Murong Fu knew that he might not be the opponent of the other party, but if he turned around and left at this time, he would lose the prestige of the Murong family, so he was a little bit on the fence. Hearing Qin Fan's words at this time I couldn't help being interested.

"Master Shaolin Temple's Yi Jin Jing, are you interested?" Qin Fan asked suddenly.

Murong Fu's eyes suddenly froze when he heard the words Yi Jin Jing, he came back this time because he found out the location of Yi Jin Jing by accident, but Shaolin Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and the fact that he stole the treasure sutra was exposed and his reputation was damaged Fearing that it would affect the restoration of the country, that's why I thought of letting Ah Zhu, who knew the art of disguise, sneak into the Shaolin Temple to steal the Yi Jin Jing, but at this moment the ugly man suddenly talked about the Yi Jin Jing, does the other party know something?
Seeing the other person's expression, Qin Fan knew he had guessed right, but with a slight smile, he uttered three more words: "Bodhi Court!"

Murong Fu's heart skipped a beat when he said three words, he thought that this ugly man really knows, this matter is big or small, Shaolin is the leader of martial arts in the Central Plains, if this matter is exposed and let the martial arts people know, it will have a great impact on the reputation of Murong's family...Look Come to this matter to have a long-term plan!
And just when Murong Fu decided to take the time to give up the Yi Jin Jing, Qin Fan said again: "If I give this Yi Jin Jing to the young master, I don't know what the young master will think?"

The sudden words made Murong Fu stunned, and the gaze he looked at Qin Fan instantly became puzzled!
You must know that the Yi Jin Jing is definitely an unworldly book in the martial arts. It is said that it has the effect of improving the foundation and turning decay into magic. His Murong family has a collection of martial arts secret books from all over the world, but he has never had the chance to see this strange book. This strange book for yourself?What does he want to do?
"Oh? What do you mean by your words?" Murong Fu asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing interesting! It's just a deal, give these two maids to me, and give them to Mr. Murong after I get the Yi Jin Jing!" Qin Fan said as a matter of course.

Murong Fu was taken aback when he heard this, but he suddenly understood the other party's intention!He said in his heart that this ugly man must have known about Ah Zhu's ability to change his face and thought of it with himself. He wanted to use Ah Zhu to steal the Yi Jin Jing, use his maid to steal the Yi Jin Jing, and exchange the stolen Yi Jin Jing for himself. maid?

Murong Fu had to admit that this ugly man played a good trick of laying eggs, even though he knew it was a trick of the other party, but Murong Fu thought more about it!
This ugly man not only has light kungfu, but most importantly, he has already entered the room by practicing martial arts. If such a master can be included in his subordinates, it will be of great help to his revival of Dayan. The price is only two little maids and no It's just the Yi Jin Jing that I got, it's a good deal!
"Hahaha! Qin Shaoxia is really flirtatious, good! Since Qin Shaoxia likes it, Azhu Abi! From now on, you two belong to Qin Shaoxia!" I have to say that Murong Fu is also a good player who can change his face. Originally, he wanted to kill Qin Fan The quick look turned into an expression of "I am very optimistic about you" in the next second, which made Qin Fan a little too late to react!

However, Qin Fan didn't have time to react, and the two daughters, Azhu and Abi, turned pale with shock, especially Abi!The little girl admired Murong Fu since she was a child, but she knew her identity but she didn't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts. She only wanted to be satisfied by being by Murong Fu's side, but she never thought that in the time of a few words, she would be raped by herself. The admiring young master was given away!
"Master!" The little girl's eye circles were red at that time, and her trembling voice was like an abandoned puppy, which made people heartbroken, but...
"You bastard! Since I have already sent the two of you to this Young Master Qin, you two have nothing to do with the Murong family. Are you trying to make people laugh at my Murong family's lax discipline?" Murong Fu stared blankly. Open your mouth and say.

Hearing this, Abi's delicate body trembled slightly, as if she was very afraid of the Murong family's family rules, but she didn't dare to say a word!
"Qin Shaoxia! I have to go and see those two incompetent subordinates. Gusu Murong's family welcomes Qin Shaoxia at any time!" After speaking, he ignored Qin Fan, and directly spread his body and ran towards Qin Fan's direction!
It wasn't until Murong Fu's figure disappeared that Qin Fan came to his senses and cupped his hands in the direction of Murong Fu's disappearance, and then looked at the two women, one was mournful and the other was lonely, especially Abi's expression like the sky was falling was very pitiful!

"Ahem! Well... let's find a place to find a way to detoxify you!" Qin Fan said after coughing dryly twice.

The two girls, who had been disheartened for a long time, of course wouldn't say anything at this time, they could only let Qin Fan carry them on his shoulders with an expression of lovelessness, as if God couldn't understand what was about to happen, The originally clear sky suddenly rained heavily, as if implying that the scene of anger and resentment was about to happen that day...
 The contract was sent out, it was so expensive, just a photocopy cost more than 20 yuan, enough instant noodles for how many days!sad ing
(End of this chapter)

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