King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 166 Deterrence

Chapter 166 Deterrence
"Are you an idiot? What he wants is a tailed beast, and we are the only ones who can save the Wind Country!" Even though Qin Fan was oppressing him so hard that he could hardly breathe, Luo Sha still gritted his teeth and pointed at him. The daimyo of the country of wind over there said.

"It's you who are idiots! Rely on you? We have been relying on you for more than 60 years in the Kingdom of the Wind, but what happened? Since the establishment of Sand Ninja Village, more than half of the finances of the Kingdom of the Wind have been handed over to you, but you returned What have you given us? The shame of defeat again and again, do you know how many people in the Kingdom of Wind starve to death every year in order to feed you? How many people do you want our Kingdom of Wind to rely on you to die?" These words are really embarrassing. If he had the guts to change the situation, he wouldn't dare to say that, but at this moment, he can't care so much: "I know you ninjas secretly Say that I am an idiot, and I will sign such a stupid contract with Konoha, saying that I have betrayed the interests of the country of wind! Do you think I want to be like that? Who doesn’t want to be a hero, who doesn’t want to ask for more for their country benefits, but do we have a bargaining chip? If you can really defeat the ninjas of Konoha, even if you kill a few super-level ninjas, will I sign that kind of unfair contract?"

"But if you didn't order the truce, maybe Konoha would not be able to hold on! After all, Konoha is not just fighting against us. As long as we are firmer, Konoha will back down!" Standing aside Mackey finally couldn't help but speak.

"You fart!" The seemingly gentle daimyo of the Wind Kingdom suddenly cursed out: "Hold on? Do you think it's just playing tricks? That's right! If we don't care about life and death, we can weaken Konoha, and it will be very late at that time." It is possible that the other three major countries will also take the opportunity to invade Konoha, but that is possible, and on the other hand, our Kingdom of the Wind will definitely be destroyed! Knock the other party's fist with your nose, and expect the other party to be afraid and give in ? Your stupidity has completely refreshed my understanding of this word!"

"This is all your guesswork, and you don't know if Konoha will persevere, so I don't think Konoha dares to persevere! They don't dare!" Markey also roared hoarsely, obviously he has deep grievances towards this name .

"I don't dare! I dare not bet!" The daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind also shouted loudly: "I can't retreat the entire Kingdom of Wind to a dead end just because you think, you think! But I can't be angry and disregard my life, I can't let the people of the entire Kingdom of Wind be buried with me just because of anger!"

"Okay, okay! We're all on our own, so stop arguing!" Qin Fan persuaded from the side.

Qin Fan's sudden amiability made everyone present stunned, and the daimyo and Ma Ji who were glaring at each other also shut up but did not dare to continue arguing.

"My lord! I am willing to acknowledge the existence of your lord on behalf of the Kingdom of the Wind. If you are willing, I can immediately give up the position of the daimyo of the Kingdom of the Wind and assist you in leading the Kingdom of the Wind." The daimyo of the Kingdom of the Wind suddenly knelt on the ground and said to Qin Fan.

The issue of unifying the ninja world was also raised by Nagato. At first Qin Fan thought of trouble when he heard this proposal. To be honest, for Qin Fan now, ruling the world is really not difficult, let alone Like the low-dimensional world of the young and Dangerous world without any superpowers, even in an anime world like Hokage, it is not difficult for Qin Fan to suppress it by force. Brought to this world, if you want to crush the ninjas of various villages, you can almost do it, but what about after ruling?Qin Fan couldn't just kill all the people and just finish the job, but at this moment, Qin Fan suddenly thought that maybe he could come up with a strategy of using the barbarians to control the barbarians, just like in Tianlong World, let the local aborigines manage themselves.

"Since you are so generous, I can only be disrespectful! But you are the one to decide the name, as long as you are obedient and obedient!" Qin Fan said carelessly.

"Yes! From now on, I will always look forward to your lord!" Without any hesitation, the daimyo of the country of wind immediately said respectfully.

"What about you?" Qin Fan looked at the others with a smile.

Including Qiandai's mother-in-law, they couldn't help but look at Luo Sha, who had been crushed to the ground by Qin Fan's coercion. From the trembling muscles of the opponent, it was not difficult to see that he was still struggling hard, but the difference in strength made him His struggle seemed feeble.

"Uh... You mean that as long as he is still alive, you can't listen to me?" Qin Fan said suddenly after looking at Luo Sha in the eyes of several people.

"No!" Grandma Chiyo immediately said, "We are willing to surrender!"

"Sister!" Ebizo looked at Grandma Chiyo with some surprise, and said in surprise.

"No need to say more! I will help you convince Luo Sha, and Sand Ninja Village will obey your orders from now on." Grandma Chiyo said to Qin Fan directly, ignoring Ebizo.

Unlike those young ninjas, Granny Chiyo has experienced too much life and death. She understands that in many cases, it is not possible to succeed by risking her life. The strength of the people in front of her has surpassed their perception of strength. Even if Sha fights to the death, nothing can be changed at all. It is better to spend his life on other things than a meaningless death like that, and now all they can do is to obediently obey orders.

"Where are the others?" Qin Fan said indifferently.

"Since sister said so, then I can only listen to you!" Hai Laozang said helplessly.

"I only listen to Master Fengying!" Ma Ji seemed a bit tough, but Master Fengying didn't answer Qin Fan at all at this time, and was still working hard against the seemingly endless pressure.

"Luo Sha, right? Let me show you something!" Qin Fan suddenly withdrew the pressure that had been covering Luo Sha's body, and then turned around and pointed to the sand behind him: "Broken Road Encore..."

The so-called "Breaking Dao Ensemble" is a move created by Qin Fan on a whim. It is a bit similar to the ultimate killing weapon in the domestic Lingling paint that will kill you three thousand. It is a collection of all No. 80 and above breaking ways. How powerful is it? Qin Fan is not sure, but the gorgeousness is definitely five stars,

Almost instantly, various forms of energy formed in front of Qin Fan in various forms, and then quickly slammed into the distant sand dunes. The violent energy completely enveloped a sand dune a thousand meters away almost instantly, either thunder or lightning. Flame, the sand dune that was originally like a hill did not even show the slightest sign of collapse, it was directly decomposed into the tiniest particles in the berserk energy, and everyone present was so angry after seeing this scene. Even the expression of grievance was replaced by deep shock.

"Is this... can be done by human power?" Facing the enduring energy storm, everyone seemed to have this question in their minds.

(End of this chapter)

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