Chapter 163
Regarding the decision made by the daimyo of the land of wind, Luosha can be said to be very angry, but at the same time, he is helpless.

The situation in the Land of Winds is different from that of the other four major countries. Due to the remoteness and harsh environment, few businessmen come to the Land of Winds for trade. This not only affects ordinary people in the Land of Winds, but also has a great impact on their ninjas. After all, there is no Which businessman does not hire local ninjas when delivering goods, but goes to other countries to hire them. Even if the journey is not considered, letting ninjas perform missions across the country is risky. If the ninjas of the two countries have conflicts, it is very likely I haven’t encountered any robbers, but my goods may have been seized by local ninjas, so Sand Ninja Village has not received many tasks in the past, not only can’t be like Ninja Villages in other countries, they can turn in large sums of money every year Taxes and even self-sufficiency are very problematic. Most of the time, the land of the wind needs funding to maintain it. It is precisely because of this that Sand Ninja Village is so unpopular with daimyo, so that daimyo even has the idea of ​​reducing the number of ninjas in Sand Ninja Village. .

yes!You heard me right, the daimyos of the Land of Winds think that the ninjas of the Land of Winds are of little significance, and even Sand Ninja Village has become a great burden for the Land of Winds. If the number of Sand Ninja Villages decreases or even disappears, it will be for them in the Land of Winds It might be a good thing!

Sound stupid?is very stupid!Without military power, there is no right to speak. If there is no Sand Ninja Village, then the Kingdom of the Wind will either have to rely on other Ninja Villages or be completely divided up. This is equivalent to bringing the Kingdom of the Wind to a dead end, but I have to say It is not completely unreasonable for the daimyo of the country of wind to do so.

First of all, the combat power of Sand Ninja Village is worrying. Among the five major ninja villages, Sand Ninja Village is undoubtedly the weakest, but it is next to Konoha, the strongest. These two parties are more like putting the earth dog next to the tiger. In fact, There is no difference between having or not, and then there is the function. The role of the ninja is similar to that of the army. It is nothing more than defending the homeland and attacking the city. Needless to say, attacking the Konoha or the Rock Ninja Village?Obviously, neither of them can be defeated, so it can always be used to defend the homeland?Here comes the problem, someone has to invade to defend the homeland!And there must be a reason for an invasion, right?Wars between countries are nothing more than interests. To put it bluntly, they are robbery!Grabbing food, robbing people, and forcing everything that can be robbed. Coincidentally, they have very few of these things in the Kingdom of Wind!
The perennial harsh environment, needless to say food, there are no decent plants, what can be eaten is really limited, population or something, how can there be a large population without enough food, as for other things, except for enough sand, other things Yes, hehe... So any country coming to the Land of Wind to grab something is equivalent to grabbing the bald man's hair. Even if the bald man doesn't resist, what can you get?

So the daimyo of the Land of Winds has a very good plan. Anyway, I have nothing here, and of course there is no need to spend a lot of money to build military defenses. If you, the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth, are interested in me, I have already Lie down, I don't care if you go together or take turns!

In fact, although this practice of Daimyo of the Wind Country is sad, if it is completely unreasonable, it is not necessarily true. It is undoubtedly a wrong choice for the Wind Country. He cut off the way forward for the Wind Country, and there is no strong ninja to support the future The country of the wind can only rely on other countries, relying on others to survive in a humble way, but if it is for ordinary citizens of the country of the wind, this approach will undoubtedly allow more civilians to live, giving up a lot of investment in Ninja Village , then it means that more resources can be invested in ordinary people, and those who would starve to death may have the hope of surviving. Of course, this is the best result. It's hard to say about the kind, but one thing is certain, the ninjas in the Kingdom of Wind really don't have much effect on the Kingdom of Wind now!Robbers and thugs will not come to a place like the Land of Wind, where there is no oil and water, and if there are powerful ninja beasts, the two ninja villages of Earth and Fire will not sit idly by. After all, if the Land of Wind is really destroyed, then The fleeing civilians will inevitably flee to where the two countries are located, and it will cause some troubles for the two countries. Even if it is for themselves, if an irresistible disaster occurs in the Land of Winds, they will not sit idly by. You can ask for help from the two villages.

Luo Sha actually understands these truths, but he understands it. No one would hope that his motherland is incompetent, and no one would want his compatriots to be inferior to people from other countries. If there is no ninja protection, then the wind will The people of the country will never be able to raise their heads in front of people from other countries. As the leader of Sand Ninja Village, the fourth generation of Kazekage of the Kingdom of the Wind, he would never want this to happen anyway, even in order to let them Sand Ninja Ninja Village has enough combat power, he does not hesitate to train his own son into a weapon!Not every father can push his own son into the abyss!

"Okay! The daimyo's decision is not something we can make irresponsible remarks here, try to reduce unnecessary expenses, and cut down ninjas who can't meet the standards..." Luo Sha said in a deep voice.

"Kazekage! If that's the case..." Maki seemed to be unwilling to say something, but was interrupted by Granny Chiyo next to her: "Okay Maki! Just follow Kazekage-sama's order! "

"Yes!" Hearing what Grandma Chiyo said, Ma Ji could only nod in agreement, but Grandma Chiyo ignored her eyes on Luo Sha again: "How is Gaara doing?"

"Very good! The compatibility with the Tailed Beast is very high. If it enters the runaway state, its strength can barely reach the shadow level! But this should not be Gaara's full potential!" Luo Sha said in a cold tone.

"Hey! You are too harsh on Gaara. Sometimes feelings are also the motivation for ninjas to gain great power. You shouldn't let Yashamaru..." Before the mother-in-law Chiyo finished speaking, Luo Sha suddenly said: "Gara is a weapon. He doesn't need feelings. I let Yashamaru die in his hands to let him know that he doesn't deserve love! A weapon only needs hatred!"

Grandma Chiyo opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say much. It was her instigation to make Gaara become Jinjuriki, and she even facilitated it. At that time, she was the same as Luo Sha now. The village can give everything, and she is the same now, but she thinks that maybe there is another way, at least not to let her relatives shed blood and tears.

"Hehe! Maybe I'm old! Maybe I should retire too..." Grandma Chiyo said with some emotion.

However, at this moment, a ninja suddenly used the teleportation technique to come to them: "Master Kazekage, the daimyo is here..."

(End of this chapter)

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