King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 180 Usurper Hokage

Chapter 180 Usurper Hokage ([-])

"Master Sandai, two advisors, I have one more thing I want to apply to the three!" Uchiha Itachi said suddenly.

The three Hokages, who originally thought that this matter had come to an end for the time being, were stunned when they heard Uchiha Itachi's words, and the third Hokage frowned slightly, feeling a bad premonition in their hearts.

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun asked suspiciously: "Do you want to return your family's original property in Konoha?"

The Uchiha clan was originally the top family among the Konohas. Even though they have gradually become lonely these years, the dead camels are bigger than horses. Of course, the family will have a certain amount of property. When the Uchiha clan was wiped out, the only survivor Sasuke He is only seven years old, so it is a matter of course that these family properties are handed over to Konoha, so Zhuanzhu Xiaochun thinks that Uchiha Itachi wants to get back the family properties that originally belonged to him.

"What I want to talk about is not Uchiha's industry, but" Uchiha Itachi suddenly looked up at the third Hokage sitting in front of him and said firmly: "I apply to become the fifth Hokage!"

"What?" The sonorous and forceful words made everyone present stunned.

What the hell is the Fifth Hokage?You must know that there is no time limit for the position of Ying. Unless you voluntarily abdicate, the village will only select the next generation of Ying after you die in battle. Now the three generations are sitting there and doing well. They didn’t say that they would abdicate to let you be. To apply, are you cursing someone to die or what do you mean?

"Nonsense!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun immediately yelled angrily: "Uchiha Itachi, do you know what you are talking about? There is no vacancy for the position of Hokage, why do you apply for it!"

"Xiaochun-sama, as far as I know, after the death of the fourth-generation lord, there has been no suitable candidate, so the third-generation is just a temporary replacement for the position of Hokage. Why did you say that there is no vacancy for the position of Hokage? It is because the two advisors already have a new Hokage. Did you choose someone?" Itachi said pretending to be puzzled.

"This..." Hearing this, Xiaochun didn't know what to say for a while. What Itachi said was not wrong. In fact, the third generation is not the real Hokage at this time. He had abdicated a long time ago, but because of Jiu The fourth generation died in the last incident and there was no convincing ninja to inherit the position of Hokage. In desperation, the third generation stood up to act as the temporary agent of Hokage, but this agent is actually no different from a decent one. So several people ignored this matter, and now Itachi brings this matter up again, several people really have no way to refute it.

"Itachi Uchiha, why do you think you are qualified to be Hokage?" The third generation was not as furious as Koharu, not because he didn't care about the position of Hokage, but because he wanted to clean up the position of Itachi Uchiha I had already prepared myself mentally, although I also didn't expect that the other party would be so ambitious and even want to take the position of Hokage, but it was just a little accidental, not to the point of being furious.

"Three generations of adults, Hokage was established by the first generation of adults and he himself served as the first Kage. If compared with the first generation of adults, I don't think anyone can be qualified for the position of Hokage. Of course I also do not have the qualifications, but I am confident. Among the same generation, there should be no existence stronger than me!" Uchiha Itachi said confidently.

"Hokage is not only enough to have strength! Maybe you have Kage-level strength, but there are other qualifications besides strength." Midai looked at Itachi with disdain and said firmly: "You are not qualified yet!"

"Master Hokage! You say Itachi is not qualified, so in your eyes who is qualified?" Qin Fan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up and said, "Or, you simply don't want to give up. Where is Hokage?"

"Your Excellency Qin Fan, how to choose Hokage is an internal matter of our Konoha, so you don't need to ask your Excellency!" The third generation did not argue with Qin Fan at all, and directly blocked all Qin Fan's arguments with his identity.

"Ha! Of course I'm not qualified, but when the Akatsuki organization came to attack you Konoha last time, the reason why we outsiders helped out was because of Itachi's face, but you guys didn't even feel grateful at all. On the contrary, you went everywhere Embarrassing Itachi, in my opinion, this bullshit Hokage is inappropriate, I want to see if you, an old fellow, can block Akatsuki's second attack!" Qin Fan said disdainfully.

Hearing Qin Fan say this about the third generation, his complexion immediately became ugly. At his age, he was already too impulsive, so when he heard Qin Fan's obviously threatening tone, not only did he not fly into a rage, but he actually started to think about it. The opponent's threat came.

Although the third generation has Professor Ninja and the strongest Hokage, these so-called titles are actually just self-deceiving gimmicks, Professor Ninja?It is true that he knows a lot of ninjutsu, but in terms of ninjutsu talent, he may not be worthy of the second generation's shoes. The strongest Hokage is even nonsense. You can crush him with your fingers, the reason for these gimmicks is like in the woods, those weak insects will grow some patterns on their bodies to confuse the opponent. You know, when the third generation became Hokage, it can be said that Konoha was the most In bad times, if it is not for the wife of the first generation, the strongest man Churiki Mito-sama is still alive, it is hard to say whether Konoha can keep his status at that time, so he gave himself some nicknames that can scare people, and it is also to make people in the ninja world more How afraid, but if you really have the strength, where do you need these so-called titles, just like the second generation of adults, the reincarnation of the dirt, the flying god thunder technique, the shadow clone, and the mutual detonation talisman, just the development of the forbidden technique is enough to make people All ninjas are afraid, with these powerful forbidden techniques, what titles are needed to scare people?

Faced with Qin Fan's provocation, Sandai finally chose to forbear. He knew that if he really fought against him, he would definitely not be the opponent's opponent. was pushed away.

"Of course we can protect ourselves! There is no need for outsiders to ask about Konoha's affairs!" The confident voice made everyone present look at the door, but saw a man with long white hair striding forward on clogs. walked in.

"The wild ghost comes here!" The people of the big family present immediately recognized the name of the person.

One of the former Sannin, although he was a disciple of the old man of the third generation, his current strength is definitely far superior to that of the third generation, not only because the third generation is old now, but also Jiraiya who can use the immortal method The third generation is probably not an opponent.

"Old man, I'm back!" Qin Fan and his party did not even look at the faintly aggressive posture over there, but came to the third generation with great strides and said with a smile!

"Stinky boy!" The third generation looked at Zilai with relief, and the original dignified expression disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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