King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 176 Whitewashing

Chapter 176 Whitewashing ([-])

"Bai Zee?" The third generation glanced sideways at Nara Shikahisa next to him, and the other party asked with a calm face, "Who is Bai Zee you are talking about, and what is the relationship with these people who attacked Konoha today? What is their purpose?"

"As far as I know, this organization claims to be Xiao, and Bai Jue is one of their members. This organization is very mysterious. We have also investigated for a long time, but the clues we know are limited. The only purpose we know is that this organization seems to be preparing to collect information secretly. Tailed Beast wants to make a very powerful weapon, and as for their attack on Konoha this time, it seems that they came here for Nine Tails." Qin Fan said with such an expression on his face.

"But if that's the case, why didn't they take the opportunity to attack Kyuubi when they killed Danzo?" Nara Shikahisa asked, frowning.

"I'm afraid they didn't know the identity of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki at the time, and the purpose of gouging Patriarch Hinata's eyes was to cover up people's eyes and ears so that you would not be on guard. This time they came here to snatch Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but they didn't expect us to show up." It's just breaking their plan!" Qin Fan said brazenly.

"Anyway, this matter is thanks to several people who took action. Otherwise, those thieves might cause more serious damage to Konoha. I don't know how many people belong to that ninja village?" Nara Shikahisa asked.

"Are we? We don't have a ninja village, and we're not even ninjas!" Qin Fan said directly.

"How many are from the Iron Country?" Nara Shikahisa said in surprise.

"No, no, no! We are just travelers and don't belong to any country!" Qin Fan said.

"Is that so? If this is the case, I don't know how many of you feel about Konoha. If you want to find a foothold, Konoha is still very welcome to the strong!" Nara Shikahisa said.

"This... If this is really possible, then we can't wait to ask for it!" Qin Fan hesitated for a while and readily agreed, but the original interrogation gradually turned into a parent's quarrel, and it seemed that the bullying became harmonious all of a sudden. After getting up, the three generations who had been silent until Qin Fan was sent away frowned and asked, "What's the problem?"

Ninja Village is a military institution. Although it is called a village, it is not as strict as a general military camp, but it does not invite people from other villages to live here casually. Even if the situation is special, you should ask him, Hokage, for his opinion. However, the third generation also understood that Nara Shikahisa would never make such a low-level mistake. Since he invited him without asking himself, it must have his intentions.

Sure enough, after hearing Sandai's words, Shikahisa Nara directly said with a sullen face: "Master Danzo was killed by this person!"

"What?" Hearing what Nara Shikahisa said, Sandai frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

"Ninety percent certainty!" Nara Shikahisa nodded and said, "I have never said anything about the Nizu family, and Konoha has been keeping news about it, unless he did it, otherwise he would never know about it." So clear."

"If that's the case, what's his purpose? Are they really here for Kyuubi?" Sandai said, frowning.

"I haven't figured this out yet, and I don't think they are in the same group as the Akatsuki organization!" Nara Shikahisa said in a deep voice, "I asked the ninjas who fought against those people, and those people are very strong. Generally speaking, Jinnin are not opponents. If these people did not intervene suddenly, we would probably suffer heavy losses. Not only that, if these people join hands with people from the Akatsuki organization, Konoha may be captured by them. If the other party's real purpose is to In the case of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, there is no need for such a big twists and turns, and even left a few corpses. According to Asma's report, the strength of the five dead is far superior to that of ordinary jounin. Even in that organization, they will not give up easily, so it is very likely that these two groups of people are not together, but I have no way to determine their purpose."

"You let them stay in Konoha just to investigate their purpose?" Sandai asked.

"Not only that! At this time, Konoha also needs to be temporarily corrected. If there is an immediate conflict with them, with the strength of these people, I am worried that Konoha will not only be unable to keep them, we need to think about it in the long run!" Nara Shikahisa said.

At the same time, someone who didn't know that he had been seen through thought that his plan had succeeded. When he saw the women who had just been questioned, he immediately asked, "How did they ask you?"

"It's just a simple question, nothing special!" None of them, including Shimomura Izumi, showed much nervousness, it seemed that Konoha's people were still polite to the girls.

"Where's Itachi? He hasn't come out yet?" Qin Fan asked in disbelief.

"Hmm! I guess he was detained, after all, the other party is still a wanted criminal of Konoha!" Estes said.

"Why is he still a wanted criminal? Didn't I prove everything to him?" Qin Fan said a little puzzled.

"Master! This kind of thing can't be released just because of your own testimony!" Sai Liu, who had worked in the security force, said.

"Then what's the point of us making this play, it's not okay!" Qin Fan wanted to turn around and go back, but saw a female ninja walking in from the outside, seeing Qin Fan eager to go After leaving, he immediately said, "My lord, where are you going?"

"I'm looking for Hokage!" Qin Fan said confidently.

"Uh... I don't know what you want to do with Hokage-sama?" the female ninja asked.

"What's the matter? My friend was arrested by you, what do you say!" Qin Fan said impatiently: "It's useless to tell you, I'm going to see Hokage!"

"My lord! I don't know who you are talking about as a friend?" The female ninja continued to ask.

"Itachi Uchiha! Do you know him?" Qin Fan said impatiently.

"Uh... I don't know Uchiha Itachi, but I know about this matter. Uchiha Itachi is being investigated by Konoha Anbe because of the Uchiha Clan. Please rest assured, the adults. The testimony provided by the relevant adults, Hokage-sama I have personally conveyed it to Anbu, and I believe it will be released in a short time!" The female ninja said very calmly.

"Then it's okay for me to meet Uchiha Itachi now?" Qin Fan seemed to be persuaded by the female ninja, and said helplessly.

"My lord, we Konoha have our own rules. Uchiha Itachi is under investigation and it is impossible to let him meet with outsiders. If you question and ask to see Uchiha Itachi, it will probably make things more troublesome. This is for Itachi It’s not a good thing to say, if your lord is really Uchiha Itachi’s friend, I don’t mind your lord staying in our Konoha for a few days, and Uchiha Itachi will come to see you in person after the case is over in a few days Yes!" the female ninja said to Qin Fan with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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