King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 192 Human Eva Project

Chapter 192 Human Eva Project ([-])

After leaving the world of Naruto, Qin Fan went directly to the world of Young and Dangerous!If there is a problem with the product, of course you have to find the manufacturer!How long has this been out of the factory?There is a quality problem, what about the agreed three guarantees?What about paying ten for a false one?return the goods! ! !
Hearing Qin Fan's complaints, Eggy really wanted to say that this is malicious damage caused by wrong operation, and it is no longer included in the three guarantees. Qin Fan has a solution.

In fact, when Eggy kept updating the Terminator, Qin Fan once mentioned to him the possibility of betrayal by the Terminator series created by him, and told him a series of stories about T-800, the anti-bone boy. Programs, perfection has always been the concept pursued by Eggy. How could such a large loophole be allowed to exist? Therefore, the Terminator models above 1000 have a series of security measures, such as self-repairing programs, body keys and programs. Binding and timing changes, multiple auxiliary program locks and other security measures, when Qin Fan and that T-X1 (pseudo) battled, the other party showed a confused expression many times, not because the other party was incompletely integrated, and at this time he was in T-X1. The safety program of X1 is working. This program will regularly check whether the body and the program match and whether the main program is running normally. If any discrepancies are found, it will continue to make adjustments, so even if Qin Fan ignores T-X1, it won’t take long. It will also return to normal. Of course, if Qin Fan thinks this is too slow or fast, Eggy told Qin Fan that T-X1 has a self-destruct program inside. If necessary, you can hand over the remote control to Qin Fan, as long as Qin Fan brings the remote control Go back and press the switch within a certain distance from T-X1, and T-X1 will be destroyed here. However, since the research on the mother box is still at the initial stage, T-X1 is the only finished product he has produced so far. If Qin Fan If you want to destroy it, I'm afraid Eggy won't be able to help him create a second T-X[-] in a short time!

After listening to Dandan's story, Qin Fan could only choose to give up temporarily. After all, even if he destroys T-X1, it will not do him any good. It is better to wait for T-X1 to recover itself, and take a step back. , even if the programs of Eggy are unreliable and the T-X1 cannot return to normal, there is no loss for Qin Fan to put it in the world of Naruto. It's too late to deal with him!

After deciding to temporarily put T-X1 aside, Qin Fan ran back to Eva World and copied a copy of the main control programs of the three supercomputers MAGI and handed it to Dandan, although he didn’t think the supercomputers in Eva World would be better than those produced by Terminator World Eggy, but as the saying goes, foreign monks can recite scriptures, so it’s good to learn from it. In addition, Qin Fan also asked Akagi Ritsuko to make a backup of Eva’s manufacturing plan, soul extraction technology, and even the cells of Adam and Lilith. After making some, Qin Fan handed it to Dandan, hoping to help the mass production and upgrade of T-X1.

Not only that, Qin Fan also exchanged a large number of T-103 aquatic terminator heads and put them into the sea to find the sixth apostle, and then Qin Fan personally took the S2 mechanism in his body and saved it to Eggy. Anyway, T-X1 will not be used for the time being, Qin Fan just use it as a waste and ask Eggy to help study it, if it can be made into a T-X2, T-X3 or something is not bad.

In addition to providing a lot of materials for Dandan to study, Diana has also made a lot of progress. Because of Qin Fan's cheating tool, the conventional materials are almost unlimited, so Ritsuko Akagi's research does not need to be the same as before. It is also necessary to apply through NERV. Even though NERV has received considerable support due to the reappearance of the apostles, there are also many people in Japan who are staring at the cake of NERV. The people from the Ministry of Industry even proposed to use The pure machine design wants to replace the existence of eva, and has received some support, so NERV is also very tight financially recently, but this is not a problem for Qin Fan, since NERV has no ability to support Ritsuko Akagi's research Then just support yourself. Qin Fan can provide experimental materials, instruments, and even pure energy for experiments, and as much as you want. This is simply too happy for scientists. It is estimated that even if Qin Fan is relieved now Ritsuko Akagi will continue to work for Qin Fan willingly, and of course a lot of investment will bring more substantial results. In just a few days, Ritsuko Akagi and Diana have gained a lot .

"This is Tenseigan?" Qin Fan looked at the glowing eyes of the two little girls in the glass container in front of him, and said in surprise.

"Tenseigan? The master's name is very appropriate, and it sounds much better than the possessing eyes we originally had!" Ritsuko Akagi said.

"Possession eyes?" Qin Fan looked at the two women in surprise.

"Yes! The eyes of these two girls are very special. After the cells of Lilith and Adam were injected into their bodies, their bodies underwent considerable changes. They seemed to be able to autonomously transfer their souls Divide and inject into other objects and ensure that the injected soul will not dissipate, and even manipulate the object through part of the soul attached to the object! However, because it consumes its own soul, this ability is used for It also consumes a lot of energy," Ritsuko Akagi said seriously.

"Their eyes seem to be natural soul converters. We tried to pour other people's souls into their bodies, and found that they can use the power of these souls, but the power of human souls is too weak. If we can Get the apostle's soul into it, I believe it will gain even stronger power!" Diana said at the same time.

"Is that so! Is that all there is?" Qin Fan couldn't help asking when he recalled the time when he was fighting against T-X1 (pseudo).

"No other special ability has been discovered so far, but this power is still under development!" Ritsuko Akagi and Diana said after looking at each other.

"Is that so?" Hearing what the two women said, Qin Fan felt that maybe the two women didn't know the specific situation of Tenseigan, so they ignored a certain characteristic of these eyes, so he was about to tell the two women the information about loving that Tenseigan. , but did not expect the phone in the research room to ring suddenly.

Ritsuko Akagi looked at Qin Fan and immediately went to pick up the phone, but after saying a few words, she frowned and hung up.

"It's Commander Ikari! He asked me to participate in a press conference for the anti-Apostle machinery developed by the Ministry of Industry! It seems that the committee was formed for NERV. If the other party succeeds, the committee will reduce or even cancel the funding for NERV." Ritsuko Akagi Returning to Qin Fan from the beginning, he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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