King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 179 Whitewashing

Chapter 179 Whitewashing ([-])
Any force, group, no matter how big or small, judging right or wrong will always be inseparable from the word profit. Killing pays for life. That is because it can satisfy the interests of most people. After all, most people will not want to be murderers. It is possible to be killed, so it is necessary to sanction those murderers so that they will be punished. However, when killing becomes a norm, killing will no longer be regarded as a violation, just like in war, killing more enemies will be regarded as For the hero!
As Itachi said, it doesn't matter whether the Uchiha clan is exterminated or not, what is important is that it is in everyone's best interest for him to bear this crime, so this crime should be borne by him.

In the conference room of the Hokage Building, besides the third Hokage and two advisors, the heads of the three big families also gathered here. The purpose of their visit this time was, of course, to re-examine the Uchiha Clan’s demise.

"Uchiha Itachi, you said that the Uchiha clan was destroyed is not what you said, what evidence do you have?" Sandai, who was sitting on the main seat, asked Uchiha Itachi with a calm face.

After the destruction of the Uchiha clan, the third generation had personally contacted Uchiha Itachi, and the other party admitted to him that the destruction of the Uchiha clan was what he said by himself, but the problem was that the Uchiha clan’s reason at that time was that the Uchiha clan intended to rebel , he followed Danzo's order to carry out the annihilation mission, but the problem was that the third generation at that time did not want to link the demise of the Uchiha clan with the high-level Konoha, let alone let others know that this matter was working for Anbu Danzo planned and instigated, so he made a deal with Uchiha Itachi, at the cost of protecting the other brother's brother, so that Uchiha Itachi would not say this. This kind of private transaction is impossible for him in this case Speak out, so it is even more impossible to use this matter to blame Uchiha Itachi back and forth.

"My evidence is... there is no evidence to prove that I did it!" Uchiha Itachi glanced at Sandai and the two advisors, but suddenly said.

"What?" Hearing Uchiha Itachi's words, all the people present showed surprise expressions, and some people began to whisper secretly. You must know that Itachi, as Konoha's S-level wanted criminal, was issued by Konoha's senior officials personally ,No evidence?Is this questioning that Konoha's high-level officials have wronged good people?

Jian Jian whispered a few words to the consultant next to him, and the third generation said again: "Your matter was decided after the three of us discussed it. At that time, Anbu personally collected evidence to prove that the method of killing was indeed what you said. Not only that, but also witnesses. You Are you trying to say that the evidence is all false?"

"Itachi!!!" Before Itachi could answer, an angry shout suddenly appeared from the door of the meeting room, and the angry boy stood there, with scarlet eyes, Shan Gouyu looked a bit awkward between them. nondescript.

Seeing Sasuke coming out of the door, Itachi frowned slightly, and then shook his head in disappointment: "After such a long time, are you still just Dan Gouyu?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to kill you today." Sasuke, who seemed to be unable to stand being in the same room as Itachi at the same time, wanted to rush over to fight Itachi, but of course this important place would not be empty The guard, someone stopped Sasuke immediately, and Sasuke was more like Teddy who had been chained all the time, frantically trying to rush towards Itachi but it was just in vain.

"You are Sasuke, right? The old man said just now that you saw Itachi massacre the Uchiha clan, did you see it with your own eyes?" A slightly mocking female voice sounded from the crowd, Uchiha Sasuke said directly without thinking: "No Wrong! That's what I saw, this man is this beast"

"Then the Itachi you see is what I look like now?" The female voice sounded again, causing everyone present to look at each other with some doubts, but what they saw was a girl who looked like a girl next door who looked sixteen or seventeen years old. ponytail girl
"That's right! It's you, I saw you killed with my own eyes." The angry voice came to everyone's ears from the door, but Uchiha Sasuke stared at the ponytail girl with a ferocious face, but Just halfway through the words, I was stunned, and then I looked at the brother who was exactly the same on the other side with some stiffness.
"You, this is a transformation technique! No, it's an illusion technique! You can't fool me!" the boy said stiffly.

"Can't you really lie?" The girl's voice sounded again: "Are you really sure that what you saw at that time was Uchiha Itachi?"

"If he didn't do it, why didn't he stand up and explain why he defected? Why didn't you." Sasuke turned back and glared at Itachi on the other side again, but what he saw was that familiar face with that familiar apology smile.

"I'm sorry Sasuke!" It was still that familiar voice, and it was still the insincere "I'm sorry" Sasuke's tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"Okay! You two brothers have enough time to chat, Itachi! What you want to say is that the person your younger brother saw was not you, but someone else using illusion?" Sitting on the right hand of the third generation Mitomonyan next to him said.

"Yes! Lord Menyan!" Itachi nodded respectfully and said, "Sasuke was only seven years old back then, and he didn't open the blood wheel eyes. In fact, it doesn't take much illusion skills to deceive him."

The three sitting in the main seat whispered again after hearing Itachi's words, and then Zhuan Xiaochun on the left said: "But the Anbu's investigation report clearly pointed out that the method of the shooter is very different from yours. Similar, how do you explain this?"

"When I was in Konoha, I undertook more than [-] large and small missions. Although I joined Anbu later, my fighting methods are not difficult to imitate. If someone uses illusion to imitate my appearance, it means that the other party intends to frame me. Then in terms of fighting methods I will understand somewhat." Itachi said calmly.

Hearing what Itachi said, Koharu and Mitomonyan nodded, not because they agreed with Uchiha Itachi's words, but because they were satisfied that Uchiha Itachi didn't bite Danzo out. For the Uchiha clan In the extermination case, the last thing they want is to be involved in Konoha's high-level management. Although Danzang itself is used by them to take the blame, but after all, their relationship with Danzō is too close, even if they let Danzou take the blame, they will inevitably rub against Put some black ash on it, so it's better not to move the black pot if it doesn't move.

"Understood!" After chatting with Sandai and Zhuanju Xiaoharu again, Mitomonyan said: "After the discussion between Sandai-sama and our two consultants, it is agreed that Uchiha Itachi and the Uchiha clan were exterminated. Insufficient evidence, cancel Konoha's arrest of Uchiha Itachi, and re-recognize Uchiha Itachi as Konoha Ninja! Alright! Uchiha Itachi, you can go back!"

In fact, this decision was discussed by several people long before the meeting, and everything just now was just a formality!
"Master Sandai, two advisors, I have one more thing I want to apply to the three!" Uchiha Itachi said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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