King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 184 Katsuragi Misato

Chapter 184 Katsuragi Misato
Although the appearance of the people in this world is very different from that in the anime, but looking at the boy's clothes and age, it is not difficult to recognize that the other party should be Shinji Ikari, the pilot of the legendary machine No. [-], right?
Qin Fan's figure flashed and it was clear that he had already appeared at the door where the two were about to escape, and coincidentally blocked their way: "Don't be nervous, I'm not"

Qin Fan hadn't finished speaking, but the woman pulled out her gun and pulled the trigger at Qin Fan decisively. The crisp sound of the gunshot was particularly piercing in the empty maintenance room. Three bullets hit Qin Fan's forehead. Ripples were knocked out of the fat on his chest and chest, and then he fell powerlessly to the ground.

"What the hell are you?" Misato Katsuragi's face turned pale while holding a pistol, but the hand holding the gun did not fight at all. On the other hand, Shinji Ikari, the driver of the eva, seemed much more unbearable. The beauty's body was already trembling when she reached out her hand.

"I said, it's very impolite to say hello with bullets!" Qin Fan rubbed the fat on his chest helplessly. "Huh?" His clothes had disappeared, and he was still completely naked, so he immediately exchanged for a piece of clothing to put on himself.

If you say that people need clothes and Buddhas need gold clothes, they don’t wear clothes and all the hair on their body is burnt off. With Qin Fan’s appearance that he doesn’t need make-up in Liaozhai, if you add some scary music, it’s not surprising that people will be scared to death. , Although it looks a bit nondescript when wearing clothes now, at least it doesn't feel so scary, and Katsuragi Misato doesn't seem as nervous as before.

"Are you human?" Katsuragi Misato asked Qin Fan suspiciously.

"Can't you use interrogative sentences when you say this?" Qin Fan said helplessly.

Katsuragi Misato didn't seem to feel embarrassed, she still looked at Qin Fan warily and said, "Then why did you appear here, and your strength, who are you?"

"Uh, would you believe me if I said that I'm just an ordinary superpower?" Qin Fan asked tentatively.

"Superpowers?" Eva world does not have this setting, because of the second impact, the cultural industry of the earth has long stopped developing, and novels and animations have long become legends, but the word "superpowers" It is not difficult to understand its meaning literally, so Katsuragi Misato quickly understood Qin Fan's meaning.

"You said you are a superpower?" Misato Katsuragi looked suspicious
In a reception room inside NERV, Qin Fan is sitting on the seat, holding a teacup in both hands while gently drinking the hot tea in the quilt while trying to show a harmless smile to humans and animals, but because he just came to this world At that time, the heat beam of the apostle burned all the hair on Qin Fan's body, so now Qin Fan looks more like an enlarged version of a gray-skinned toad, even if he shows a gentle smile However, such a huge toad is drinking water, but there is no way to give people a feeling of intimacy.

"So you're a human, but a human with superpowers?" Katsuragi Misato asked suspiciously while looking at the ugly ghost in front of her.

If it was a day ago, someone said that the other party was a superpower, and estimated that Katsuragi Misato could kill the other party with a mouthful of salt soda, but he witnessed the other party killing the fifth apostle almost instantly. Legendary superpowers.

Although there are still many doubts about Qin Fan's identity, there is one thing that makes the entire NERV staff feel at ease, that is, although Qin Fan looks a bit weird, his attitude is very cooperative, at least he has not made any attacks If the opponent really used the attack method that the opponent attacked the apostle inside NERV, it is estimated that the entire NERV will be completely destroyed.

"Then where have you been living before? It has been 15 years since the second impact, why did you show up until now?" Ritsuko Akagi, who came with Katsuragi Misato, asked suspiciously.

"This... Actually, I have been adopted by my master since I was a child, and I have been living in the deep mountains. Because of the isolation in the deep mountains, I didn't even know that there were apostles. Later, my master died, so I ran down the mountain. I wanted to live a peaceful life. I live in life, but I didn’t expect to meet that hello, everyone, so I took the initiative to destroy him!” Qin Fan put the setting of a novel with a huge pit that he didn’t know when he saw before crossing, and set it on himself. On the body, he opened his eyes and said nonsense.

After listening to Qin Fan's nonsense, the two women couldn't help looking at each other, and then it was Akagi Ritsuko who said, "Okay! Then can I check you for you? The way you dealt with the apostle is not good for you. What is the level of attack, if you continue to attack, can you still do it?"

"That kind of attack method can be used at any time, let's forget about other inspections. I am the most afraid of inspections since I was a child!" Qin Fan shook his head and said.

"Didn't you say that you lived in the deep mountains since childhood? Is there a hospital in the deep mountains for you to check?" Katsuragi Misato couldn't help but said.

"Uh, what I mean is that the master will check for me, hahaha!" Qin Fan scratched his head in embarrassment and forcefully explained.

"Okay, Misato." Ritsuko Akagi shook her head at Katsuragi Misato, and then continued to say to Qin Fan: "It doesn't matter if you don't like inspections, by the way, you probably don't have your own residence now, right? If not If you don’t like it, you can come to live in my house!”

"Live, stay at your house?" Qin Fan had lived two lifetimes, and this was the first time he was invited to her house by the opposite sex. This novel experience made Qin Fan not know how to reply for a while.

However, Ritsuko Akagi was very calm, and said: "After all, you have come to New Tokyo City for the first time, and you should be familiar with it from time to time. If someone lives with you, I believe it will be more convenient. My house is very big and there is room. room, you can just live in it."

In the anime, the relatively calm and wise Akagi Ritsuko Qin Fan prefers the carefree Misato Katsuragi. However, in reality, the appearance of the two of them is different from the anime. At least in Qin Fan's opinion, the beauty of the two women is not the same. They are equal, and different from Misato Katsuragi's youthful vigor, Ritsuko Akagi is mature and stable, but also has a hint of the charm of a mature woman, which makes Qin Fan feel excited after watching Dagan. Most importantly, he has no love for the two at all. The woman uses the mirror, but the other party asks me to go to his house, what does this mean?Could it be that he has taken a fancy to himself?Qin Fan said that this can be done!Wa hahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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