King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 186 Are You a God?

Chapter 186 Are You a God?

"Okay, okay! In fact, there is nothing to hide. In fact, I am not from this world!" Qin Fan said carelessly.

"Not from this world? Are you an apostle???" Akagi Ritsuko was stunned for a moment, then sat up suddenly and looked at Qin Fan in shock, not even noticing that the quilt draped over her body had slipped off.

Once again, someone who was dazzled by a pair of snow-white eyes straightened his eyes for three seconds before reacting and quickly waved his hand: "What apostle! I said I am not from this world, not that I am not a human being! I am a human being and should It’s human. Anyway, it’s definitely not an apostle, so let me tell you, have you heard of the term parallel universe?”

Akagi Ritsuko shook her head slightly, but Qin Fan's eyes were still full of suspicion.

"Oh! I can't tell you clearly. That's fine. I'll take you to have a look. Don't resist!" Qin Fan added the other party to the list of attendants.

"Huh? Loyalty is only 6 points? Then you didn't do it voluntarily when you were with me just now?" Qin Fan said in surprise.

Although I don't quite understand what it means to have only six points of loyalty, Ritsuko Akagi understood the following sentence. The corners of Ritsuko Akagi's mouth twitched, thinking that my performance was not obvious enough?You are almost calling for help, you think I am playing with you?By the way, you never look in the mirror, unless you have lost all five senses, otherwise someone would voluntarily do that kind of thing with you?
"Whatever! Anyway, you will be my man from now on, it doesn't matter if it's voluntary or not!" Qin Fan waved his hand very freely, said a very animal explanation, and then directly exchanged the two scrolls, which originally received the other party's income. It is enough to use a scroll in the private space, but to Qin Fan, a thousand luck points really don't matter, he didn't bother to bother, put the scroll directly in the opponent's hand, and asked Akagi Ritsuko to unfold the scroll with himself
"Oops!" Almost at the moment when the surrounding scenery solidified, Qin Fan immediately used the ability to pause time.

Because of being too anxious, Qin Fan actually forgot that the two of them were still naked at this time!Unfortunately, the place where they appeared was in a street full of people coming and going.

Regarding this naked beeping behavior, Qin Fan said that it is acceptable to watch it on TV, but it is too much for him to be the protagonist, so he immediately stopped the time and took Ritsuko Akagi to a deserted alley before Resume the flow of time.

"This is." Time flowed normally again, but Ritsuko Akagi was stunned by the surrounding scenery. She was still in her home a second ago, so why did she suddenly appear outside?

"Is this space jump?" Stretching out her hand to caress the mottled earth wall beside her, Ritsuko Akagi looked back at Qin Fan in shock and said.

"Almost! Let's put on the clothes first. Although this place is relatively hidden, no one may come here!" Qin Fan exchanged a set of clothes and handed them to Ritsuko Akagi, and then changed a set himself and started to wear it.

After taking the clothes, Ritsuko Akagi frowned slightly and said, "I heard from Misato that you seem to be able to conjure clothes from the mouth of a bottle. How did you do it?"

"This is a kind of super power!" Qin Fan didn't know how to explain it, so he could only make up nonsense, but this time Ritsuko Akagi believed it. After all, although creation out of thin air is miraculous, it can be killed with a human body. The coming of the apostles is nothing.

While wearing the clothes Qin Fan handed her, Ritsuko Akagi asked in a puzzled way, "What is this place?"

"Have you heard of the Titanic?" Qin Fan asked curiously.

That's right!This world is exactly the world of the Titanic that Qin Fan visited before, but at that time, because he felt that there was nothing useful in this world, he just ignored it and went to the next world. Renovate it and act as a stronghold for yourself?Anyway, there is no powerful existence in this world, so it's fine to use it as a warehouse!

As Qin Fan expected, Ritsuko Akagi looked dazed when he heard the name, and then asked tentatively, "Is it a battleship?"

"It's a ship, whatever! This should be the United States, right? Or the United Kingdom, anyway, they all speak English!" Qin Fan said with some uncertainty.

"What? This." After hearing Qin Fan's words, Akagi Ritsuko was shocked, and said in disbelief, "This is the earth?"

Pausing for a few seconds as if explaining to herself, Akagi Ritsuko nodded again and said, "Yes, yes, parallel world, exactly the same world? Wait a minute, does it mean that the apostle of this world has not yet appeared? Didn't the second impact appear?"

Ritsuko Akagi thought that she had come to a place other than the earth when she saw the old-looking houses around her. After all, after the second impact, there were no such honest houses on the earth, even if there were still some corners. The wreckage of this kind of house would never be inhabited.

"Uh, what's the matter? I was surprised!" Qin Fan asked with some doubts.

"Answer me!" It was as if her tail had been ripped off, even Qin Fan had never been so excited when he becked her just now.

"Okay, okay! There are no apostles in this world!" Qin Fan said as if coaxing a child.

"No? If it is the same world, how could there be no? If there is no Lilith, then how did humans appear? No! Maybe it's just a temporary absence, no! You just said that this is the United States or the United Kingdom, right? Take me Go to see their president, the king, whatever, let me talk to them, maybe we can prevent the second shock from coming," Ritsuko Akagi said excitedly.

Qin Fan couldn't understand how important the second impact was to the people of the EVA world. In a flash, half of the population on the earth disappeared. Such an impact was much greater than that kind of illusory doomsday legend!And found that I might be able to prevent all this from happening. As a NERV researcher who has been in contact with the apostles since childhood, it is like a patient suffering from AIDS who suddenly went back to the past one day. The first thing I want to do is of course It is to find the past self and tell him not to go out and wander, what?Do not listen?Then castrate him!Anyway, it's better not to have that thing than to die.
Qin Fan really didn't expect Ritsuko Akagi's reaction to be so big. Looking at Ritsuko Akagi who seemed to be losing his mind, Qin Fan simply exchanged two time travel scrolls again, and then returned to the world of Eva with Ritsuko Akagi.

Sure enough, she returned to the familiar place, Ritsuko Akagi, who was originally nervous, became much calmer, and sat on the bed in a daze without saying a word.

Seeing that the other party seemed to need some time to calm down, Qin Fan raised his foot and prepared to walk out, but before Qin Fan's footsteps landed, Ritsuko Akagi suddenly turned around and looked at Qin Fan and said something that made Qin Fan a little confused words come.

"Hey! Are you a god?"

(End of this chapter)

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