King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 169 Obito

Chapter 169 Obito
In the huge cave, a huge corpse with a height of tens of meters sits cross-legged, its hands and feet are bound by iron chains, like a tortured person, its hideous face is full of pain!
"This is the heretic golem?" Qin Fan looked at the huge figure in surprise. Although he had seen it more than once in cartoons, it was a different feeling to put himself in front of the golem.

Without waiting for Nagato and Xiaonan behind Dao to speak, a voice from the other side preempted Dao: "That's right! This is the golem of the heretics!"

The torn black robe on his body, a spiral wooden mask under the hood, and under the only hole, the scarlet three-hook jade blood wheel eyes revealed a strange light that made people feel cold.

"Obitu?" Almost subconsciously, Qin Fan said the name.However, the people present had different expressions when they heard Qin Fan's words.

Nagato Konan showed surprise and puzzlement, Qin Fan's tone revealed familiarity but the name he said was very strange to both of them, but the body under Obito's black robe trembled slightly, He would never have thought that the name that had been discarded by him would be spoken from a stranger in this situation.

"Who are you?" Obito didn't deny it, because it was unnecessary, let alone a stranger who had changed over the years, even if his best friend was standing in front of him, he might not be able to recognize his current appearance, while the other party But he recognized it, which is enough to show that the other party should have confirmed his identity.

"Hehe! Why do you like to ask this sentence! I am... an outsider!" Qin Fan shrugged and said half-jokingly.

"An outsider?" Obito looked at Nagato Konan and the two, and said lightly, "Why did you bring him here?"

"You said your name is Uchiha Madara!" Nagato asked, frowning slightly.

"Your body..." Still didn't answer, Obito was stunned for a moment, but then showed a relieved expression: "He cured it?"

He knew the situation of Nagato very well. Summoning the golem of the outside world not only required powerful Chakra, but also put a heavy burden on the body. Nagato's body could not bear this level of load at all, so he was in a semi-paralyzed state all year round. Now Being able to stand in front of him means that the other party has found a way to bear the burden of the heretic golem, and at this time the other party is standing behind this strange-looking person, the reason is self-evident.

Turning his eyes to Qin Fan again, Obito said, "What is your purpose?"

"Purpose?" Qin Fan shrugged and said relaxedly: "I want to subdue Akatsuki, but Nagato said that you are special and won't listen to his orders, and I just want to come over and persuade you by the way. You, if it doesn't make sense, I'll kill you to save you from getting in the way, but after seeing you, I have a few questions I want to ask you, can you answer me?"

Hearing Qin Fan say that he was going to kill himself with soil, he was not surprised or disturbed at all. For those who have already died, death is not terrible: "What do you want to ask?"

"You should be very clear about the ability of the eyes of reincarnation, and you should also know the natural effects of reincarnation of heretics. Since your purpose is to create a world with Lin, why don't you use the ability of the eyes of reincarnation to revive Lin?" Qin Fan was a little puzzled Said.

After hearing Qin Fan's words, Nagato and Xiaonan looked at each other unconsciously and saw puzzlement in each other's eyes, while Obito's eyes were a little weird, but they were relieved soon, and naturally knew His name, so it shouldn't be surprising to know about Lin, so he can deduce his purpose... Okay!This is a bit strange, but since the other party said so.

"Why should I drag Lin out of the Pure Land? It is this world that is guilty, not Lin!" Obito said as a matter of course.

"Uh... Okay! I can't understand the thoughts of you crazy people, but since you think Lin is living well in the pure land, and you want to be with Lin, why don't you just die? Alright? What's the use of creating a fake Lin?" Qin Fan still asked.

"Do you even know about the Infinity Moon Project?" Obito glanced at Qin Fan with some surprise and said, "This world has always been filled with hatred and betrayal. If we let it go, there will be more tragedies like Lin's in the future. Only the Unlimited Moon Project can make people in this world truly happy, and since Lin has left this dark world, there is no need to involve him!"

"So you know that everything is fake in the world of Unlimited Reading Moon?" Qin Fan asked a little puzzled.

"So what if it's fake, fake happiness is better than real pain, living in fake happiness, there will be no pain in the body, and the life span will not be shortened because you are in an illusion, it's just from the reality Freed from the pain, what's wrong with that!" Obito said as a matter of course.

"Uh..." Qin Fan really didn't know how to refute for a while, just like what a crew member in The Matrix said when they were betraying and negotiating terms with the sentry. He knew that the steak and red wine were all fake, but, When he eats these things, the host will tell his brain how mellow the red wine is and how tender the steak is, and he thinks being confused is a blessing!

In reality, many people know that the juice they buy is not made of fruit at all, but they are still willing to buy and drink it. For these people, does it really matter whether it is true or false?If there is a world like Unlimited Reading Moon that can satisfy all his dreams that cannot be realized in reality, become a star and become a rich man, but on the contrary, he will be oppressed by life in reality, then what choice will he make?And from this point of view, is it really wrong to take the soil?

"Although even I think what you say makes sense, I still have to stop you!" Qin Fan shrugged and said.

"Can you understand?" He didn't care about Qin Fan saying that he wanted to stop himself, but when Qin Fan said he could understand, he showed a puzzled look.

"Well! I used to be a poor dick, with no money, no power, and nothing. At that time, I would also be addicted to the Internet every day. Uh... the Internet is a kind of infinite reading that is similar to what you are planning to do. It’s just that you can only go in and out, and I don’t want you to trap people in it like this, but even so, I won’t be willing to go offline. I just spend every day on the Internet. Now that I think about it, it’s a kind of escape from the past. !” Qin Fan said while recalling.

"The Internet you said..." Obito frowned and wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Qin Fan waving his hand.

"That's not important, what's important is that I couldn't get what I wanted at that time, but now I can get it, why do I have to fake it?" Qin Fan said as a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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