Chapter 164
At the gate of Sand Ninja Village, two groups of people stood facing each other. On one side were the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village headed by the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, and on the other side were of course Qin Fan, Daimyo and his party.

"Who is your Excellency, and why do you want to hold the name of the Kingdom of Wind hostage?" Luo Sha narrowed his eyes and looked at where Qin Fan was.

Why did Luo Sha know that Qin Fan had kidnapped the other party?The reason is very simple, the surrounding guards look like they are at war, and Qin Fan is putting one hand on the daimyo's shoulder at this moment. There is no problem in this situation, so Luo Sha should not be a Kazekage.

And Qin Fan didn't care about being identified as the kidnapper. Anyway, he didn't plan to sneak in from the beginning, but when he saw the other party, Qin Fan suddenly asked, "Your name is Luo Sha?"

"That's right! I'm the fourth Kazekage, Luo Sha! Are you looking for me?" Luo Sha said with a sullen face.

"No! I'm just curious. I remember you have a special ninjutsu that can extract gold from the sand, right?" Qin Fan asked suddenly.

Frowning slightly, Luo Sha was not surprised that the other party knew his secret technique. After all, it is difficult to keep such a large-scale technique completely secret. At least his golden sand technique is not a secret in the ninja world. What he wondered was why the other party would Speaking of this?Could it be that he had an enmity with himself, that he had killed his relatives and friends with the golden sand technique?

"That's right! And as far as I know, I'm the only one who knows this technique in the ninja world. What do you want?" Luo Sha said without hesitation, staring at the ugly face in front of him.

"Oh! But I heard that your sand ninja village is very poor? Why don't you pay back the money with Jinsha?" Qin Fan asked, frowning.

In fact, Qin Fan couldn't understand this question before he traveled. The geographical environment of the Land of Winds is very harsh. It is natural that there are no special products and no material poverty can be exported. However, as the fourth Kazekage, he has the special ability to extract sand. It’s not that you can get a lot of gold casually. Even if the purity is not enough, it’s not difficult to purify it. Just throw it in the fire and burn it. It’s not extremely pure gold for scientific research, but Ordinary gold is still easy to get, and the gold sand used by Luosha is extracted from ordinary sand, and in the land of winds, yellow sand is everywhere, so it means that the raw materials that can be extracted are everywhere. A hundred and eighty tons of gold is not the same as playing. With such a money printing machine, how can the Land of Winds be poor?

"Repay the money with gold sands?" Luo Sha was a little puzzled, looked at Granny Chiyo and Ebino who were next to him, and then looked at Qin Fan again: "You want to buy gold sands?"

"What am I buying? Is your sands going to be gold soon?" Qin Fan asked.

After understanding Qin Fan's words, Luo Sha nodded and asked again: "Do you want a whole piece of gold?"

"Of course I don't... Wait a minute! Is gold worthless to you?" Qin Fan seemed to realize something, and said.

Luo Sha and the others looked at each other in confusion again, and then said: "I don't know if gold is valuable, but this thing is not a special chakra metal. If you want, I can get some for you, but in Before that, I need you to release your daimyo!"

"It's not Chakra metal? No wonder!" Qin Fan finally understood. It turned out that the fourth Kazekage-sama was too rigid and didn't know how to use ninjutsu to create wealth. The key is that gold doesn't seem to be very valuable in the Naruto world. , and it's not that Luo Sha doesn't sell his own sand, but that no one will buy it at all.

After thinking about this point, Qin Fan also lost interest in Luosha's gold. Originally, he wanted gold to be exchanged directly through the system, so there was no need to collect the so-called gold sand.

"Forget about Jinsha, I'm not here for Jinsha this time, I want your tail beast, if it's convenient, can you give me one tail?" Qin Fan shrugged and said politely .

"What?" Not only Luo Sha, but also Grandma Chiyo and the others also showed shocked expressions.

The power of tailed beasts is well understood by every high-level executive in a ninja village with tailed beasts, and the weaponization of tailed beasts is what every ninja village wants to do. Tailed beasts can be said to be the most important existence of each ninja village. And in their sand ninja village, the meaning of the tailed beast even surpassed him, the Kazekage, to ask for the tailed beast?This is equivalent to Qin Fan rushing to the President of the United States before crossing and saying Trump, it’s okay, just come and have a look, if it’s convenient, get me two atomic bombs for fun?Luo Sha doesn't know what happened to Mr. Trump in another world, but at this moment, Luo Sha wonders if there is something wrong with his ears... Of course, there may be something wrong with the ugly ghost in front of him.

"Impossible!" Without any hesitation, Luo Sha said decisively.

"Luo Sha!" Before Qin Fan could speak this time, the daimyo who was pinned by Qin Fan's shoulders was the first to speak out: "Don't you see what's going on now? Anyway, as daimyo, I'm ordering you now, Temporarily call out the tailed beast, and wait until I am safe to talk about other things!"

I don’t think it’s important for Tailed Beast Daimyo. After all, since the establishment of Ninja Village, One Tail has always existed, but Sand Ninja Village is still at the bottom of the five Ninja Villages. If it’s really useful, what should I do? Ugly ghosts will kill the thoughts of these ninjas who dream all day long!

In the world of Naruto, the real rulers of the major countries are not the shadows of Ninja Village, but the so-called daimyo. The shadows of the major ninja villages are somewhat similar to the generals in ancient China. They command military power, that is, ninjas in Ninja Village. But they will not interfere in the political affairs of their respective countries. They will only stand up when there is a foreign war. Therefore, in theory, the daimyo has the power to order ninja villages, but the daimyo has the leadership but has no ability to sanction. Therefore, the five ninjas Although the villages are under the management of their respective countries, if they are really disobedient, in fact, these big names will have nothing to do with Ninja Village.

"Izuzuru has been in a sealed state. Once the seal is triggered, the tailed beast will cause great harm. I have no way to call it out, and it is even more impossible to hand him over to you." Although I am dissatisfied, I still have to give the daimyo A little face, now that the daimyo is in the hands of the other party, it would be shameless for him to ignore it, so Luo Sha casually found an excuse and said.

"Isn't Yiwei sealed in your son's body? Wouldn't it be good to just give your son to me?" Qin Fan said a little puzzled.

Hearing this, Luo Sha's eyes narrowed involuntarily. Of course, it is impossible for Luo Sha to publicize the ultimate weapon of Gaara training ground. In fact, this matter has always been carried out in secret. There are not many people, why does the other party know that Gaara is Injuriki?
"Okay! I can take you to see Gaara, but his current situation is very unstable. If he sees a stranger, he may run away at any time. Are you sure you want to see him?" Luo Sha stared at Qin Fan and said. .

"Of course I came all the way..." However, before Qin Fan could finish speaking, Qin Fan inadvertently moved his hand away from the daimyo's shoulder almost at the same time as he relaxed, but suddenly felt With his hands empty, a big hole appeared in the sand on the ground at some point, and the body of the daimyo fell into the hole at a very fast speed, which was unreasonable. Immediately afterwards, Grandma Chiyo raised her hands suddenly, and then seemed to Pulling the daimyo out of the ground like pulling a carrot.

Almost in an instant, the hostage in Qin Fan's hands changed hands. Qin Fan could only put down his hand that was still raised in mid-air in embarrassment, and then looked at the hostile-looking guards and Sand Shinobi around him and shrugged indifferently. Shrugged: "Can you take me to meet Izuo Jinchuriki now?"

(End of this chapter)

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