King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 182 Usurper Hokage

Chapter 182 Usurper Hokage ([-])

"Who are you calling a kid? If your master doesn't teach you a lesson for being so rude, I'll teach you a lesson for him!" A disdainful voice came from Qin Fan's mouth, and the room fell silent for a while.

I have to say that Qin Fan's reason for killing was really far-fetched, but because the person he killed was so special, no one responded to it for a while, and even many people were the first ones after a few seconds. Reflection is to disturb the flow of one's own chakra first, this is a conventional method of contacting illusion, yes!These people really feel that they have been under the illusion at this time!Otherwise, how could one of the dignified Sannin suddenly lose his head inexplicably?

Speaking of Zilai's death is indeed unjust, Qin Fan is a sneak attack, the time is suspended and coupled with a punch, and Zilai is also in the most vulnerable state because he has no defense at all. Of course, even if He has prepared himself, even if he enters the immortal state, he may not be able to fall under Qin Fan's blow, but at least he can die clearly. Well, he may not be able to die clearly, but no matter what, he can be better than now Look better!However, if someone uses Dirty Soil Reincarnation to bring Jiraiya back at this time, he will definitely be stunned when asked how he died.

"You" the third generation looked at Qin Fan with red eyes. Although the strength of the third generation of Hokage is not as strong as his title, but after all, he has lived such a long age, and he still has eyesight, even if it is advanced. You may not be able to understand your ninjutsu, but you can always tell the difference between life and death, right?Of course he could tell whether the headless corpse in front of him was real or not. In other words, Zilai, whom he regarded as the last bargaining chip, died at that moment!
At this moment, the third generation felt that they were really old!In my mind, I not only recalled the past of my life, I became the disciple of the second generation, and I experienced many life and death experiences in ninja world wars. Dealing with the big and small things in Konoha Village day after day, he can be said to have dedicated his whole life to Konoha. Death is really nothing to the third generation. Ninjas are not afraid of death, especially in the development of the second generation adults. After the forbidden art of reincarnation, there is really no fear of death, but the third generation knows very well that even if he fights back desperately at this time, the final result will not change. The man in front of him is too strong.
"You won!" The third generation sat back on his chair a little slumped, his wrinkled face became more vicissitudes.

"Nichizane!" Mitomonyan and Zhuanju Koharu looked at Midai in shock at the same time, but they were both taken aback by the face that had lost any fighting spirit.

Growing up with him since childhood, the two are very familiar with the three generations, but this is the first time for the two of them to see this expression on the face of that old friend who always talks about the will of fire, despair?Or death!Yes, it was a dead face, a face with a dead heart.

The next thing seems to have become logical at once. Without the resistance of the three generations, it is even impossible for the remaining Konoha families to stand up as the first bird. Originally, Itachi Uchiha might need support if he wanted to become Hokage, but At this time, it seems that as long as there is no objection, it will be fine!As for who would object. Hehe!

The third generation voluntarily abdicated to let Xian, and Itachi Uchiha took office as Hokage, as if it had been discussed in advance, simple and clear.

"I thought it would be so troublesome! If I knew it would be so easy, why bother to put on a big show!" Sitting on the desk in Hokage's office, Qin Fan said with a bored face.

"There is no way, your strength is too strong, they dare not not listen to you! The will of fire, after all, is just a lie to deceive those newborn ninjas. Facing the real strength, they can only You can choose to make a temporary compromise!" Wearing a Hokage hat, Uchiha Itachi said helplessly.

"Yin obedience and yin disobedience?" Although Qin Fan's IQ is not high, he still heard the meaning of Uchiha Itachi's words, and said with some doubts: "You mean they just obey me on the surface, but they actually want to do some tricks behind their backs?"

"This is inevitable. In fact, even if we follow our original plan, some families will be dissatisfied with us. It is inevitable to make small moves. Don't worry, I will take care of it!" Uchiha Itachi said indifferently .

"Okay! Since you are confident, then I will not ask. In short, find a way to collect the tailed beasts as soon as possible. After a while, Nagato and the others will threaten the major ninja villages and attack several ninja villages to snatch Renzhuli. And you can just take this opportunity to make a good face, and those desperate ninja villages will definitely ask for help from Konoha, and you can just take this opportunity to collect the tailed beast! I will come back to get it in a few days!" Qin Fan said .

"You want to leave!" Itachi asked a little surprised.

"Anyway, you've become Hokage, and it doesn't matter if I stay or not! Don't worry, Xiao X will come down to help you after a few days of busy work on the moon. With him in charge, no one in this world can threaten you. It’s time for you, Hokage, and then you can just hand over the tailed beasts you collected to him!” Of course, the little x in Qin Fan’s mouth is T-X1!These days T-X1 didn’t follow Qin Fan because he was sent by Qin Fan to the moon to investigate Tenseigan, but it doesn’t seem to be going well. I guess those guys in Moonwater are still there at this time. Without internal strife, Tenseigan may not have been made, and with the IQ of T-X1, it may not be easy to force out the method of making Tenseigan from the descendants of Otsutsuki Yu Village, but Qin Fan doesn't care, anyway, in his It seems that with the strength of T-X1, not to mention Otsutsuki Yumura, even if Kaguya Ji is resurrected, I am afraid that he is not his opponent. It is better to let him make a fuss over there, and Qin Fan himself is a little bit restless. Take a look at other worlds.

Now Qin Fan going to other worlds is almost the same as going out for a walk. Anyway, he has all the luck values, and Qin Fan doesn’t feel bad at all for a travel scroll worth a thousand luck values. After briefly explaining the matter to Itachi, He left two T-1000s for Itachi to deal with emergencies, and he didn't shy away from Itachi, so he exchanged for a random travel scroll and left the Naruto world.

Accompanied by the distortion of the surrounding scenery, Qin Fan only felt that the originally silent air suddenly became fresh, followed by an inexplicable weightlessness, as if his body was falling.

He looked below himself with some doubts. The tall buildings seem to have traveled to the modern age this time, and then he looked behind him, and what caught his eyes was a dazzling white light.
(End of this chapter)

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