King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 17 Shaoshi Yamashita

Chapter 17 Shaoshi Yamashita (new book recommended)

How to face a beautiful woman?this is a problem!It's not that Qin Fan doesn't know the necessary steps. In fact, he has seen many pornographic films before crossing, but the question is how to take the first step...
That day, in the mill by the river, Qin Fan successfully stripped off the two little girls who had been hit by a sad breeze, but the problem was how to start the next step, but Qin Fan hesitated, especially when he saw the two girls. The little girl's face was filled with grief and indignation, but Qin Fan couldn't take off his pants no matter what!
To say that Qin Fan belongs to the typical type who is lustful but not courageous, every time he thinks about it, Qin Fan looks down on him, but there is really no way, the expressions of the two little girls at that time seemed to say that I can’t move now, what do you think? So I can't resist, and I'll die for you as soon as I can move!Qin Fan still can't bear to recall that expression of despair.

"Hey! I'm still too soft-hearted!" Qin Fan said with emotion after drinking the dirty wine in the cup silently.

"Young master, what did you say?" The two girls at the same table looked at Qin Fan, who looked very emotional, and asked.

It has been a few days since I separated from Murong Fu that day. I have to say that women are quite emotional animals. These days, when I get along with Qin Fan, I also have a faint sense of appointment, but every time Qin Fan proposes to go further. When they were in a relationship with each other, the two women were surprisingly firm. Qin Fan admitted that his face was not handsome enough (mysterious voice: ahem! You are so conservative!) Okay!It's ugly, but what's wrong with being ugly?Before the time travel, those mistresses who liked sugar daddy were all beautiful, looking at those wealthy local tyrants, they were either bald or round, didn't they all look like flies that saw a big dung?Qin Fan didn't understand, why couldn't the values ​​of the ancients be changed?

In fact, Qin Fan had a misunderstanding at this time. It was not that there was a problem with the values ​​​​of the ancients, but that he was looking for the wrong people. In fact, there were brothels in the Song Dynasty, and there were many gold-worshiping women there, but he never went there from the beginning to the end. Just thinking about it!
All in all, Qin Fan's journey has become more and more depressed. Although the two women can be regarded as obedient to most of Qin Fan's demands, Qin Fan really wants to say that if he can choose, he hopes that the two women will obey him again. point, even Qin Fan expressed his willingness to let him serve the two daughters if possible!
"Nothing! Where are we going?" Qin Fan said listlessly.

"We've reached the border of Shaolin!" A'Zhu looked carefully at the surrounding sons while talking, and then said softly: "My lord, I need to go to the nearby market to buy some disguised items!"

"Go! Wait! What are you going to buy those things for?" Qin Fan nodded subconsciously. In fact, he met the demands of the two women along the way without exception, just to be able to spend more time in front of the two women. Add some impression points, but it seems that the effect is not ideal!

"Master, you don't want me to sneak into Shaolin..." A'Zhu didn't finish, but the meaning was obvious, but Qin Fan immediately shook his head when he heard this: "Are you kidding? what to do!"

"But what about the Yi Jin Jing? You promised my family...Mr. Murong!" Abi hurriedly said, and almost said "my son" in a hurry. It can be seen that in her heart, she still only recognizes Murong Fu!
Qin Fan, who had been used to this for a long time, didn't care about it, but said: "Don't worry, I promised Murong Fu that I won't lose my word! I will go get the things myself, and the two of you will find a home later." Just stay at the inn and wait for my good news!"

Compared with Abi, Azhu doesn't have so much affection for Murong Fu, and is relatively mature. Qin Fan has been treating the two of them with respect these days, and he is a little touched. Of course, this kind of touch is only on the level of gratitude. But even after hearing what Qin Fan said, he couldn't help but said: "It's too dangerous for the young master to sneak in alone, so I'd better let the slaves go there, although the slaves are martial arts Plain but disguised means, it is difficult for ordinary people to see the flaws!

"No, no! Before stealing, maybe no one will be able to see it, but what about after stealing? Even people from their own sect will be arrested if they guard against themselves, right? What if something goes wrong? One hundred copies of Yi Jin Jing I can't get your life back! I'd better go there myself, and you two just wait obediently in the inn!
"But it will be dangerous, my lord!" A'Zhu couldn't help but said.

"Me?" Ever since Qin Fan was kicked off the cliff by Duan Yu last time, he is very confident in his body, not to mention the heads of the Shaolin Temple, law enforcement, and so on, even if it is a sweeping monk. Qin Fan didn't think that the other party could hurt him, but when he saw Arjuna's concerned eyes, Qin Fan couldn't help but feel moved, and then pretended to be lonely and said: "Hey! Anyway, no one cares about me, even if I die, it doesn't matter. , but you are different, even if I scratch a little oily skin, I will feel extremely heartbroken!"

Qin Fan has never said such a disgusting line in his two lives, and it was only because of a flash of inspiration that a certain unknown Hong Kong and Taiwan drama appeared in his mind, but the effect was really good. Both Azhu and Abi belonged to very important lines. In the role of love, Azhu died for his father because he was more worried about Duan Yu and Xiao Feng's rebellion after death. Fundamentally speaking, he died for Xiao Feng. Abi can also stick to Murong Fu after he goes crazy. It can also be regarded as a deep friendship, so hearing Qin Fan's words, the two women felt a little intolerable at the same time, but it may be because the three of them haven't been together for too long, so although they showed their unbearable faces, neither of them had much What to say, similarly, Qin Fan didn't really think that his casual words could make the two girls feel moved to agree with each other, so when he saw the unbearable look in the eyes of the two girls, he was also satisfied, But he couldn't help but start planning for the next thing.

The Yi Jin Jing must be obtained. It is not because Qin Fan wants to keep his oath, but because he himself is very curious about the Yi Jin Jing. Not long after seeing Murong Fu, Qin Fan thought of a good (loss) trick to get Jin Yong's number one beauty!
Based on Qin Fan's understanding of Murong Fu, this guy is arrogant and arrogant, and the most important thing is that this guy is a little too eager for quick success!In his mind, restoring Dayan is a top priority, but unlike his father Murong Bo, Murong Bo's purpose is to revive Dayan, but in Qin Fan's view, Murong Fu's purpose is more to be the emperor!Therefore, he has much less forbearance than his father, and when he is eager for success, he becomes more unscrupulous and easy to compromise. In the end, he can even do such things as admitting a thief as a father to Boss Duan. Of course, at this moment Murong Fu I haven't suffered many setbacks yet, and I feel that it is difficult for Dayan to recover, but human nature will not change. In Murong Fu's heart, it may be a great temptation to be the emperor of the previous year. If Qin Fan can give it to him at this time He must believe that he will never refuse, of course, to a large extent, it is because Murong Fu himself is not particularly interested in female sex. In his opinion, as long as he can become the emperor, no kind of beauties can be obtained, so Qin Fan felt that as long as the bait he threw was big enough, the chance of Murong Fu, who had always wanted to dream of becoming an emperor, would be hooked. It's time, Qin Fan wants to say that all the fairy tales are f*cking lies, why the protagonist hooks his fingers and immediately thousands of girls come to him (four voices) Damn who are you bluffing?Anyway, Qin Fan feels that this kind of thing is totally unreliable. Instead of trying so hard to get it and maybe get a disgusting good person card in the end, it's better to be straightforward from the beginning and get the person first.

Qin Fan was planning to go to Shaolin to steal the Yi Jin Jing while he was full of desires. However, even if he didn't notice, a Tubo monk in the corner was peeking at him from time to time!
(End of this chapter)

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