King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 183 EVA

Chapter 183 EVA
"Hum!" The high-energy beam hit Qin Fan, who was falling slowly, and Qin Fan's body, which was falling slowly, was instantly pushed against a huge metal plate of unknown purpose, and then the strong impact accompanied the high temperature. Melting, Qin Fan's body slanted down again with the molten iron and hit an unknown object again. The violent energy flow almost instantly turned all the clothes on Qin Fan's body into the smallest particles, together with Qin Fan's body. All the hair on the body disappeared together.

"I'll go." Although Qin Fan is invulnerable, his body has not yet reached the point of ignoring any damage, but the defense is relatively high and it is difficult to break through. However, this level of attack has obviously reached the critical point of Qin Fan's defense, at least for this At that time, Qin Fan felt as if he had been put into a high-temperature furnace to be calcined.

"Duankong!" Almost subconsciously, Qin Fan used the bound Tao in the god of death to defend, but the energy barrier that appeared out of thin air persisted for less than a second, but there were faint signs of breaking .

"Duan Kong x100" ignored the abnormal effect of the CD and showed its power again. Energy barriers appeared in front of Qin Fan without money. Even if an energy barrier was broken in an average of three seconds, these barriers were broken for 5 minutes!
"Damn it! Do you want to play tricks on me?" Somewhat embarrassed, he struggled out of the metal armor that had sunk a human-shaped pit behind him, and Qin Fan directly raised his hand and used his most powerful no-CD breakthrough again. Combo strikes, the berserk energy poured out like a flood that broke the embankment, Qin Fan didn't even see what was attacking him, he just used all the broken ways he knew, various forms The broken way formed a huge torrent of energy in front of Qin Fan, almost instantly annihilating everything in front of Qin Fan.
"Huh!" I felt the threat was clear to me, and the depressed feeling of being bombarded just now seemed to disappear. Some people like to smash things, and the feeling of destruction is really refreshing.

However, when Qin Fan was still reminiscing about the blow just now and wondering if he was looking for a place to exchange for two nuclear bombs to hear the sound, he suddenly felt that the big hand in front of him was suddenly thinking about where he was. come over.

"I'll go." There was no need to think about it at all, Qin Fan's figure disappeared in an instant, and he appeared a hundred meters away in the next second, and then he looked at his original position again, and the huge mecha was just right. Sitting there in a state of embarrassment, on the chest of the mecha, the very obvious human-shaped depression is so eye-catching.

"eva?" The moment Qin Fan saw the huge mecha, the name immediately came to Qin Fan's mind. There is absolutely no mistake. Although Qin Fan didn't read the whole Evangelion at all, let alone understand it, but As a classic, it also has a deep impression on the characters in it. Among them, the huge mech as Eva, has a very deep impression on Qin Fan.

The feeling of being connected to the world also indirectly told Qin Fan that his guess was not wrong, and if this is really the world of Eva, then the one he killed just now should be the legendary apostle?The one that is slowly sinking at this time should be the legendary No. [-] machine, right? Wait!sink?
Only at this time did Qin Fan notice that the huge mech that he had punched a dent in his chest was slowly sinking, and it seemed that he was entering the underground passage. A metal partition has been slowly raised at the entrance of the channel where machine No. [-] entered, blocking the entire entrance.

"Don't go!" Seeing this scene, Qin Fan jumped in the air and rushed towards the entrance, but at the same time Qin Fan passed by, the entrance like a building suddenly exploded. Open, a huge shock wave mixed with smoke instantly sent Qin Fanyou flying back.

"I'm going, it's on purpose!" Floating in mid-air like this, Qin Fan frowned and looked at the entrance that had completely collapsed, but then his gaze went directly to the ground, and he swept the corner of his mouth tightly. Immediately tilted his entire body slightly, but disappeared strangely.

At the same time, Katsuragi Misato looked at the disappearing figure on the screen in shock and shouted in the NERV central combat conference room, "Switch to the infrared mode immediately, I want the exact location of the target!"

Before Katsuragi Misato's voice fell, the screen had already turned into a gray state, and patterns such as flames and life forms representing infrared sources were very conspicuous on the screen, but there was no place that echoed the bloated naked appearance just now.

"The target has not been found, and it is initially suspected that the target has disappeared!" The personnel sitting in front of the console reported the detection results loudly.

"Disappeared?" Frowning slightly, Katsuragi Misato said again: "Where is the first machine? Has it been recovered?"

"I have entered the maintenance room, the driver has already left, and his life is not in danger!" Following the sound of the report, Shinji Ikari coming out of the cab, some maintenance staff and a chubby naked body were projected on the screen.
"It was discovered that an outsider has invaded, and the intruder has already contacted the pilot of the No. [-] aircraft, what should I do?" The people in the control room couldn't help but set their eyes on Katsuragi Misato.

"Let Unit Zero prepare for rescue at any time." Misato Katsuragi hadn't finished speaking, but a majestic voice came from the door.

"Wait a minute!" As the door opened, Ikari Zhentang strode in and ordered directly: "Lock the maintenance room and prevent Li from contacting intruders!"

"Commander-in-Chief? Ke Ikari Shinji" Katsuragi Misato couldn't help questioning, but turned around and just saw Ikari Shindo's right hand trembling slightly because of clenching tightly, Katsuragi Misato who was about to question, but also calmed down.

(That's right! In the current situation, even if machine zero passes by, it may not be of any use, and since the other party will attack the apostles, maybe things haven't reached the worst point yet!)
At the same time, in the maintenance room, Qin Fan was standing in front of the huge No. [-] machine, rubbing his bare lower bar with a troubled expression on his face!
Eva's anime is too long ago and Qin Fan has not watched it completely, so he can't remember many plots. In his impression, this anime is generally the plot of Ultraman fighting little monsters. Qin Fan's deepest impression Apart from Ling Boli, the heroine, I'm afraid it belongs to the plot of the No. [-] machine running amok, and the reason why Qin Fan is entangled is that he wants to get the No. [-] machine into the blood soul space and let Diana study it. , but with the lessons learned from Dragon Ball and Xiaoqing, Qin Fanyou was worried that he would not suddenly run away after entering the blood soul space at this first opportunity.

However, when Qin Fan was wondering whether to pack the No. [-] machine, the sound of a metal wrench falling not far away woke Qin Fan from his stupor. Following the sound, he saw a man who looked like A girl in her twenties who looks like a sister next door is dragging a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy out on tiptoe, but accompanied by the crisp sound of the wrench falling, the two subconsciously turn around and talk to each other. Qin Fan's eyes met, and then
"Run!" But when the girl yelled, the two of them ran out like cats whose tails had been trampled on.

(End of this chapter)

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