King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 189 Human Completion Plan

Chapter 189 Human Completion Plan
"What about Ling Boli? Isn't she a clone? Does she have a mother?" Qin Fan asked a little puzzled.

"This Lilith's situation is quite special. Her soul comes from the second apostle, so she has an innate advantage in Eva, whose posture is based on Lilith's body!" Ritsuko Akagi explained to Qin Fan, and finished speaking Then he seemed to remember something and said with a slightly dark expression: "Actually, if I have to say it, my mother created her, so my mother should also be regarded as Li's mother, so it is only natural that she can use the zero machine." That's it!"

"Your mother?" Qin Fan looked at her in surprise.

"Yes! My mother's soul is in Unit Zero." Ritsuko Akagi said.

"Oh! If you want to put it this way, making an Eva requires blood sacrifices like casting swords in ancient times? To make an Eva, a person's soul must be sealed in it?" Qin Fan asked.

"So far, there is no better way to solve the problem of synchronization rate. We have tested that only the soul synchronization rate of mother and child is the highest. If you want to control Eva perfectly, so far this is the only way." Ritsuko Akagi nodded Said.

"Oh!" Qin Fan actually didn't feel much about the need to kill a mother to make eva. After all, for Qin Fan today, it really doesn't matter if someone dies, so he asked these questions It's just curiosity.

"Master, is he going to take a look at the puppet house?" Ritsuko Akagi said suddenly.

"Puppet house?" Qin Fan looked at the other party with some puzzlement and said.

"After the death of the first Ling Boli, we created this puppet system to prevent similar things from happening. We cultivated a large number of spare Ling Boli avatars at one time, so that they can be replaced after Ling Boli's death!" Ritsuko Akagi led Qin Fan When I came to the huge glass pool like an aquarium, with the lighting facilities turned on, the bodies of girls were floating in it.

"Wow!" Even with the mental preparation, the scene in front of him is indeed shocking.

"Aren't they conscious?" Qin Fan asked curiously.

"No! In order to ensure the activity of the brain, they are no different from normal people, but because they have been placed in the LCL from birth to now, they have not been taught any knowledge including language, so their intelligence is still stopped at this time About three months!" Ritsuko Akagi said.

"Why don't they let them drive the eva?" Qin Fan asked curiously.

"There is no way, Lilith has only one soul, even if they are all released, it is meaningless, and the purpose of creating them is to serve as Ling Boli's substitutes, if they are released and produce independent personalities, then it will still be It may cause unnecessary trouble if it needs to be cleaned." Ritsuko Akagi explained to Qin Fan.

"By the way! I've been hearing you talking about the soul, how did you extract the soul, and how did you pour it into the body of eva or even the cloned human?" Qin Fan asked suspiciously.

"Master, please look here!" Ritsuko Akagi pointed to an unknown machine next to him and said, "It is the prototype of the eva insertion plug, and it is also used to extract the device for instilling souls."

"Then if I want to, can anyone's soul be extracted?" Qin Fan said in shock.

"As long as there is a soul, it can be extracted, but the soul cannot exist in a normal environment. If you want to save the soul, you must have a special container. Otherwise, if it is an ordinary person, the soul will slowly dissipate if it is not placed in time. The soul of a powerful creature like an apostle will slowly return to its own body, so it must be sealed in a special container." Ritsuko Akagi said seriously.

After hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan couldn't help showing a surprised expression. He had always thought that the technological level of Eva was the level of the normal earth, and it would not be higher than a few years. Similar to the effect of hybridizing wild rice into high-yielding rice, it doesn't sound so awesome, but now it seems that the eva world can use technological power to extract and seal souls at will. This alone has already crushed the general world. After all, whatever involves the soul in that world is an extremely high-end power.

"Is there usually very few people here?" Qin Fan couldn't help asking.

"This is the top secret of NERV. Among the NERV who have the right to enter here, there are only two commanders and deputy commanders besides me," Ritsuko Akagi said.

"Very good! Then this will be our secret base in NERV for the time being!" Qin Fan said with satisfaction.

But when Qin Fan was tinkering with his secret base, he had no idea how chaotic the world had become because of his arrival.

First of all, SEELE. Their human completion plan is very simple. Abandon the inherent state of human beings and return to Lilith's body. A world that allows everyone to live in it in the state of soul, to achieve another level of eternal life!As long as Lilith's body is immortal, everyone who fuses with it will not die. (Author’s note: To be honest, Eva’s animation is a bit too deep for the author himself, and I can’t understand it at all! I searched the information on the Internet and said it, and it’s not unified at all, so I can only rely on the author’s brain to make up Let’s have fun, everyone! I think this statement is quite reasonable. After all, SEELE has no body. Of course, their completion plan is specified according to their own standards. It should be like this? Hmm! It must be so!)
Therefore, for SEELE, their completion plan requires several prerequisites. All 1 apostles died, because the power of the apostles is too strong, if they are forced to complete the completion by humans, they may be interfered by the apostles! 2 Lilith body, as a carrier, exists just like the mainframe of a computer. 3 Lance of Longinus!An important prop to suppress Lilith and prevent Lilith from devouring all humans! (The author also said: I want to say something here. I read that Lilith + Lange = Human Completion Plan, but the problem is that after the old Ikari design lost Lange, SEELE said that without Lange, you can only use The first machine replaces Lilith. As we all know, the first machine is made of part of Lilith's body, so it means that the first machine is weaker than Lilith. In the plan, the base does not have a buff effect, on the contrary, it should have a debuff effect. Only in this way can it make sense! Alas! Just treat me as nonsense, everyone have fun!) 4Adam as an energy source!Possessing the unlimited vitality of the fruit of life, Adam is also an indispensable part of SEELE's plan.

Only when the above-mentioned conditions are met can humans complete the plan, and in fact, humans have already met the three conditions, and they only need to kill all the apostles, but at this time, Qin Fan, Cheng Yaojin, came out. And the power shown was even stronger than the apostles, which seriously threatened SEELE's plan, so before implementing the human completion plan, they had to add one more thing, that is to kill Qin Fan!
(End of this chapter)

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