King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 193 Human Eva Project

Chapter 193 Human Eva Project ([-])

"It doesn't matter, anyway, our research is supported by the master now, it doesn't matter whether they have the so-called grants or not!" Diana said.

"Appropriation is only one aspect. If the combat machine developed by the other party can replace eva, it means that the value of NERV's existence will be weakened. Now many privileges of NERV will be withdrawn. This is not just a matter of appropriation, such as military satellites. The use, the transfer of personnel and materials, and even the collection of NERV after defeating the apostles will lose priority! Moreover, NERV has done many illegal operations before. Due to the indispensable care of NERV, it has not been held accountable. If someone thinks that NERV It’s not necessary, NERV is likely to be reviewed, and I will be in a lot of trouble by then!” Ritsuko Akagi said worriedly.

"What do you mean?" Qin Fan looked at Ritsuko Akagi curiously!

"It depends on the situation. The opponent is using a purely mechanical individual and then achieves the battle through remote control. The body itself is driven by nuclear energy and has a strong battery life. However, the restrictions imposed by the operator on it are relatively weak. The reason why eva is only 5 minutes The battery life is not because the built-in battery cannot be increased, but because of the instability of eva. If the battery life is extended, it will be uncontrollable once it goes berserk, and if the other party uses nuclear energy to make it uncontrollable, the harm caused will definitely let the committee Reconsider their project!" Ritsuko Akagi said.

"You want to change their control procedures? It's impossible for you, a NERV officer, to get access to such confidential things, right? If you secretly pass by, it will be even more troublesome if you are discovered!" Diana said with some surprise.

"They are also using MAGI to help with the calculation of the program. I have the source code of MAGI and can enter the background at will. It is not a big problem to change their program." Ritsuko Akagi looked at Qin Fan after finishing speaking.

"Did they invite many people besides us for this press conference?" Qin Fan suddenly asked!
"Of course! This time they wanted to publicize that what they developed could replace Eva in fighting against the apostles, so they invited people from all walks of life to participate." Ritsuko Akagi said.

"That's it! How about we take advantage of this opportunity to promote it?" Qin Fan suddenly said with great interest.

"Us?" After hearing what Qin Fan said, the two women were taken aback for a moment, and then asked a little puzzled, "What are we promoting?"

"Human body transformation!" Qin Fan said with an expression that you have forgotten: "Eva is too outdated! We can claim that cells through eva can be injected into the human body for enhanced transformation. I think this kind of invention It must be much stronger than any robot, right?"

"Human EVA?" Hearing what Qin Fan said, Ritsuko Akagi frowned and repeated, but quickly shook her head and said: "I discussed this idea with Diana, although Eva cells can be injected into human beings at present. In the human body, but the effect is not obvious, eva cells are too much burden for human beings, without enough energy supply, the human body will be dragged down in an instant, the reason why the two of them can carry eva cells is entirely because you think you Their eyes and the relationship between our constant injection of souls, if ordinary people have no way to convert their souls into usable energy, the eva cells will be completely swallowed to death the moment they are injected!"

"In addition, although the two of them have mutated through the injection of eva cells, the ability to obtain them is not particularly strong. It is okay to deal with ordinary people, but if they are facing monsters like the apostles, I am afraid they are powerless. !” Diana also echoed.

"It's true that the two of them can't, but we can use other people instead, such as you or Saiyu, yes! We can let Saiyu and Shimomura come over to pretend to be your work, and then we'd better arrange a battle! By the way, Ritsuko, you can let their robots go berserk! Wreak havoc and then we will fight in the name of heroes, then the effect should be good!" Qin Fan said with great interest.

"It shouldn't be difficult to make the combat machine they developed go berserk or something. They were originally developed to fight against the apostles. It's enough to let the machine enter the combat state and target ordinary humans. Therefore, weapons may not be equipped during the development and testing stage, but physical damage alone should cause some confusion, but the same problem, the opponent's machine is used to fight against the apostle, even if they underestimate the strength of the apostle, but if the opponent is Human beings. Can the two people the master mentioned be able to handle it?" Although Ritsuko Akagi didn't say it clearly, she still didn't think that human power could fight against machines!

However, hearing Ritsuko Akagi's words, Diana said with a chuckle, "Don't worry about this, if the master allows them to go all out, there should be no problem!"

"It doesn't matter if there are problems, and I'm still there! If not, I can pretend to be your experimental results. I still don't believe that what they made can be stronger than the Terminator?" Qin Fan said indifferently.

Seeing what Qin Fan said, Ritsuko Akagi's original expression gradually became firm: "Since the master said so, there is no problem!"

Under the influence of Qin Fan, Ritsuko Akagi would not go against Qin Fan's wishes no matter how unreliable the proposal was, not to mention that Qin Fan's proposal was not very out of the ordinary. Is it really so?

"Huh? New research results? Ritsuko, what nonsense are you talking about!" In the transport plane, Katsuragi Misato looked at Diana sitting not far away with a look of surprise, and then turned to Akagi Ritsuko with a wary expression. He said, "And, isn't that person the outsider? Why is he here too!"

"The main research is actually led by Mr. Qin Fan. It is because of his cooperation that we have successfully developed the humanization research of Eva!" Ritsuko Akagi said after looking at Diana with some uneasiness.

That's right, this time Qin Fan finally decided to let Diana act as their research result for the time being. The reason for doing so is because the abilities of the other women are too specific, whether it is the ability of the devil fruit or the ability of Tegu. The power is very different, and at the same time, there is no way to use eva's unique at force field, so it is a bit far-fetched to say that it was created with apostle cells, and compared to other women, Diana's physical strength as a demigod is also the strongest. Strong, Qin Fan reckons that even if she knocks the apostle hard, she should be able to barely handle it. Although she also doesn't have an AT force field, she doesn't need any superpowers either. The pure strength is due to the transformation of the apostle's gene. can raise any doubts.

"Does Commander Ikari know about this?" Katsuragi Misato asked, frowning.

"Commander Ikari?" Ritsuko Akagi was taken aback when Katsuragi Misato said this, and then the application couldn't help but feel a little strange.

(End of this chapter)

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