King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 190 Ikari Shindo's Completion Plan

Chapter 190 Ikari Shindo's Completion Plan
It is imperative for SEELE to kill Qin Fan, but it is not only SEELE and his group who want to kill Qin Fan, but Ikari, who has his own purpose, also regards Qin Fan as a thorn in his side!
Different from SEELE, Ikari Shindo has his own completion plan. He is different from SEELE, who have given up their bodies. Ikari Shindo, who has a normal body, does not want to live in a virtual world like a computer game, so In Ikari's plan, the completion of human beings is not just eternal life, but detachment and becoming a god.

He learned from the Dead Sea documents that Lilith and Adam represent the fruit of wisdom and the fruit of life respectively, and they can only be regarded as relatively powerful creatures who obtained a single fruit. Only by combining the two fruits can they become gods in the true sense. , and his so-called completion is not to complete the existing human beings, but to give birth to complete "human beings". Therefore, the prerequisites he needs are 1 to kill all the apostles, the reason is the same as SEELE, and 2 to integrate the complete Lilith Ikari Yui! 3 merged with the complete Adam's self!

The completeness mentioned above does not mean finishing Anzheng's body, but the meaning of body and soul!
For Ikari Shindo, the existing human beings are nothing more than incomplete products created by gods. Without the fruit of life, these incomplete human beings will eventually be eliminated, and newborn perfect people, or gods, will replace the original defective products. !
Therefore, Ikari Zhentang has been secretly carrying out his own plan without telling everyone these years. Ikari's soul is integrated into the first machine made with Lilith's body, and the soul container Ling Boli and Ling Boli's body created with Ikari's genes Lilith's soul, her own body and soul, the Adam embryo sealed in her right hand, and Adam's soul that has been controlled by SEELE!
Therefore, there are actually only two differences between Ikari Shindo and SEELE's plans. The first is that what he needs is not Lilith but the first machine, because the first machine itself was created by part of Lilith's body, and it also contains the power of the fruit of wisdom. And the most important thing is that there is the soul of his wife Ikari Yui in the No. [-] machine!
In fact, SEELE can also choose the first machine at this point. In the original book, SEELE gave up Lilith’s body and chose the first machine because the gun of Longinus could not be retracted. The reason why Zhentang did this is precisely because of the second difference, because his plan is to use the combination of life and wisdom to produce a brand new human being, so the suppression of Longinus' gun is a big deal for his plan. Obstacles, the gun of Longinus must be removed. Of course, the gun of Longinus is still located in the Antarctic at this time, but even so, Ikari Shindo also feels that it is not safe. The gun must be destroyed or thrown out of the earth, otherwise it will be very difficult for him. peace of mind.

Although SEELE is powerful, but because they do not have a body, they can only remotely control other people or organizations to complete their plans. For example, NERV is a subordinate organization they created to help them complete the human completion plan. The commander-in-chief of Ikari Shindo is very important to them. It's like SEELE's hands and eyes, controlling NERV for them, but when the hands and eyes have their own thoughts, it's easy to hide his brain, so Ikari Zhentang wants to complete his plan. You need to plan by yourself, just follow SEELE's plan and make some slight changes!Let others organize the wedding gown and pretend to help but no one knows that the real Sina is really me. This is the real perfect plan.

In any case, Ikari Shindo is very confident to complete his plan under the eyes of SEELE, as if the script of a play has already been written, as long as the actors are ready to finish the whole play, the final ending must be what you want The one I want, but the problem is that at this time, there is an extraterrestrial intrusion, and the backstage of this extraterrestrial is really tough, so he, the screenwriter and director, has to rewrite the script at this time.

"Ikari! Is it really necessary to do this?" In the commander's office, Dongyue looked at Ikari Zhentang and said.

These days, the commander-in-chief's behavior is indeed a bit abnormal. Not only did Ling Boli be dispatched alone, but he also secretly ordered the No. [-] machine to be transferred out of NERV. Such a big move also needs to be hidden from everyone, and it is difficult to implement. It is conceivable that I am afraid that only my old friend has such means and ability to move, but it is because that person really needs to do this?More importantly, without Ling Boli and the No. [-] machine, NERV will have no usable eva inside, so if that outsider named Qin Fan goes berserk, what resistance should NERV use?

"It's okay for Li not to leave, but Ritsuko is probably not trustworthy anymore, and the puppet system maintained by Ritsuko may not be able to be used, so Li can't make any mistakes!" Ikari said in a low tone.

"You mean Ritsuko betrayed us? How is that possible?" Dongyue said in surprise.

"Impossible is not important, the important thing is that I don't trust her anymore! So Li and the No. [-] machine must be transferred!" Ikari Zhentang said firmly.

"Then what if another apostle appears? How are you going to deal with the committee!" Dongyue said.

"Didn't the committee prepare a backup to reverse the case? Since they want a share of the action, let them do it!" Ikari said coldly.

"Are you talking about the Hope Plan? Can that kind of thing really stop the apostles?" Dongyue said.

"They will not be reconciled if they don't give it a try. If you want to move forward, you always need something to fill the potholes on the road. Our task is just to grasp the steering wheel and not lose the ultimate goal!" Ikari Shintang Said calmly.

NERV Puppet House
"A very good machine, no! It's a genius, did you design this?" Diana sighed from time to time while inspecting the soul extraction machine.

"It was my mother's invention!" Ritsuko Akagi said with a cold expression. Although she didn't know what the origin of the white woman in front of her was, since the owner asked her to cooperate, she could only choose to do so.

"Your mother is really a great scientist. Her theory is simply beyond the ages. If this machine can really be used, it means that technology has entered another level. In theory, even human beings can live forever. " Diana said excitedly.

"Impossible! Although the soul can be extracted and sealed into a carrier, we can only do this, but the extracted soul will enter a state of dormancy, and we have no way to make it with Communication with the outside world is as if the other party has fallen into a deep sleep, and this situation is actually no different from death!" Ritsuko Akagi said.

"Is that so?" While checking the information on the computer in her hand, Diana said with undiminished interest: "It's okay, maybe I can provide some help in this regard!"

(End of this chapter)

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