Chapter 187

"There is no problem with this. Over the years, in order to study Eva, biotechnology has developed very well. We can directly extract your genes, and at worst, we can also perform human cloning. If the clones can also use similar superpowers "This time before Ritsuko Akagi finished speaking, Qin Fan exploded first.

"Stop, stop, stop! The more you talk, the more outrageous you think I am a guinea pig? If you say research, then do research, if you say anatomy, then dissect!" Qin Fan said a little unhappy, there is no way to be happy, no matter who hears that he is going to clone himself I'm afraid I won't be happy at all.

However, I don’t know if it’s a common problem among scientists. When talking about science, their thinking is different from normal people. Hearing what Qin Fan said, Ritsuko Akagi not only failed to hear Qin Fan’s dissatisfaction, but immediately explained: “There is no need for anatomy.” Yes, as long as the basic sampling is enough to obtain your genetic information! In fact, we now have a complete cloning technology, but your body may be different, so specific things need to be studied!"

Hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan was silent for five or six seconds, and finally he suddenly raised his head and said, "You should still be my slave!"

The abrupt sentence seemed very weird here, but Ritsuko Akagi was slightly taken aback when she heard what Qin Fan said, and then smiled even more weirdly!
"Of course! My master!" Without any hesitation, it was as if a lost child had found its mother, Ritsuko Akagi's smile seemed so reassuring and joyful.

That's right, Qin Fan finally used Kyoka Suigetsu on Akagi Ritsuko!No need, no, Qin Fan is really worried that this woman will secretly clone herself!Although it is not sure whether the clone can also obtain such a strong physique, the problem is that even if it is only cloned for foreign trade, Qin Fan will be shocked when he sees it!Qin Fan could not kill the other party because of this possibility, he simply hypnotized the other party, once and for all.

"Don't clone me! Do you know?" Seeing that his loyalty had risen to more than ninety points, Qin Fan directly ordered Ritsuko Akagi.

"Yes! Master!" Ritsuko Akagi immediately nodded without any hesitation.

"Alas!" Seeing Ritsuko Akagi obeying Qin Fan's words, he sighed slightly, as if a rich man said that he was not interested in money. Qin Fan also felt a little bored with this kind of woman who was controlled by Kyoka Shuiyue and then obeyed her words. It's gone, but there's no way to do it, it's better than seeing a glass case full of humanoid toad monsters inexplicably one day!
"By the way! You just said Lilith and Adam, where are they?" Qin Fan suddenly remembered, isn't the T-X1 that he left in the world of Naruto lacking the life energy of a powerful creature?If Lilith and that Adam are swallowed up, I don't know what kind of state the strength will reach!
"Lilith is stored in the final creed area in the deepest part of NERV. As for Adam, I only know that it should be stored inside NERV now, but only Commander Ikari knows the exact location." It is impossible for Ritsuko Akagi, who was caught in the mirror, to Qin Fan. There is nothing to hide between Eh said.

"Is that so! I remember that Lilith seems to be very huge? Then Adam should be about the same. If it is so big, it should be easy to find if it is stored in NERV?" Qin Fan asked suspiciously.

"Lilith's body is indeed very large, but as far as I know Adam has returned to the embryonic state when he was sent, so the body should not be too large. If Commander Ikari intends to hide it, it may be difficult to find it." Ritsuko Akagi seriously Said: "And NERV has a self-destruct device, if the master wants to snatch Lilith, the base may activate it the moment you enter the final creed area, and then."

"Is that so!" Qin Fan frowned slightly. He wasn't worried that he would be killed, but if the NERV was really blown up, then he might have no place to find the legendary Adam embryo. In an instant, Qin Fan's frown was relaxed again, and then he said with a chuckle: "Hehe, it's time to increase the difficulty of the game! Let's investigate, where did Commander Ikari hide the Adam's embryo?" !"

In the commander-in-chief's office in NERV, Ikari Shindo, who was sitting on the seat, was posing in that familiar pose as always, with his hands crossed in front of him, and his eyes behind the sunglasses were focused and cold!It's just that no one noticed that under the white glove, the slightly wriggling embryo was laughing at the hypocrisy of human beings, and around the Ikari Hall, six soul targets were holding it in the middle, as if they were arguing about something.

"These are not recorded in the Dead Sea documents at all. We should not let them participate in it. This will affect our final plan!"

"His power has already surpassed that of the apostle, it is impossible to let him go, we must change our plan!"

"How to change, his individual strength has surpassed that of the apostle, if he is allowed to join, he will lead the final completion, this is unacceptable to us!"

"Then destroy him. The human completion plan is above all else. Any obstacles that stand in the way of completion should be destroyed."

"His power is too special. So far, we still haven't found out exactly how the other party entered NERV. If we can't find out this point, once we become enemies with him, things will no longer be controllable!"

"Then give him a one-hit kill. As long as he is still a creature, he must have his weaknesses. Even an apostle can be killed, let alone a human being."

"Without a thorough understanding of the opponent, the chance of one-hit kill is very low. This kind of behavior is too risky. I disagree. It is recommended to use the opponent to fight the apostle to obtain more information."




Knowing that the six soul tombstones disappeared, there was an indescribable jealousy in Ding Zhentang's eyes: "God"

"Beep, beep!" The sound of the phone from the drawer next to it made the faint expression change on Ikari's face return to indifference again, as if nothing had happened, Ikari reached out and opened the drawer and picked up a white telephone receiver. After listening briefly, he said silently: "Let her in!"

Soon the door of the office was opened, and Ritsuko Akagi in white overalls walked in steadily.

"How? That person didn't embarrass you, did he!" Ikari Shintang said in a cold tone.

I don't know why, the moment I saw Ikari Shindo, Akagi Ritsuko's expression suddenly became a little struggling, but the strange expression disappeared for a moment, and she still said firmly in the next second: "No, the other party's personality is amazing. Yes, we get along very well."

"Oh!" Ikari Shindo was obviously stunned for a moment, glanced at Ritsuko Akagi in surprise, and then said indifferently: "That's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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