Chapter 191
"Boom!" With a loud bang, Qin Fan's body was thrown heavily on the big face of the second Hokage of Hokage Rock!

Struggling to dig himself out from the rock, shaking the stone debris and dust all over his body, Qin Fan looked helplessly at the T-X1 (false) who seemed to have no effort in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. But ah!

Ever since he got the Qixin Pill, Qin Fan's battles have always been based on strength and skill. No matter how high his martial arts are, he will be knocked down by himself. As for attack skills, Qin Fan has never dabbled in it, let alone consider strength. How to fight when you are weaker than the opponent, on the contrary, sometimes you will be beaten by others, and it is not uncommon for people to be disgraced by the opponent's fighting skills. When facing the five old star Qin Fan in Pirate World Unfortunately, now that the strength and speed are obviously stronger than his own, Qin Fan really doesn't know how to fight!

"Let's have a discussion, can you adjust your strength to my side and force me to adapt?" Qin Fan said with a bitter face.

"Surrender to me, and I will give you a chance to live!" There was no confusion at the beginning, and the fluorescent eyes were full of determination and contempt.

"Hey! Why do we all like violence so much! Can't we convince people with reason?" Qin Fan shook his head helplessly, but the next second his body trembled suddenly, and at some point there was an excess in his hand. A huge hammer, but on the other side of T-X1, several awls or daggers and big knives around the body fell to the ground weakly and made a crisp sound, while the eye socket of T-X1 protruded, and a hammer with a size of a foot The long iron awl was nailed into the eyeball abruptly, and even penetrated most of the skull.
When the time is suspended, no matter how strong the opponent is, they are nothing more than puppets to be slaughtered, but...
Reaching out to pull out the iron mouth inserted into the skull, the eyeball of the right eye, which had turned into a bright red hole, squirmed strangely, and then returned to normal.

"It doesn't seem to be an advantage in speed! Is it time-space ninjutsu?" T-X1 (pseudo) glanced at the iron awl in his hand in surprise, and then casually threw it aside, almost at the moment the iron awl was released. However, the original body has disappeared, and the next second it appears directly beside Qin Fan.

Lightning flashes appeared all over Qin Fan's body, and the speed force was urged to the extreme by Qin Fan to escape and, at the same time, he punched the opponent's face, but was easily grabbed by the opponent: "You are very fast, but..."

"Boom!" The other party's voice hadn't finished yet, but the ear-piercing explosion covered it up. Broken iron filings flew around with sparks, and a dent appeared on T-X1's (pseudo) head, but it was Qin Fan. The result of hitting the opponent's head with a hammer hundreds of times at the moment when time stopped!
"Phew! It's really hard work!" Throwing aside the hammer with only one metal handle and the entire hammer head completely broken, Qin Fan ran towards the opponent again!
The head returned to normal again, and the body of T-X1 (pseudo) disappeared again, but in the next second, another loud noise came from tens of meters away, and then the body of T-X1 (fake) seemed to be He fell heavily on the ground like being shot by a big mountain, slowly got up and disappeared again, but in the next moment, he was shot away from a few meters away as if being shot out of the void, and then it was Some fell to the ground heavily as if being hit by an invisible big hand.

Qin Fan's strength, speed and even reaction are not as good as the opponent's, but the ability of time stagnation is too heaven-defying. Even if the opponent's strength is strong, it can't show even a little bit in a completely static time. No!At least the opponent's strong defense and recovery ability can still be reflected, but what's the point of this.

"Am I cheating?" Seeing the other party get up from the ground again, Qin Fan said with some embarrassment.

"Time and space ninjutsu! Then..." Accompanied by T-X1's (pseudo) words without joy or anger, Qin Fan suddenly felt as if his body was suddenly entangled by something, more precisely, as if the whole body His body was trapped in a quagmire-like object, and even though there was nothing around, Qin Fan seemed to be unable to move even a single step.

Without any hesitation, the time-stop ability was activated again. However, after activating the ability this time, Qin Fan strangely discovered that strange ripples appeared around him in the space of the stop. These ripples were as thin as hair. However, after touching my body, I found that these ripples were as real as they were, and I was hindered by the inexplicable ripples when I wanted to move. Although it was not difficult to break free from this restraint with my own great strength, the problem was one or two. , Qin Fan can turn a blind eye to even one or two hundred strands, the problem is that when these filaments reach tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, Qin Fan's body can no longer move an inch, and the whole space seems to become like silica gel Not to mention attacking the T-X1 (pseudo) again in the world, even Qin Fan who is close to him can't do it.

"And this hand?" Qin Fan looked helplessly at the countless filaments around him, and finally sighed: "Oh! Forget it, you can't kill him anyway, even if you try your best, it's meaningless! "

Apparently, a certain person's 3-minute fever problem was committed again. Just now, he wanted to have a life-and-death battle with the other party, but when he encountered a slight obstacle, he immediately chose to escape. Of course, it was just like Qin Fan himself. As said, in fact, even if he has the ability to stop sometimes, it is very difficult for Qin Fan to kill the opponent in the true sense with the opponent's defense power, so continuing to fight is just a waste of effort, but when encountering difficulties, he will Giving up also doomed his weak nature. Although the sudden powerful force made him act recklessly, but in the end he was just that useless nerd, and it was obvious that he wanted to become stronger in the true sense. He still has a long way to go!

With a time travel scroll, Qin Fan disappeared from this world in an instant, and the stagnant time began to flow again. T-X1 (pseudo) standing there holding the ground with one hand was suddenly taken aback. Some couldn't believe it and looked up at the place where Qin Fan had just disappeared: "Disappeared?"

The powerful strength of Tenseikan allows him to easily see everything around him, and the 360-degree view with absolutely no blind spots makes everything around him invisible, but he can be sure that the man disappeared, at least from his eyes. Disappeared in the covered area.

"Is it time and space ninjutsu again?" Looking down at his hands, T-X1 (pseudo) seemed to be feeling emotional, as if he was just talking to himself: "Strong physique, special time and space ninjutsu! His that Having a body seems to be a good choice too!" But after saying this, the eyes that were annoyed with a strange light turned into another burst of unsuitable distraction!

(End of this chapter)

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