King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 177 Whitewashing

Chapter 177 Whitewashing ([-])

"This..." Hearing the other party reasoning with him in such a pleasant manner, Qin Fan was really moved, but after a little thought, he shook his head: "No! I still think I should see Itachi, At least I have to make sure he is safe, otherwise, what if he is secretly killed by you?"

"My lord, it's hard for me to see you like this!" Seeing that Qin Fan still wanted to see Itachi, the female ninja's complexion became a little unhappy, and her tone was not as polite as it was at the beginning.

However, if Qin Fan, who has always been amiable, would not be easy to get angry, as her expression turned cold, Qin Fan's attitude became even more dissatisfied: "Why don't you make things difficult for me, I have a dime relationship with you, Konoha I don’t know the village very well, and I came here to help out of Itachi’s face. Now that you’ve arrested my friend, you’re making things difficult for me? I don’t need you to make things difficult for me! You can go and tell that old man of the third generation, or you can arrest Itachi immediately. Let it go, otherwise the Akatsuki organization failed to destroy your Muye Village, but I will lead someone to destroy your Muye Village!"

"Please pay attention to your tone. Although Konoha is very friendly to friends, if someone dares to make trouble in Konoha, we Konoha ninjas will not..." Before the female ninja finished speaking, Qin Fan suddenly stretched out his hand He grabbed her neck.

"Are you provoking me?" Qin Fan's voice was joking: "Okay! Then I will give you this chance, and I want to see what Konoha will do to me if I kill you!"

Qin Fan's icy voice made the female ninja secretly feel bad. For a long time, Muye Village has been the strongest ninja village, and the ninjas in it more or less have an innate sense of superiority in front of other ninjas from other villages. Just like people in the city look at country people, our ninja village is the most powerful and is respected and even feared by others. I am polite to you because of my self-cultivation, but if you don’t know good and bad, you will be punished, so Even though this female ninja was asked to take care of Qin Fan and his party and told her to be polite, there was still a kind of resentment in her heart for asking me to take care of the inferior people. If Qin Fan and the others were polite, she would bear it. But with Qin Fan's aggressiveness, the female ninja must of course defend Konoha's majesty, but she didn't expect that these inferior people would dare to be arrogant in the face of her, the Konoha ninja, and they were so arrogant...
Almost following Qin Fan's radical move, members of the Anbu who had been monitoring Qin Fan's every move appeared in the room instantly, and Esdes, Shimomura Izumi, and Sai Liu formed a triangle to hold Qin Fan in place. In the middle, the female ninja whose neck was pinched by Qin Fan was staring at Qin Fan, even though her face was a little pale because of being pinched by Qin Fan's neck, there was no fear in her eyes.

She is not afraid, not because she does not believe that Qin Fan dared to kill her, but as a ninja of Konoha, she is not afraid of death at all, maybe in her heart, even death cannot shame her ninja village .

It has to be said that the strength of Konoha is not only because they have a large number of ninjas, but the overall quality of Konoha's ninjas is much higher than that of other ninja villages. Even an ordinary servant, facing death is like this. If other people from Ninja Village see it, they will definitely be shocked by the quality of Konoha Ninja.

"Your Excellency Qin Fan! Can you let her go? If there is any misunderstanding, I think you can tell me!" Nara Shikaku walked in from the main entrance, and faced Qin who was pinching the female ninja's neck with a serious face. Fan said.

"Talk to you? Okay! I just made a bet with this young lady, betting that even if I kill her, Konoha won't do anything to us! Does Mr. Lu Jiu think my bet has a chance of winning?" Qin Fan said coldly Said coldly to Shikahisa Nara.

"Your Excellency Qin Fan, she is just a ninja. It's pointless for you to joke with her like this. Let her go. You can tell me what you want." Nara Shikahisa said politely.

"Are you kidding me? I'm sorry, I'm not joking!" Qin Fan's words were followed by a clear sound of bones breaking, and the head of the female ninja that Qin Fan was pinching had already crooked and fell to the ground. Difficult to reach angle.

"Okay! Then, Mr. Shikajiu, did I win?" Qin Fan threw the female ninja on the ground casually, and looked at Nara Shikoku with a frozen smile on his face.

"Your Excellency's leader, Konoha, repelled the Akatsuki organization and won Konoha's friendship. Now that you are doing this kind of thing, don't you feel that the gain is not worth the loss?" Nara Lujiu didn't look at the female corpse left behind by Qin Fan. Same, at this time still looked at Qin Fan coldly and said.

"When did I say that I came to help the Lord Konoha? The reason why we came here is entirely because of Itachi's face. Now that Itachi has been arrested by you, then we have no sympathy to talk about." !” Qin Fan said as a matter of course.

"Itachi Uchiha is the suspect in the destruction of the Uchiha clan. If you want to find out the real culprit of the destruction of the Uchiha clan, the investigation of Itachi is inevitable. I think as the Uchiha clan, Itachi himself hopes to investigate this matter. When the truth comes to light, I think the one who is most unwilling to see your Excellency do this is Itachi himself!" Nara Shikahisa said seriously.

"Really? That's really too bad, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't care if he wants to. In fact, I'm curious. You have been keeping me from seeing Itachi. Is it because Itachi can't see me now or because I feel very It's easy to talk, and you can fool me casually, so there's no need to let Itachi come out?" Qin Fan looked at Shikahisa Nara calmly and said, "Very good! It seems that I have to show some strength to let you guys know how to fool me. You can't afford the price!"

"Wait a minute!" Seemingly realizing that the ugly ghost in front of him is a lunatic, Nara Shikahisa finally couldn't help but said: "I understand! I will have someone bring Uchiha Itachi here immediately, please don't be impulsive! "

Qin Fan was taken aback by the sudden change of attitude, and looked at Nara Shikaku in surprise, then Qin Fan shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "Why don't you take me to the place where Itachi is being held, I guess Itachi's situation will not be too good now Bar?"

Taking a deep breath, Nara Shikahisa said: "Itachi is currently being interrogated by Konoha, but don't worry, Uchiha Itachi has a special identity, and I can guarantee his life safety, absolutely not Itachi Life is in danger!"

"Is it not life-threatening? Lead the way!" Qin Fan looked at Shikahisa Nara calmly and said.

At the same time, in the interrogation room where Konoha held the felons, Uchiha Itachi's entire body seemed to be sealed by a semicircular container filled with strange runes, leaving only one head exposed, standing behind Itachi , the patriarch of the Yamanaka Clan, Kaiichi Yamanaka, was placing one hand on the back of Uchiha Itachi's head, with a painful look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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