King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 178 Whitewashing

Chapter 178 Whitewashing ([-])

In Itachi's thinking space, Yamanaka Kaiichi forcibly entered it with the technique of mind reading to read the relevant memories about Qin Fan and his party in Itachi's mind.

"Itachi! As a former member of Anbu, you should be aware of the current situation. It is best not to continue to resist, otherwise it will cause serious damage to your brain. This is not what I want to see. Let me enter with an open mind. , In this way, I can guarantee that I will try my best not to cause harm to you!" In front of the huge human brain, Yamanaka Hai said, but there was a silence in return.

"Is that so? Then I can only..." He stretched out his palm and lightly pressed on the huge brain tissue on the opposite side. Haiyi Yamanaka was about to force a breakthrough, but when Haiyi Yamanaka was about to activate the secret technique, he was suddenly taken aback It was as if when he was going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind coming from the back of his neck. The unexplained palpitation made him turn his head subconsciously, but the huge blood wheel eyes appeared out of thin air in the endless void behind him. However, Miao Yamanaka Haiyi suddenly found that he had been ejected from Itachi's thinking space and reappeared in the interrogation room.

"This guy..." Looking at Itachi Uchiha who seemed to be in a coma with some surprise, Kaiichi Yamanaka couldn't help showing a look of admiration on his face, but he returned to calm again in an instant: "Gajutsu The amount of Chakra in the formula weakens his will!"

"Master Hai! If he continues to strengthen the technique, I am worried that his will will not collapse, but his body will not be able to bear it first." A ninja next to him said carefully.

"It doesn't matter. The information he knows is very important to Konoha. In any case, we must get it as soon as possible. All sacrifices are worth it!" Said Yamanaka Kaichi in a cold tone, but at the same time as his voice fell However, there was an appreciative voice coming out of the door: "Calm, firm and merciless, you are a good interrogator!"

"Who is it!" The sudden voice shocked everyone in the interrogation room. Anyone who could be sent into this interrogation room knew of the existence of some important information. People are not allowed to come in and out at will, but at this time, a girl with ice blue long hair walked in swaggeringly at the door, and she seemed not to be a ninja, but at this time, no one would treat her as an ordinary person, after all, this In this kind of place, unless Konoha's ninjas are dead, it is impossible for there to be no guards outside, but under strict guards, you can come here without notification, and it is impossible for the other party to be an ordinary person.

"Oh! Is it really here?" The girl didn't seem to hear the people around her asking herself, her eyes passed Yamanaka Kaiichi, but she landed there, where Uchiha Itachi was showing only one head, and then jumped lightly from the second floor Down.

If the girl's behavior made everyone unable to sit idly by, several people immediately stepped forward to stop the girl, but the girl just acted casually, as if she was playing with a child lightly Knock down the Chunin ninjas who rushed past. Although the opponent didn't even use ninjutsu from the beginning to the end, but knocking down a Chunin-level ninja casually like this shows that the opponent's strength is not enough. generally.

Slightly frowned, as a special jounin, Yamanaka Hai could see that the strength of the other party might be stronger than his own, but if there was only one person...
"The art of heart turning!" Facing such an opponent, Kaiichi Yamanaka was not arrogant enough to hold back his hands, and immediately used the secret technique that the Yamanaka clan is best at, but just when his mental power was connected with the opponent In an instant, the violent emotion was transmitted to Kaiichi Yamanaka's consciousness along the spiritual connection, and before Kaiichi Yamanaka could control the opponent's body, he was completely destroyed by this violent emotion, and the whole People are trembling like a pendulum.

The girl seemed to be slightly stunned for a moment, but then she looked at Kaiichi Yamanaka who was completely paralyzed on the ground in surprise: "Was it your ninjutsu just now? It's interesting!"

Gently passing Yamanaka Kaiichi who had no resistance at this time, the girl slowly came to Uchiha Itachi, the ice in her hand condensed into a sharp sword, and then suddenly slashed down, instantly sealing the bricks that sealed Itachi's body. Being split open, Itachi's body was limp and fell down, but at the moment when his body was about to fall to the ground, one of Itachi's arms suddenly stretched out to support his body.

"How do you feel? You can't die!" the girl asked.

"Hmm! Thank you!" Uchiha Itachi stood up weakly, and the kaleidoscope blood wheel eyes in his eyes slowly faded into Sangouyu and then returned to normal pupils.

"Nothing! It's just an order from the master!" the girl said lightly.

While the two were talking, a group of people outside the interrogation room also came in one after another. After entering, Shikahisa Nara, the leader, immediately came to Kaiichi Yamanaka, who was lying on the ground, and carefully helped him up, feeling a little dissatisfied. After glancing at Estes standing beside him, he said to Qin Fan and his party who entered later, "Your Excellency Qin Fan, are you satisfied this time?"

Just outside, Nara Shikohisa brought Qin Fan and his party here, but was stopped by ninjas guarding outside and asked them to show Hokage-sama's order. Nara Shikoku immediately sent someone to get it from Hokage's office, but Qin Fan didn't bother at all. Wait, directly ordered Estes to rush in, and this was the scene just now. Although Nara Shikaku didn't say anything about it, his expression already showed his disregard for Qin Fan's behavior of Konoha's rules. Anger, but his anger is worthless to Qin Fan.

"Satisfied? The people from Muye Village arrested my friend and tortured him. Now you ask me if I am satisfied?" Qin Fan walked slowly to the other side and said, "I tell you clearly You, I am very dissatisfied, and the consequences are serious."

"Uchiha Itachi, you can take it away, and I can apologize to you on behalf of Konoha and give you some compensation!" Nara Shikahisa said in a deep voice.

From the beginning to the end, Nara Shikahisa has only one purpose, and that is to appease the other party as much as possible, not only because Konoha has just encountered a catastrophe and should not make a strong enemy, but more importantly, Nara Shikahisa wants to use these people more It is good to contain the existence of "Akatsuki", but at this time Nara Shikahisa gradually discovered that it seems not easy to use these few people as gunmen.

"Hehe!" Shaking his head slightly, Qin Fan turned around and walked out with Itachi who seemed a little weak. However, just when Nara Shikaku was relieved, he heard Qin Fan The voice sounded again: "Except for him, I will kill everyone else here!"

"What..." Nara Shikahisa was startled by the sudden sentence, but before he was shocked and wanted to question Qin Fan's meaning, he only heard the sound of a sharp knife passing through the leather beside him, At some point, the girl with the orange ponytail had appeared in front of Kaiichi Yamanaka beside her, and that girl's arm had already penetrated Kaiichi Yamanaka's chest, above the quiet cheek of the girl next door. At this time, he was wearing a crazy smile, and said in a tone that made Shenghan say: "Yes! Master!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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