King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 165 Daimyo's Compromise

Chapter 165 Daimyo's Compromise

"Can you take me to see Izuo Jinjuriki now?" Qin Fan said shamelessly, looking at the crowd around him.

"Bah bah bah! Luo Sha, this guy dared to kidnap daimyo, I order you to arrest him immediately, I'm going to tie him to a flagpole and dry him in the sun!" Daimyo, who was dragged out of the sand by Grandma Chiyo, vomited. Shouting loudly while putting the sand in his mouth.

Luo Sha didn't pay attention to the daimyo who was furious. Since the ugly ghost in front of him is eyeing the tail beast of their ninja village, he can't just let him go like this regardless of whether there is a daimyo. The only problem now is the other party. Why is he so reckless, surrounded by so many people, including himself, the Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village, who is sitting in command, why does the other party think that he can retreat unscathed?
"Tell me who is behind the scenes, you have no chance of winning!" Luo Sha frowned and said.

"Is there no chance of winning?" Turning his head and looking at the guards surrounding him, it seemed a bit annoying, so he turned to the Terminator of the off-road vehicle driving outside and shouted: "Who is that! Come and take these few A useless thing is solved!"

"Is there anyone else?" Since everyone's attention was focused on the daimyo just now, and Qin Fan's foreign trade was too attractive, it really didn't take a few people to notice the strange metal box following the camel caravan. Therefore, after hearing what Qin Fan said, everyone reacted and looked at the direction of the off-road vehicle in unison.

"Yes!" A slightly blunt voice sounded from the off-road vehicle. In the next second, figures flashed in everyone's eyes, but the guards had already been reduced to ashes!

In the world of Naruto, ninjas are generally not arranged around the daimyo unless necessary. This is because there are generally no ninjas to assassinate the daimyo. The reason is very simple. Although the daimyo can give orders to the ninjas, the ultimate control of the major ninja villages is still in the The shadow of the village, so even if you control the daimyo, if the shadows of the villages question it, you can completely disobey the order, and killing the daimyo will not have any impact on Ninja Village. It will be good for each country to recommend another one, but relative Killing a daimyo is definitely a great provocation to Ninja Village. If it is verified, the price will be extremely high, so there will be no Ninja Village who will stupidly issue such an order, and there will be no ninja who is destined to accept such an order. order, and the daimyo himself does not want to be surrounded by armed forces that he cannot absolutely control. After all, it is the shadow who leads the ninja, not their daimyo themselves.

The guards are just ordinary people. For T-X1, the energy in its body can be absorbed in an instant. After absorbing these guards, T-X1 grabbed Luo Sha's body without hesitation. neck.

"Don't!" Fortunately, Qin Fan hurriedly stopped him, but his fingers that had already dug into Luo Sha's flesh gradually loosened a bit.

"This guy is also very weak, why don't you let me eat it together?" T-X1 asked a little stiffly.

"Hey!" Seeing that the opponent didn't kill him, Qin Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with some dissatisfaction, "It's true that he is weak, but do you see which one is particularly strong?"

After hearing Qin Fan's words, T-X1 looked back at the remaining people and then turned to look at Qin Fan again: "They are all weak, eat them together?"

Qin Fan...

"You, let him go first! Who are you eating who I will tell you to eat later!" Qin Fan felt a little helpless, this Terminator is good at everything, but his IQ is a little arrears, and he often can't understand orders. But he was obedient, so Qin Fan had nothing to say.

Feeling the arm holding her neck slowly let go, Luo Sha's clothes were already soaked in sweat. As the shadow of a village, Luo Sha always thought that she was not afraid of death, but at that moment just now, Luo Sha Sand really felt the fear.

"So, can you take me to see Renzhuli?" Qin Fan said while looking at the other party with a smile.

"No, yes, yes!" Luo Sha said word by word, of course he knew that he was not the opponent's opponent, there is no need to doubt this, but Renzhuli or Tailed Beast is indispensable for their sand ninja village , the only thing that the sand ninja village can get now is the tailed beast. If the tailed beast is sent out, then the sand ninja village will have nothing. **go out!

Different from other Ninja Villages, Wu Ninja Village, the name of the seven ninja swords and killers is known to everyone in the ninja world. The water transformation technique of the Ghost Lamp Clan and the genius ninja who has the boundary of double blood inheritance need not be said. Yan Ninja Village, The only Blood Inheritance Elimination owner, the Libra clan, is enough to gain a firm foothold in the ninja world. In Yunnin Village, the powerful Lei Dun of the Yeyue clan once defeated ten thousand enemies. Needless to say, Konoha, even without the strength of the Uchiha clan. It is definitely ranked first among the five major ninja villages, but what do they have in sand ninja villages?The ability of the Sandstorm Clan to override the sand is completely dependent on Ichiyo Morizuru, Chiyo’s mother-in-law is old, and the puppet genius Scorpion betrayed because his parents were killed by Konoha Ninja, but Sand Ninja Village had to sign a peace treaty with Konoha Ninja Village, how many ninjas can the entire Sand Ninja Village have?Without the Tailed Beast, the Sand Ninja Village exists in name only. If the Tailed Beast can be kept, even if all the people in the Sand Ninja Village die, it can be rebuilt. Therefore, even if everyone present today will die, the Tailed Beast cannot be handed over.

"Really? Then..." Qin Fan looked at the other party in surprise, but he felt helpless seeing the other party's expression so firm. Since the other party said so, he could only kill.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing the tendency of the two sides to talk about collapse, the daimyo of the country of wind couldn't bear it anymore.

"It's no problem for you to want a tailed beast. I can give it to you on behalf of the Kingdom of Wind!"

"Oh? But do I need you to give it to me?" Qin Fan looked at the other party and said a little funny.

"Not only can I give the Tailed Beast to Your Excellency, but I can also make the Kingdom of Wind obey your orders. From now on, Your Excellency will be the true owner of the Kingdom of Wind!" said the great name of the Kingdom of Wind very quickly.

"Shut up!" Luo Sha also didn't care about the identity of the other daimyo. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the enemy was present, he wouldn't even be able to resist attacking this daimyo who dared to threaten to betray his country.

"Did I ask you to speak?" A faint voice sounded from behind Luo Sha, but the invisible coercion made this majestic Kazekage feel as if his body was being suppressed by a mountain, and he didn't even hold on for a second. The whole person knelt down.Then Qin Fan looked at the daimyo again with a pleasing expression and said, "The proposal you just made seems to be good, so let's talk about it carefully!"

"Yes, yes! In fact, I have always felt that the guys from Sand Ninja Village are unreliable at all, so I did not hesitate to sign many unfair treaties with Konoha. If I have your protection, I believe that we will not be afraid in the Kingdom of the Wind in the future. The other Ninja Villages are oppressing you." Said the daimyo of the Wind Country with a trembling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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