Chapter 168 One Tail

"What are you doing!" Patting the sand on his head, Qin Fan pouted and stood up from the chair with half of the chair missing.

"It seems that the tailed beast of this ninja village ran away!" Nagato said, also looking at the big hole in the wall.

"Trouble! Go and have a look!" After Qin Fan finished speaking, his figure had disappeared. Seeing Qin Fan leave, Nagato stared at Qin Fan's original position with even more fear in his eyes.

From the position he was standing just now, he could clearly see the scene of the spear of sand flying towards him, but due to special reasons, he did not make a sound to remind him. He originally thought that even if such a blow could not hurt the person in front of him, at least It will also make the opponent reveal his true strength, but he didn't expect that the opponent not only didn't use any ninjutsu, he didn't even dodge it, so he just endured such a blow, and what Nagato couldn't believe the most was that that This level of attack still hit the back of the head, which is the most vulnerable part of the human body, yet this guy was not injured... It's simply unbelievable.

(At first, I expected that this person and that Uchiha Madara would lose both, but now it seems that even if that person is really the legendary Uchiha Madara, he might not be his opponent!) Nagato thought helplessly.

Qin Fan didn't know Nagato's thoughts at this time, in fact, even if he knew Qin Fan, he wouldn't care too much, Qin Fan didn't reject the sinister nature of human beings, did he use magic tricks on him, and the other party was not a fool and had no selfish intentions at all What's the big deal, if you feel that the other party will affect your plan, the big deal is to kill him, there is really no need to care about anything.

The chunky figure appeared in front of the giant civet cat, a frenzied attacker with a guarding crane, everything around it, although the huge body is a bit cute, but the violent power makes its destructive power amazing, almost everything it passes The mess, if left unattended, it is estimated that Sand Ninja Village will be turned into ruins in a short time.

"My lord is bad! That, that, that tailed beast..." The daimyo of the Kingdom of the Wind who didn't know how to jump out from there ran to Qin Fan, pointing at the huge civet cat and shouted tremblingly : "My lord, that subordinate of yours, let him come back quickly, otherwise..."

"Did you do it?" Qin Fan looked at the daimyo lying on the ground tremblingly, pointed to the one-tailed crane that was still roaring over there and said.

"I..." Hearing Qin Fan's question, the daimyo immediately became a little embarrassed.

Indeed, the daimyo of the Land of Wind has always felt very uneasy about his current situation, especially the Three Kingdoms Council that Qin Fan started, which is full of ninjas. He is an ordinary person. It is much higher than the others, but Qin Fan never said to let other people listen to him, and the difference in status is also destined to find him excluded, he does not want to be oppressed by these ninjas. Therefore, he felt that he should perform well in front of Qin Fan.

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind is very clear that the establishment of the Three Kingdoms Council is entirely based on Qin Fan's will, so if he wants to have a place in this council, the first thing he needs to do is to satisfy Qin Fan. Not long ago, Qin Fan I personally said that he needs Yiwei to guard the crane, so if he can get Yiwei's affairs done well, I believe the other party will be very satisfied with his approach, and as long as Qin Fan is satisfied, then I don't have to worry about anyone here, so After leaving Kazekage's office, he immediately went to Inchuriki's residence, trying to get someone to control Inchuriki himself, but in the end...
"My lord, I, I wanted to help you catch the tailed beast, but I didn't think that the brat was a monster..." Daimyo of the Wind Country said with trembling voice.

"Are you catching a tailed beast?" Qin Fan was taken aback when he heard the other party's words, but he also guessed some at random. The other party must want to please him and wanted to bring him a tail of Jinzhuli, but he didn't know how to do it. Renzhuli was stimulated, and the tailed beast ran away into this situation.

"Golden sand burial!!!" Accompanied by Luo Sha's roar, the sky full of golden sand suddenly gushed out and instantly enveloped Shukaku who was forcibly demolishing the buildings of Sand Ninja Village there. Under the golden shroud, the tailed beast's body could not easily emerge from the golden sand.

However, just when everyone thought that this matter would end here, the Tailed Beast Jade, which was the size of a millstone, shot out directly from the golden sand and flew straight to Luo Sha. No matter how confident Luo Sha was in his own strength It is also impossible to hard-join the tail beast jade head-on!Immediately, he overcame the sand under his feet and dodged to the side. The Tailed Beast Jade directly crossed over the sand ninja village and bombarded a sand dune several miles away. The violent energy formed a huge mushroom cloud, and it took more than ten seconds , A powerful sandstorm blew in the direction of the explosion, making the already messy Sand Ninja Village even more chaotic.

And then at this opportunity, Shouhe broke free from the sand, and then the black and blue light spots gathered in front of his mouth, as if he was about to gather his strength again to send another tailed beast jade, and from that mouth and the tailed beast The extension angle of the jade, this tailed beast jade is likely to explode in Sand Ninja Village, if that is the case, let alone whether Luo Sha and the others can avoid it, even if they avoid other ninjas in Sand Ninja Village, I am afraid Everything was the same, but when the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village, including Luo Sha, were amazed at the madness of the tailed beast and were a little overwhelmed, a figure suddenly appeared next to the gradually expanding tailed beast jade.

Standing in front of the beast jade, the bloated figure looked more rounded, and then the somewhat short and thick arms of the figure swung suddenly, and the dust that was originally full of the sky was swept away by the strong wind in an instant, while the already The Tailed Beast Jade gradually took shape, but under this seemingly understated swipe, it shattered directly like soap bubbles being slapped hard, and the large amount of energy contained in the Tailed Beast Jade directly followed the force The horizontal eruption, whether it is a house or a wall, collapses instantly like a sandcastle hit by a high-pressure water gun, and a quarter of Sand Ninja Village is completely wiped out by this blow.

"Damn fat cat! Have you had enough trouble?" Standing in the void in front of the civet cat, Qin Fan stared at the big face of the civet cat with a somewhat unfriendly gaze and said, "Why did you come out? Why do you shrink back, or I'll kill you !"

"Stupid human beings, how dare you talk to the great..." Seeing Qin Fan say this, the guarding crane with one tail wanted to explode immediately, but before it could finish speaking, its cold eyes stared deeply. At the same time, our poor civet cat felt a fear from the deepest part of his soul, without any signs, the originally huge civet cat was like a big mouse disguised as a cat. The hair formed by the yellow sand suddenly exploded, and then the body turned into a cloud of sand mist, and then slowly gathered and finally penetrated directly into the boy's body...
(End of this chapter)

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