King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 181 Usurper Hokage

Chapter 181 Usurper Hokage ([-])

"Stinky boy!" Seeing Jiraiya, the third generation finally became a lot more at ease. There are really not many strong ninjas that Konoha can handle today. Today's Jiraiya can be said to be the entire current Konoha The strongest combat power, his return can be said to have raised the combat power of the entire Konoha by a whole level.

"By the way, old man, I heard that Tsunade is back! Where is she?" Jiraiya suddenly asked.

However, when he heard that Jiraiya asked Tsunade, Sandai's originally relieved face turned dark again!
Speaking of today's incident will become what it is now, Tsunade Hime is more or less responsible for contributing to the flames, if it wasn't for Tsunade, Kakashi and Hyuga Neiji, the kid who jointly named Uchiha Itachi to whitewash, He will not sit here today, as long as there is no support, no matter how strong the other party is, it is impossible to become Hokage in a legitimate way. Now that he has heard about Zirai, he has even mentioned Tsunade, and there is inevitably a gloomy look on his old face. color.

"I'm afraid you have no face to come out!" The third generation said coldly.

Not to mention, Sandai was really right this time, because he was coerced by Qin Fan, and after finishing what Qin Fan had told him, Tsunade left Konoha overnight, to see if that posture was going to leave Konoha in a short time. came back.

However, the three generations who are not clear about this decided secretly. When this matter is over, the problems of the three patriarchs including Tsunade must be resolved. Although the three generations are not very capable externally, they still have good internal management. Means, with his years of hard work, many powerful families in Konoha have to obey him willingly, or have gradually fallen, such as the Senju clan, the Kurama clan, and the Uchiha clan that was completely wiped out. Now that Hyuga home does not know how to flatter
Seeing the gloomy look on the old face of the third generation, Zilai couldn't help but frown. He also had a lot of dissatisfaction with his teacher's approach, which is why the dignified third generation disciples were unwilling to inherit the Hokage. The reason for this position is that he saw too much darkness in Konoha, so he left Konoha without seeing it, but in the final analysis, he is still Konoha's ninja, and now Konoha is in trouble, of course he can't Sitting idly by, he originally wanted to solve Konoha's crisis and left again, but at this time, seeing that the third generation seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Tsunade Hime, Zilai couldn't help but said: "Old man, Tsunade her."

"Okay! Let's talk about this later." Aware of his apprentice's indecision, the third generation did not intend to tell the other party the plan in his heart, but just casually said something perfunctory before speaking to Qin Fan: "Several The lord, Konoha, is very grateful. If you are willing, I can give a generous reward on behalf of Konoha, but as Jiraiya said, we Konoha never need the help of outsiders to protect the safety of Konoha. It will always be the job of our Konoha ninjas!"

"Haha!" Hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan couldn't help but chuckled, then turned his head and said to the masters of Konoha next to him: "Do you really think that he can make you feel at ease? The old man of the third generation The guy seems to be fighting hard, even if Konoha is dragged down, he is not going to abdicate to Xian, you want to die with him?"

"We don't know if we will die, but if you continue to speak ill of Hokage-sama here, I promise you will die!"

"That's right! There is no need for outsiders to ask about Konoha's affairs. No matter what your purpose for coming to Konoha is, you are no longer welcome here!"

"Leave obediently! You and the Akatsuki organization are not in the same group, otherwise, you may have to bear the anger of our Konoha first!"

I don't know if it's because of Zilaiye's arrival, or because Qin Fan looks too unpopular, in short, all the patriarchs of the big families present showed hostility towards Qin Fan one after another. Kakashi and Ningji looked at Qin Fan with unkind eyes.

Seeing such a scene, Uchiha Itachi could only sigh slightly. From his point of view, today's plan has completely come to nothing. Qin Fan's words just now made the audience's perception of Qin Fan and his party drop to the extreme. The person who was with him was also implicated. The Uchiha clan has been wiped out. He still needs the support of these patriarchs if he wants to compete with Hokage. Originally, even if he comes and returns, he is confident to compete with him. After all, Hokage is still based on strength The most important thing is that although he has never fought against Jiraiya, Orochimaru, who is also one of the Sannin, is his defeated opponent. Even if Jiraiya's strength may be stronger than Orochimaru, Itachi is also confident in defeating him , and my age is even younger, and I have come a long way. As long as I use more means at that time, I believe that there will not be too few people who support me. The teammate's words were completely blocked, and now they have offended everyone, even if he can win Zilai, there is probably no patriarch willing to support him.

"Okay! It's okay to say that Hokage is inappropriate. Let's talk about the destruction of the Uchiha clan!" Qin Fan said with a dark face, turning his head to look at Sanyo, obviously he also realized that he was a fool. Things got messed up, and they simply became angry and found fault.

"Itachi! Can he speak on your behalf?" Sandai looked at Sao Uchiha Itachi with a sullen face, and Sandai's words were actually a trap!If Itachi denies it, then Qin Fan's question just now is meaningless. After all, Qin Fan is not a member of the Uchiha family. Speaking on behalf of Itachi, that Itachi came here to apply for the position of Hokage, is it for himself or for Qin Fan?If Itachi really becomes Hokage, does that mean Qin Fan becomes Konoha's Hokage?So no matter how Itachi answered at this time, it was actually wrong.

Although Itachi is not very old, he has experienced many things. Of course, itachi can see through such simple words. In fact, the best way to answer at this time is to look at him from the left. Don't answer the other party directly, but you can't let others He heard that it was an escape, but when Itachi hesitated what to say, Qin Fan said again: "I can represent him! I heard Itachi said that the destruction of the Uchiha clan was an order from Danzo himself, and Danzo was from Anbe. People, and Anbu is directly under the jurisdiction of Hokage, so is it because the Uchiha clan was wiped out by your Hokage-sama? Why do you want to slaughter all the old and young of the Uchiha clan?"

"Boy! I don't know who you are, but this is Konoha, it's not my turn yet." Seeing Qin Fan aggressively standing next to the third generation, Zilai knew it was time for him to stand up, but his words hadn't come yet. After finishing speaking, his head, which was still talking freely, exploded strangely. Qin Fan, who appeared in front of him strangely, jumped up and fell slowly. The red and white stains on his right hand proved that someone His head exploded for no reason, and his lifeless body collapsed like a puppet whose strings were cut short.

"Who are you calling a kid? If your master doesn't teach you a lesson for being so rude, I'll teach you a lesson for him!" A disdainful voice came from Qin Fan's mouth, and the room fell silent for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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