King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 175 Whitewashing

Chapter 175 Whitewashing ([-])

Among the ruins, Kurenai Yuhi, Asma Sarutobi, and Dingza Akidou stood not far from Penn Fifth Road in a state of embarrassment. Among the nearby ruins, Ebisu and Yamashiro Aoba seemed to have disappeared. Taking a breath, Hell Road on the opposite side pinched Morino Ibiki's neck with one hand, and in the huge grimace behind him, the chubby little hand was holding the weird fleshy touch protruding from Morino Ibiki's mouth.

An ice cone suddenly shot out from the mid-air and went straight to the back of the hell realm. However, since the other four realms surrounded the hell realm, and the four observed their surroundings separately, the hungry ghost realm had already reacted the moment the ice cone appeared. The figure immediately jumped up and went straight to the ice pick.

However, he saw that Hungry Ghost Dao was pushing with both hands tightly, and the moment the ice pick hit Hungry Ghost Dao's hands, it had disintegrated quickly and finally disappeared without a trace.

"Wow! Can my strength be swallowed too? That would be a little troublesome!" Landing on a broken floor of an unknown building, Esdeth murmured to himself in surprise.

"It's her!" Animal Road said immediately after seeing Esdeth.

"Don't keep your hands!" Shuradao raised his hands while speaking, and countless missiles split from Shuradao's arms and flew directly towards Esdesh.

"Has this guy undergone body modification? He should have let that guy, Seleu, come over!" Esdeth flicked his hand casually for a while, and countless ice swords solidified in mid-air before hitting the missile indiscriminately.

"Boom boom boom!" A huge explosion sounded in the air and a series of smoke and dust started, and then three of the five roads ran towards Esdeth, leaving only two blocking Yuhi Hongsan people.

"No matter what, let's deal with the guy wearing the blood cloud cloak first!" Sarutobi Asma gave the order and rushed forward thinking of the remaining Beast Dao and Hungry Ghost Dao.

Hungry Ghost Road left the breathless Morino Ibiki aside, and directly met Sarutobi Asma who was holding a special Kunai. On the other side, Animal Road was with Yuhi Ben Sendao. Due to the special nature of the reincarnation eye Yuhihong's illusion has very little effect on Liu Dao Payne, so Yuhihong, the illusionist, has no choice but to fight hand-to-hand. It seemed extremely lively, but just when several people were fighting each other, the sky suddenly became dark. Almost everyone subconsciously looked into the air, but saw a huge I don’t know when the ice puck appeared out of nowhere in mid-air and smashed towards a direction not far away...
"Boom" the huge ice ball fell, and there was a tremor from the ground that almost made many people in Muye Village unable to stand still. After a long time, holding Shura Dao's head that was still radiating sparks, Esdes slowly step by step.

"Retreat!" Even the most stupid people can see that Esdeth is difficult to deal with the sudden change. Although Hell Dao and Beast Dao said that they came here on purpose to give experience, but it is not easy to be too active No, seeing this scene, the two immediately separated from Kurenai Yuhi and Asma Sarutobi, and turned around to try to distance themselves from Esdeslaka.

"I want to leave now, don't you think it's too late?" Estes smiled slightly, and suddenly pressed his hands to the ground, and the huge icicle pierced the two of them in an instant, so fast that it almost made people see a white mark closely. However, Hell Dao and Beast Dao had already jumped into the mid-air and had nowhere to draw their strength. In desperation, the two could only attack each other and use the reaction force to change direction in mid-air. However, after the huge icicle reached their hiding place, it turned With a strange fork, the two icicles hit the two of them again.

"Gah~" A strange bird song reminded me that a giant three-legged bird flew across the air and directly smashed the icicle that froze one foot of the animal road, and then let the animal road fall on its back, and the other side was completely crushed. The frozen hell road fell to the ground together with the shattered icicles.

"Boom!" There was a silent sound, accompanied by a short and fat figure passing by. The animal road that was supposed to be flying far away under the giant bird suddenly felt like being hit by a meteorite. Disappeared without a trace, and the Nagato in a giant tree made of paper by Konan far away from the leaves also completely severed the connection between the five Payne.

"It's all been solved?" Xiaonan asked in surprise when she saw Nagato opened her eyes.

"Yeah!" Nagato nodded with some emotion: "That woman is very strong. Although I didn't use the power of heaven, I'm afraid I might not be her opponent even if I use all of it."

"Who is the other party? He is so powerful, but he has never heard of it. It seems that he suddenly appeared in this world." Xiao Nan said with some surprise.

"Maybe it's a god!" Reaching out to tear open the tree trunk made of pieces of paper, the rising sun reflected on Nagato's face with a faint golden radiance, and said with some emotion.

At the same time, the one-sided battle in Muye Village has undergone earth-shaking changes with the addition of Qin Fan and the others. The strong moves of the women and the collective release of the members of the Xiao organization have brought about a major reversal in the battle situation. People began to evacuate one after another. Although the identities of Qin Fan and others were unknown, they had helped out after all. Even though they were suspicious of these outsiders, they did not dare to regard them as hostile. After all, those blood cloud cloaks had already taken The Konoha ninjas don't want to fight anymore. If these guys who look obviously stronger than those wearing blood cloud cloaks get angry and turn against Konoha, God knows what will happen.

Of course, not all places are harmonious. Qin Fan encountered some accidents, that is, Qin Fan consciously killed Danzo and poached Hinata Hizuru’s eyes. There is no reason for anyone to find out that time is still, but he forgot that Danzo was not the only one when he met Danzo, and Danzo, the Konoha boss, died. How could such a shocking case not happen? Being valued, coupled with the gouging of the eyes of the head of the Hyuga family and the disappearance of the two daughters, Konoha almost mobilized all his strength to try to solve the case as soon as possible, but things progressed fast enough, almost the same day. Fan's person drew the portrait and informed all the Konoha ninjas, and Qin Fan wanted to take this opportunity to gain some favor and jump out to deal with the animal who was about to escape, but he didn't expect to be killed by Sarutobi in an instant. Asma and Yu Hihong recognized it, and just because someone had to play a cameo role made the whole drama a little embarrassing.

"That person should be what I call Bai Jue! Back then, he pretended to be Itachi, and this time he pretended to be me. This time I came to Konoha because of this guy!" Standing in the room of the Hokage Building, Qin Fan Facing the ninjas in front of them, including the third generation, several people talked nonsense seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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