Chapter 162
"Protect your lord!" Someone yelled, and the surrounding crowd immediately pulled out their weapons, and then rushed out to block Qin Fan or surround Qin Fan, looking as if their swords were on the verge of breaking out. As long as Qin Fan dared to move his little finger at this time, he would be killed by a knife and ax immediately, and he would die like a hell.

Picking his nostrils casually, Qin Fan said helplessly: "What are you doing? I moved so fast just now, and you didn't feel that I was not my opponent?"

If the same words were said just now, the people around would only be hot again, but at this moment, no one dared to show the slightest contempt. Although they could hear that this ugly ghost in front of them was deliberately mocking, they had Said that the other party has this capital.

"Which Ninja Village are you a ninja? You are not welcome in the Land of Wind, please leave immediately!" However, when everyone was serious and no one was willing to answer Qin Fan's words, there was a sonorous scolding sound, but It was the small-eyed man who was blocked by the guard who spoke.

"Uh! Otherwise?" Qin Fan asked after being stunned for a moment.

"Otherwise? No, otherwise, the Kingdom of Wind will not let you go..." Seemingly feeling that his words were not convincing, the man with small eyes added, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't really care who you are, but have you ever thought about how I can catch Yiwei if I leave?" Qin Fan said.

"Izuo? Why don't you be Izuo? Ichio Shukaku belongs to Sand Ninja Village, and you are not a ninja from Sand Ninja Village. How can you come and catch Ichibi?" The small-eyed man looked at you. He spoke with a wrong expression.

After hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan scratched his head in embarrassment, and then said hesitantly: "Why do I feel that we are not talking about the same thing? Okay! Let me put it this way, I am a bad guy, and I came here to snatch sand Izuo Tsuru from Ninja Village! Do you understand what I mean?"

"...Bold!" The small-eyed man suddenly jumped up, and then pointed at Qin Fan with an ugly face: "How dare you talk to me like that, I am the great name of the Kingdom of Wind, how dare you come here?" We openly said in front of us that we want to snatch the Guardian Tailed Beast of Sand Ninja Village, you, you, presumptuous! Come on! Let me take him down!"

This time, not only Qin Fan, but even the guards couldn't help turning their heads to look at him with a silly expression, thinking that you didn't see the way he killed people just now?Can we guards catch opponents at this level?If you catch a toad, you will urinate, you are trying to force us to death!
"Look at what I'm doing, the rebellious person is over there!" The guy who claimed to be famous pointed to where Qin Fan was and said righteously.

"They look at you because they want you to change orders. They can't beat me, and they don't want to die." Qin Fan explained helplessly.

"This...damn ninja, I said that we shouldn't have such lawless guys in the Land of Wind, okay! If you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened!" The daimyo said with an ugly face.

"Hey!" Qin Fan sighed helplessly, thinking that it is a miracle that this man can live to this day, and now he has a heart that wants to protect endangered species. what!

"Well, why don't we discuss it, I won't kill you, in exchange you can help me get a tail?" Qin Fan asked tentatively.

"Are you threatening me?" The tone of the small-eyed man became cold.

Several guards looked at where Qin Fan was again...
"Obviously!" Qin Fan nodded and said.

Several guards tightened their weapons at the same time...
"Very good! Then you just want the tailed beast? Do you need anything else?" Little Eyes said seriously.

"Boom!" Someone dropped his samurai sword on the ground, and looked at the daimyo behind them in surprise.

"Oh! I'm also interested in blood successors, do you have any special blood successors in the Land of Winds?" Qin Fan asked openly.

"I don't know much about this, but I heard that the Fourth Kazekage is a Blood Successor Boundary, but I can't give Kazekage to you! If you want to take him away, you can discuss it with him yourself!" Then The man spoke directly.

"Then what are you waiting for, I just don't know the way to Sand Ninja Village, you guys can show me the way!" Qin Fan said directly after snapping his fingers.

The small-eyed man nodded impatiently after hearing this, and said, "Okay! Anyway, I want to go to Sand Ninja Village this time, so follow us!" Sitting back in the small house again, he signaled his subordinates to lift him up again.

"Big, my lord... Are we really going to take that weirdo to Sand Ninja Village?" A man who looked like a guard carefully glanced at a certain young man who was bouncing around and returned to the back of the strange Ninja Beast. Then he asked carefully.

"Are you an idiot? If you can't lead him to Sand Ninja Village's territory, do you think you can beat him or ask me to fight him? Damn it! I've said to let those idiots in Sand Ninja Village send some Ninjas came to protect me, but they always prevaricated me with the lack of manpower, didn't they just want me to allocate funds to them? A group of idiots who only know how to fight and kill every day, this time they just happened to let them bite the dog with that crazy dog, that ugly The ghost is so powerful, maybe he can teach that guy Luo Sha a lesson, and make him look like I owe him money every time he sees me!"

Hearing what the lord said, the guard had a slightly weird expression on his face. He really didn't know whether his lord was smart or an idiot. He clearly knew how terrible ninjas are. Only ninjas can deal with ninjas, but the problem is this The guy still personally ordered to reduce the capital investment of Ninja Village in the Land of Wind, and even transferred many ninja tasks that should belong to Sand Ninja Village to Konoha. This almost traitorous behavior can be said to make The entire ninja community in the Land of Wind complained, but now that they are in trouble, they still immediately think of going back to Sand Ninja Village to seek refuge. This is really an act of wanting a horse to run without eating grass.

In the meeting room of Sand Ninja Village, Kazekage Rasa sat upright as a guard, and the senior officials of Sand Ninja Village, including Chiyo's mother-in-law and his younger brother Ebizo, were having a meeting.

"This year's expenditure far exceeds the income. If this continues, the finances of Ninja Village will have problems sooner or later!" Maji, who covered half of his face with a turban, said solemnly: "Master Kazekage, it is not an option to continue like this." After the alliance between the Kingdom of the Wind and the Song of Fire, many of our escort missions in the Kingdom of the Wind have been handed over to Konoha. If this continues without other ninja villages coming to attack us, we will starve ourselves to death! "

(End of this chapter)

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