King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 174 Whitewashing

Chapter 174 Whitewashing (Part [-])

"How, how is it possible!!!" Seeing his companion fall to the ground, Shiranui Genma's face became extremely ugly.

As forbearance, injury or even death is commonplace for them. If Moonlight Gale was stabbed or even stabbed to death, Shiranui Genma would be angry but definitely not so shocked. It might be right to sneak attack from the air without being noticed by the two of them at such a distance. However, the guy who looked strange at this time stabbed himself tightly, but Moonlight Gale was hit by the same position as the opponent was stabbed. injury, what does this mean?
"Hahaha, the ceremony is about to begin, come on, let's feel the best pain together! How about the next place?" Hiduan pulled out the spike that pierced his thigh, and then slowly pointed the tip at his chest .

(What does he want to do? Does that mean that as long as he attacks himself, the damage will be transferred to Moonlight Gale? Is it only when he attacks himself that the damage will be transferred or...) Shiranui Xuanma's expression became more and more ugly.

"Where are you looking?" A slightly silent voice sounded from not far away. After hearing this voice, Shiranui Genma was startled. The attack method of the strange-looking guy holding a sickle was too shocking. As for the fact that he had forgotten that there was another enemy, but when Shiranui Genma realized this, his arm suddenly flew over and grabbed his neck.Like a tentacle monster wearing gloves, he pinched Shiranui Genma's neck with one hand and slowly tightened it.

On the other hand, Moonlight Gale had no ability to resist Fei Duan's weird attack method. He could only watch Fei Duan stabbing the spikes into his chest little by little. He could even feel the skin membrane on his chest being pierced. The flesh and blood were torn apart, the heart was...
"Boom!" The corpse with dilated pupils fell powerlessly on the ground, this was the last scene Shiranui Xuanma saw before his consciousness disappeared.

At the same time, fierce battles also took place inside Konoha Village. Kisame Kisame, Scorpion of Red Sand, Didara, and five people from the Six Paths Payne except Tiandao. However, with the unscrupulous attacks here, those general ninjas in Konoha Village may even be killed in one face-to-face. Such an opponent is also very likely to be killed by people from the Akatsuki organization. In less than half an hour, as many as seven of the top ninjas of Konoha Village were lost. To put it bluntly, even the Ninja World During the war, Konoha never lost so many junin in such a short period of time.

"It seems to be almost there! It's time for us to make a move!" On the roof of a small two-story building, a group of five people were fighting side by side, but it was Qin Fan, Itachi, Shimomuraizumi, Estes and Sai Liu. Three girls.

Originally, Qin Fan's plan at the beginning was to exchange for a T-1000 disguised as Itachi Uchiha and then let him sneak into Konoha to do some bad things, and then let the real Itachi go over and catch him, so that the The crime of slaughtering the Uchiha clan was all pushed to T-1000. He said that he had indeed received Danzo's order to slaughter the Uchiha clan, but he refused, but he did not expect that the Uchiha clan was still being punished by others. The massacre, and everyone claimed that he did it, even his younger brother said that he did it. At that time, he knew that it must be Danzo, but he dared not tell it. , but had no choice but to carry this blame on his back, and at the same time secretly investigated the real murderer. It was not until recently that he found out that Danzo had secretly trained a subordinate with special blood succession boundaries. This subordinate could change anyone's appearance at will. Danzo is to order this person to perform the task, and then call out T-1000, and then T-1000 will repeat the statement, and the confession is also available!Uchiha Itachi is completely cleansed!
However, after Qin Fan told Itachi about this plan, Itachi had a different opinion.

Itachi thinks that it doesn’t matter to Konoha whether he killed the Uchiha clan or not, otherwise it wouldn’t let Itachi bear all the guilt alone. You must know that the clan was wiped out, so just come out and say yes The reason why the family is dissatisfied and then slaughtered the whole family is justified?You must know that the rebellion of the Uchiha clan has not been reported, otherwise Itachi would not become Konoha's rebellious ninja, on the contrary, it should be Konoha's hero, but Konoha passed for such a far-fetched reason, which shows that Konoha I don’t care who killed the Uchiha clan at all. The key is that the Uchiha clan disappeared from Konoha, which made Konoha’s senior management very satisfied. As for who killed it, Itachi is the murderer. Undoubtedly, it is in Konoha’s best interests. It will not involve other families, and it will not make other families think that Konoha's high-level officials are planning to attack the major families. After all, you Uchiha's own people did it. This is suicide and has nothing to do with others!But at this time, if Itachi wants to reverse the case, it will be different.

According to Qin Fan's method, this matter was pushed to Danzo. As the head of the root, Danzo can be said to be the most core member of Konoha. He ordered the slaughter of the Uchiha clan. What do other families think?The Uchiha family is so powerful that it will be destroyed if it is destroyed, what about other families?Once this matter is implemented, it will inevitably make other families panic, and Konoha's prestige will also be severely frustrated. Konoha's senior management will never allow this kind of thing to happen, so let alone whether the evidence arranged by Qin Fan is credible. Reliability, even if the evidence is convincing, Konoha's high-level executives are likely to imprison Itachi in the name of investigation, and then conduct a secret investigation for a hundred and 80 years. If there is another secret death, this matter is likely to be settled. Everything in the world still depends on strength. Without strength, there is no right to speak. If you want justice, go to the Pure Land to find it.

So Qin Fan could only readjust the plan, let Itachi appear in Konoha as the savior, and Qin Fan gave him a powerful backing. At that time, Itachi wanted to reverse the case, and I believe Konoha would not dare to deal with it at will.

"Be careful when you do it, the five of Payne's people can be killed at will, and the rest can be run away!" Qin Fan said to the three girls beside him.

"Yes master!" The three girls saluted Qin Fan respectfully, and then jumped off the roof one after another, and Qin Fan turned to Uchiha Itachi and said, "I'll leave that to you!"

"Yes!" Bowing slightly, Itachi also jumped out of the roof, leaving Qin Fan alone standing on the high ground and looking around at the Konoha, which is now covered in gunpowder smoke: "Should I also find a place to gain favoritism? Woolen cloth?"

(End of this chapter)

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