King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 167 Merger of Two Countries

Chapter 167 Merger of Three Kingdoms
In the face of absolute power, the so-called resistance and persistence are actually meaningless at all, and the strength of Sand Ninja Village is too weak. If it is other ninja villages, some big families may pop up to fight, but Sand Ninja Village can get it Only two or three kittens were shot. In the original book, Sand Ninja Village was deceived by Orochimaru to implement the plan to collapse the wood industry. In fact, it is just a few terrorists carrying nuclear bombs to sneak into other countries to carry out terrorist attacks. If it is true If you want to rely on the fighting power of the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village, I am afraid that Konoha can easily solve it by jumping out two jonin.

In the Kazekage office of Sand Ninja Village, Qin Fan, who was sitting on the main seat, slumped on the chair and said while eating the fruits on the table: "Then from now on, the land of wind, the land of rain, The Kingdom of Grass, the Kingdom of Grass will formally form an alliance, and unify the management of the joint council formed by the few of you, no problem!" Throwing a cherry into his mouth, he said while spitting out the core.

The three groups of people standing in front of Qin Fan looked at each other, but they also saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Not long ago, the other two groups of people were directly brought to Sand Ninja Village by Qin Fan, and announced the unification of the Three Kingdoms. Neither Wuwei nor Nagato had any way to raise any objections. Be obedient, this is an eternal truth, if you have no strength but you still have to be stubborn, the final result will only be perish.

"There is no problem with the Country of Grass!" Wuwei said. Originally, the Country of Grass was just a small ninja village, and it had experienced extinction. The forces in it were not very complicated, and it was relatively easy to integrate them.

"I don't have a problem either!" Nagato said the same, because his legs were seriously injured in the battle with Sanshoyu Hanzo, and his physical condition has become very bad because of maintaining the power of the Six Paths all these years, even if he himself was injured due to spinning The powerful Chakra of the Nest Clan allows him to control the six realms with abilities far exceeding that of ordinary people, but his body is so weak that he can't even carry out ordinary living transplants, and even the survival of these elders depends on himself Strong enough to have a will, but at this time he was able to stand in front of Qin Fan because Qin Fan gave him a relatively buggy item, Xiandou!

That's right!Although I haven't stayed in the Dragon Ball world for a long time, there are many unique items in the Dragon Ball world in the redemption list, such as the universal capsule, and the immortal bean. These two things are very good, especially the immortal bean. This kind of special effect of recovering any damage and physical strength can be said to be immediate when used on people in the Naruto world. At least Nagato looks like a normal person at this time, but the indifference to everything shown in those eyes is Gives a feeling of not being a stranger.

"Where is Xiao? Can you merge with us?" Qin Fan asked.

"Akatsuki's side is fine, but..." Hearing what Qin Fan said, Nagato hesitated slightly.

"What's wrong?" Qin Fan asked with some doubts: "Aren't you Xiao's boss?"

"The other members of the Akatsuki organization are fine, but there is one person I am worried that he will not obey me!" Nagato said in a deep voice.

"Not listening to you? Who?" Qin Fan said in surprise.

"Uchiha Madara!" Nagato said without any hesitation.

"What?" Everyone present was startled when they heard the name, who is Uchiha Madara?I'm afraid that all ninjas should have heard of it, but that's a legendary figure, how could he still be alive?
"Uchiha Madara?" Qin Fan was taken aback when he heard the name, but immediately realized: "You mean the guy with the spiral mask and only one eye?"

"Have you seen him?" Nagato was a little surprised this time.

"I haven't seen it before." Qin Fan shook his head and said suspiciously, "You can't beat him?"

Hearing Qin Fan asking Nagato like this, he didn't speak, but looked at the people around him.

"Go down first!" Qin Fan said directly.

After seeing several people retreating, Nagato said: "I have never fought him, but if he is really that person, I should not be his opponent!"

"If he is? So you don't think he is Uchiha Madara?" Qin Fan asked curiously.

"I don't know, but he knows my eyes very well, claiming that he transplanted these eyes for me when I was young, and he also told me how to make Liudao Payne!" Nagato said seriously Said.

Qin Fan was a little surprised to hear the other party say that. He had seen Hokage so he knew that Uchiha Madara was actually pretending to be Obito. Mouth... No!It should be taught by Madara. After all, Obito was rescued by Madara, and Nagato's reincarnation eye is Madara's, so it seems that Madara, who was dying, told Obito how to use the reincarnation eye and handed it over to Nagato. Very strange.

"Nagato, why do you think Uchiha Madara gave you these eyes?" Qin Fan asked.

"It should be because of the special physique of my Xuanwo clan. The skills that these eyes can use require a huge amount of chakra. After all, they are the eyes of the legendary Six Paths Sage. Even Uchiha Madara can't use them. As for him giving me According to what he said, if he wants to avenge this world, he will borrow my hand!" Nagato said indifferently.

"Do you believe it?" Qin Fan asked again.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, these eyes really gave me a lot of power, and he didn't do anything to stop me!" Nagato said indifferently.

Indeed, for Nagato, the purpose of collecting tailed beasts to make super weapons is to make the world feel the pain of war. As for who uses this super weapon, it doesn’t matter who uses it. So what?Even if the weapon was made out of Uchiha Madara and came to snatch it, wouldn't he use it if he got the weapon?As long as the purpose of using this weapon Nagato has been achieved, that's all!

"Is that so... Take me to meet the other party, and I also have some questions I want to ask him." Qin Fan said.

However, at the same time Qin Fan's voice fell, a spear made of yellow sand directly broke through the window behind Qin Fan and hit the back of Qin Fan's head, like an ice cone hitting a rock, shattering the sand Splashing around, the powerful momentum makes these broken sand grains amazingly powerful, and the Kazekage office was made a mess by these sandstones!
His head was slightly tilted forward by the inexplicable blow just now, Qin Fan stretched out his hand and scratched the spot hit by the sand spear, frowning and looking back slowly.

"Ow!" A violent roar came in through the broken window, and the flowing sand in the distance slowly gathered, and a fat giant civet cat gradually took shape!

(End of this chapter)

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